Culturally Responsive/Relevant Teaching/Pedagogy Video Clips
* Gloria Ladson-Billings Cultural Competency (3:10)
* Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning (8:53), 2:40 – lesson example
(You will see a lot of what you already do. You will also see that interwoven into the teaching fabric is culturally responsive teaching – reflects student background, is culturally validating and empowering…) -- Culturally Relevant Material: Amelia’s Road
* Introduction to Culturally Relevant Pedagogy (4:40) (1:08 – 3:00) (3:52-4:15) (Gay, 2000)
Why is Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Important?
Teachers take the students’ everyday lived experiences and bring those into the classroom to make learning more relevant, meaningful, and effective. CRP builds on students’ prior knowledge
Culturally Responsive Teaching (9:59) – 6:23 – social justice issues -
short clips illustrating teachers within the classroom
* Culturally Responsive Teaching (Multiple Histories) – (3:00)
Looking at multiple histories…how people change their trajectories
Panel: Understanding Culturally Responsive Teaching (48:03) Experts
NEA – Effective Teaching in Diverse Classrooms (2:05) – Introduction to a CREDE Pedagogy Professional Development
The Culturally Responsive Teacher (1:59)
Sample Culturally Responsive Lesson Plans
Multicultural Curriculum – Fifth Grade Science/Math Lesson Plan: Egyptian hieroglyphs
Diversity in Mathematics: Census Statistics in Utah
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame: African-American Folk Music
San Joaquin Delta College
Additional Resources for Culturally Responsive Teaching – Online Resources for Culturally Responsive Teachers
ASCD –A Framework for Culturally Responsive Teaching
Classroom Activities
Simple Machines Lesson
Practitioner Brief: Professional Learning for Culturally Responsive Teaching
Science Motivation in the Multicultural Classroom
Understanding Historical Challenges or Race and Ethnicity in the United States (video clips)
YouTube Videos describing the challenges minorities have faced in this country:
- Native American
- Media portrayal
- The American Holocost
- History of Native American Indians, Documentary
- Trail of Tears – American Genocide
- Trail of Tears as Told by Johnny Cash
- The Indian Removal Act of 1830
- History of Native Americans, Pt. 2
- Trail of Tears, Pt. 1 Documentary
- Trail of Tears, Pt. 2 Documentary
- Trail of Tears, Pt. 3 Documentary
- Trail of Tears, Pt. 4, Documentary
- Trail of Tears, Pt. 5, Documetnary
- Trail of Tears, Pt. 6 Documentary
- Trail of Tears, Pt. 8 Documentary
- Slavery in America (Part 1 of 3)
- Slavery and the Making of America (Chapter 1) "The Capture" (clips from Amistad)
- Chapter 2 – The Story Begins
- Slavery and the Making of America (2005) - (Part 1 of 4) - The Downward Spiral_004.flv
- Dred Scott decision (the beginnings of slavery)
- Fugitive Slave Act of 1850
Japanese American
- National History Day 2011- Japanese American Internment Camp Debate
- A Short History of Asians in America\
Hispanic Americans
- Univision: The New American Reality
Additional Information
Immigration to the United States, 1789-1930 (Harvard University Library)