Professor Stuart Carney / The University of Queensland
Mayne Medical School Building
Herston Road
Herston Qld 4006 Australia
Telephone +61 7 3365 5583
Facsimile +61 7 3365 5522
CRICOS Provider No. 00025B
Medical Student Performance Record
insert full name here>
September 2017
Identifying Information
insert full name here> is a fourth-year student in the Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) program atThe University of Queensland,Faculty of Medicine, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Unique Characteristics
insert full name here>has provided the personalinformation detailed below.
<Insert unique characteristics statement here>
Academic History
Date of Expected Graduation from Medical School:December2017
Date of Initial Matriculation in Medical School:January 2014
insert full name here has had no extensions, leave(s) of absence, gap(s), or break(s) in their educational program. insert full name here> wasnot required to repeat or otherwise remediate any coursework during their medical education,and has not received any adverse actions from the medical school or its parent institution. insert full name here> did not pursue a dual degree.
Academic Progress
The University of Queensland uses a seven-level Likert-type item system when assessing student performance. The items on the grading scale are as follows: 1 – Fail, 2 – Fail, 3- Fail, 4 – Pass, 5 – Pass with Credit, 6 – Pass with Distinction, 7 – Pass with High Distinction
Preclinical/Basic Science Curriculum
MBBS Year 1 Semester 1 GPA:
MBBS Year 1 Semester 2 GPA:
MBBS Year 1 Elective: Pass(of Pass/Fail grade)
enterplacement details here
MBBS Year 2 Semester 1 GPA:
MBBS Year 2 Semester 2 GPA:
Core Clinical Clerkships/Rotations Year 3
Scholarship of Research 1:
<Enter Critical appraisal/scholarship or research topic here>
<Enter rotation 1 here>:
11 January – 4 March 2016: <enter city and country here>
insert full name here>’s preceptor for this rotation said “
<Enter rotation 2 here>:
14 March – 6 May 2016: <enter city and country here>
insert full name here>’s preceptor for this rotation said “
<Enter rotation 3 here>:
16 May – 8 July 2016: <enter city and country here>
insert full name here>’s preceptor for this rotation said “
<Enter rotation 4 here>:
18 July – 9 September 2016: <enter city and country here>
<Enter rotation 5 here>:
19 September – 11 November 2016: <enter city and country here>
insert full name here>’s preceptor for this rotation said “
Core Clinical Clerkships/Rotations Year 4
Scholarship of Research 2:
<Enter Critical appraisal/scholarship or research topic here>
<Enter rotation 1 here>:
9 January – 3 March 2017: <enter city and country here>
insert full name here>’s preceptor for this rotation said “
<Enter rotation 2 here>:
13 March – 5 May 2017:<enter city and country here>
insert full name here>’s preceptor for this rotation said “
<Enter rotation 3 here>:
15 May – 7 July 2017:<enter city and country here>
insert full name here>’s preceptor for this rotation said “
<Enter rotation 4 here>:This grade will not be available until November 2016
17 July – 8 September 2017:<enter city and country here>
<Enter rotation 5 here>:This grade will not be available until November 2016
18 September – 10 November 2017:<enter city and country here>
Additional Information
If applicable:
<Insert Optional Elective Information here>
<Insert if you participated in MLP her>
<Insert if you are an honors student here (this will also be highlight in other areas of the document)>
Clinical Skills& Clinical Knowledge Examination
The Clinical Skills and Clinical Knowledge Examination tests clinical skills and knowledge from all rotations in Years 3 and 4. These examinations are administered at the end of MBBS Year 4 andpassing this examination is required for graduation. Students are allowed to substitute a passing score on the NAC OSCE for their Clinical Skills exam and the MCCEE for their Clinical Knowledge Exam.insert full name here>is scheduled to complete the NAC OSCE and MCCEE examinations in order to apply for this exemption.
The above information is an analysis of the academic performance and accomplishments of <insert full name here>,who has successfully completed three and half years of a four yearmedical program. insert full name here> is expected to graduate in December 2017.
<insert full name here> has shown commitment in a diverse range of clinical environments and demonstrated professionalism, which is evaluated in all components throughout the four year medical program. This student’s dedication to receiving a global medical education from The University of Queensland has given the student the opportunity to be exposed to many different health care systems and management models.
The experience <insert full name here> has gained during the medical program has provided an excellent foundation to begin a residency program. I am therefore pleased to recommend <insert full name here> to you as acompetentcandidate for a residency position.
Please contact me if you need any further information in support of this student’s application.
Professor Stuart Carney
Deputy Executive Dean and Medical Dean
Faculty of Medicine