League of Women Voters of ShelterIslandMeeting

12:30 pm, Wednesday, February 11, 2015

At The Library’s Community Room

Members Present: Jean Ely, Phyllis Gates, Cathy Kenny,Pat Lutkins and Lois Morris; Board Members Excused:Mary Dwyer and Kathleen Minder. Also in attendance: Patricia Shillingberg.

President, Lois Morris called the meeting to order at 12:35.

Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the last (November 8th) meeting were approved as corrected on motion by Secretary, Phyllis Gates, seconded by Cathy Kenny. Kathleen Minder volunteered to host a breakfast with the new Superintendent [of Schools], LeonardSkuggevik, whose name was inadvertently omitted.

Treasurer’s Report: In Kathleen Minder’s absence, she reported via e-mail that after all PMP dues for 2014-15 (through May, 20-15), an operating account balance of $5,663.90, including $2,897.64 in our Chase checking account and $2,766.26 in the LWVNY Educational Fund.

Voter’s Services: Vote 411: Jean Ely volunteered to provide local information for this LWV program.

Absentee Ballot problem(s): Cathy Kenny reported that of 251 absentee ballots in the last election, only one was disqualified.

2015 Legislative Agenda: Copies of the LWVNY brochure are now available and were distributed to members present.

Membership: Pat Lutkins reported that the national membership roster has been updated. She also requested a discussion of solicitation schedule(s) at the next (March) meeting, noting that current random solicitations are confusing.

Old Business: Dinner w/School personnel. Ms. Minder’s e-mailed report also noted she would pick up with Linda Bruno in March to gather ideas for LWVSI from teachers.

“Iron Jawed Angels” screening: Cathy Kenny will e-mail status to Linda Bruno w/a cc to Mary Dwyer and Nancy Jaicks.

State of the Town: Lois Morris and Mary Dwyer were named co-chairs;

  • Date: Lois Morris reported that April 26th had been cleared with Supervisor Dougherty and would e-mail The Ram’s Head to confirm that & menu;
  • Conflict(s): Pat Lutkins reported there was not a conflict with the school play;
  • Invitations: All previous (2014) materials are at Academy Printing in Southold and Pat Lutkins will follow-up – with a 4/26 event, invitations should be printed by 3/18 and mailed by 4/1 – and confirm printing schedule.
  • Lists/labels: Jean Ely, Pat Lutkins and Cathy Kenny will coordinate lists and mailing schedules, and Cathy will print labels before the next meeting;
  • Ad & Publicity: It was decided to update and repeat the previous year’s ad, for the SIR’s April 16th issue and issue a press release mid-to-late March; Phyllis Gates will follow up.

The next meeting was set for 11:00 – 1:00 on Wednesday, March 25th at the Library. [Subsequently changed to 12:30 pm onThursday, March 26th at the home of Mary Dwyer]

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:35pm.

Submitted by

Phyllis Gates, Secretary