Houck Middle School Ginger Whitehead
Course Syllabus 503-399-3446
6th Grade English Language Development (ELD) Levels 3/4
Welcome to ELD! This class is designed to improve the use of Academic English. The assignments will include speaking, listening, reading, and writing on a daily basis. The goal of the class is to have each student advance one or more level(s) in English language proficiency by the end of the school year.
¨ Daily Warm-up
¨ Vocabulary practice
¨ Lessons on English language structure and grammar
Core Content & Materials:
¨ Instruction is based on ELP Common Core Standards
¨ ELD classes consist of speaking, listening, reading, and writing
¨ The purpose of ELD is to prepare students for the academic rigor of high school and beyond
¨ Research shows that students who engage in a high percentage of speaking and writing tasks will significantly improve their language skills
¨ The curriculum is English 3D (E3D) published by Scholastic
¨ Students are provided with a notebook that will remain in the classroom, text reading books will also be located in the classroom
¨ Notebook writing tasks
¨ Unit quizzes, writing assignments, and speaking demonstrations
¨ Grading Scale: 100%-90% A, 89%-80% B, 79%-70% C, 69%-60% D, 59%-0% F
Talented and gifted (TAG) accommodations include cluster/small grouping, enrichment and higher level/critical thinking tasks. Differentiation will be used to meet the needs of all students and will be monitored for TAG students.
Classroom Expectations:
¨ Come to class on time and bring pen or pencil
¨ Treat others with respect
¨ Ask questions
¨ Always do your best in your work, effort, behavior, and words
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. The school phone number is 503-399-3446. I am not bilingual, however, Houck has several staff members that are and would be willing to translate or relay messages. My email address is . I am available before and after school. You are welcome to visit my class anytime.
Ginger Whitehead
Please read this course syllabus with your student. Sign and return the bottom portion AS HOMEWORK to room 204.
Thank you!
Full Student
Name______Student signature______
Guardian Name______Guardian signature______
Personal___ Work___
Guardian email address______@______
Phone Numbers: Home______Cell______Work______
Best time to reach a guardian:______
Comments or questions?______