MARCH 4, 2014
CALL TO ORDER The Supervisors meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Chairman Eshleman.
PRESENT Supervisors Craig C. Eshleman, Steven R. Charles, Sr., & John Berry, Andrea Berry, Robert Hershey, Sr., Doreen Hershey, Robert Hershey, Jr., Leanne Hershey, Corey Collins, Tyler Crinstka, Robin Maguire, Adam Cramer, Dan Alexander, Bob Funk, Sharon Shrader, Eric Doman, Deb Rineer, Mark Rineer, Tracy Shoff, Ray Hess, Devin Yake, Braden Carroll, Melissa Anderson, Jim Thomas, Jeff Stoner, Donald Mahoney, Bob Barton, Shirley Yake, Todd Yake, Jonathan Aument, Cathy Cieslinski, Wes Bruckno, Joanna Gruber, Cynthia Evans Herr and Officer Shawn Powell.
Secretary-Treasurer Kelly Ream was absent. Andrea Berry took minutes in Kelly’s absence.
MINUTES The Supervisors approved the February 2014 meeting minutes on a motion by Charles, seconded by Berry. All in favor, none opposed.
TREASURER’S REPORT The treasurer’s report for the month of February was unavailable.
APPROVE BILLS The Supervisors approved all bills paid during the month of February on a motion by Eshleman, seconded by Charles. All in favor, none opposed.
POLICE REPORT Officer Shawn Powell gave the February police report.
ZONING REPORT Jim Hindes gave the February report which included a warning letter to a halfway house on Green Hill Road.
ROAD REPORT Corey Collins read the road master’s report for the month of February. The road crew did some cold patching, replaced various road signs, cleaned storm drains, and removed a few trees as well as large amounts of equipment maintenance and repair. The road crew also did a lot of snow removal and storm clean up.
537 PLAN UPDATE Township engineer Randy Shearer was present. Randy gave a brief update on the 537 plan. 70 water samples will be taken from the Conestoga Village Area. The Sewage Enforcement Officer (SEO) will be going door to door in the mapped area of the TAR (task activity report) and requesting water samples from 70 homeowners. This will be done at a cost to the taxpayers, per state DEP requirements. Randy Shearer gave the Supervisors a credit application that needs to be filled out for Lancaster Labs. Lancaster Labs will be doing the water testing. The supervisors agreed to fill out the credit application.
ACT 167 PLAN Randy Shearer gave an update on the Act 167 plan, which is scheduled to be completed by May 7, 2014, provided DEP does not extend the due date again. Randy is working on a list of items to be checked and the paperwork flow chart, which is on schedule to be completed for the March 24 planning commission meeting.
RAIL TRAIL UPDATE The supervisors are going to discuss with Martic Township the possibility of rebidding the work to be done on the trestle bridge.
COLEMANVILLE SEWER Stoltzfus property is going to be sold at Sheriff Sale later this month.
CONESTOGA AMBULANCE The Supervisors and Kelly Ream discussed dropping the worker’s comp. insurance coverage for Conestoga Ambulance since the Ambulance Association merged with LEMSA. The Supervisors do not want to pay coverage for volunteers or paid EMT’s if they can be covered under LEMSA’s policy. There seems to be some misunderstandings regarding whether or not there are any employees (volunteer or paid) still under Conestoga Ambulance. Some of the details are fuzzy due to lack of information but we are working to try to get the details ironed out. Steve Charles indicated that he would talk with Fred Warfel to see if we could figure things out.
PROJECT LIFE-SAVER Kathy Slonski gave a presentation about this service organization. This is a service organization based on emergency response when a person wanders off due to a brain disorder. There is a bracelet that the individual would wear to track their location. Training would have to be scheduled for the police and anyone involved in the recovery of individuals in the program. They do fund raising to help defer cost to the township. Cynthia Evans Herr gave a letter of recommendation from Pequea Township for this project. A motion was made by Eshleman and seconded by Charles to join project life-saver. All in favor, none opposed.
EAGLE SCOUT RECOGNITION On a motion by Eshleman, seconded by Charles, the Supervisors signed a letter of recognition as well as an accommodation certificate for Jesse Stoner of Troop 146 for earning his Eagle Scout Award. All in favor, none opposed.
CONDITIONAL USE The Supervisors held a conditional use hearing for Jason’s Woods. Jeff Boswell, attorney for Jason’s Woods gave a presentation on the benefits of changing the days of operation during the 60 day window. Officer Adam Cramer gave testimony on traffic conditions at the time of operation and also the lack of law enforcement issues while Jason’s Woods is open. Robert Hershey, Sr. stated that they try to protect the neighbors by planting the required trees and natural screens around the property, as well as picking up litter throughout the season. Supervisor Berry made a motion to approve the conditional use request. The vote was seconded by Eshleman. All in favor, none opposed.
ROBIN MAGUIRE Ms. Maguire brought an example of the ordinance adopted by West Lampeter Township. Ms. Maguire would like to see Conestoga Township adopt a similar ordinance for the protection of Native American graves from destruction and removal.
ARROWHEAD CIRCLE Donald Mahoney asked the supervisors to pick up where Pequea Township left off with the repair work on Arrowhead Circle. He feels it has been neglected. Chairman Eshleman stated he would check things out and see that it is addressed.
ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm on a motion by Eshleman, seconded by Charles.
Kelly A. Ream