Babson College, Bentley College, Berklee College of Music, Boston College, Boston University, Brandeis University, Harvard University

MIT, Northeastern University, Olin College, Suffolk university, Tufts University, Wellesley College, Wheaton College

The Chief Financial Officers and Chief Facilities Officers of the Boston Consortium for Higher Education invite you to…

Energy Pricing, Practice and Potential:

Undertaking Action to Meet the Environmental and Financial Challenges Facing the Higher Education Sector

October 11, 2007

Babson College Center for Executive Education

Needham, MA



7:30 Greeting by the Chairman and Managing Director of the Boston Consortium for Higher Education

7:40 Opening Comments: Carter Wall, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, PowerOptions / Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority

Update on recent energy market developments, including Price Outlook, Regulatory Outlook and the Evolution of Alternatives for Structuring Supply

8:15 Penn State Chief Facilities Officer Ford Stryker

Presentation and explanation of The Penn State Program

9:00 Massachusetts’ Undersecretary for Energy and Environmental Affairs

Ms. Ann Berwick

Efficiency as the Linchpin of Energy Policy

9:30 Break

9:45 Sarah Slaughter, Senior Lecturer, Sloan School of Management, MIT

The Quality of the Built Environment and the Health, Well-being and Productivity of the University Community: Issues That Colleges and Universities Must Address

10:15 Al Scaramelli, President, H20 Applied Technologies

Reducing Your Greenhouse Gas Emissions – The next major Federal environmental legislation. What’s it all about, who is driving the legislation, and what can be done to meet the expected requirements

10:45 Open discussion with Panel

Moderated by Bill Ronco, Ph.D.

We have heard about policy, practice and potentials from our speakers:

What is the most important step we can take in order to pick up the pace of change?

12:00 Adjourn


Carter Wall

Executive V.P. & COO, PowerOptions

Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority

99 Summer St, Suite 1000 Boston, MA 02110

office 617-737-8480 cell 857-891-9134 fax 617-737-8366

Ann Berwick

Undersecretary for Energy and Environmental Affairs

Mass. Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs

100 Cambridge Street, Suite 900

Boston, MA 02114


Ford Stryker

Associate Vice President

Pennsylvania State University

0200 Physical Plant Building

University Park, PA


William C. Ronco, Ph.D.

President, Gathering Pace, Inc.

28 Gould Road, Bedford, MA 01730

Phone / Fax (781) 275 - 2424

Dr. Sarah Slaughter

Senior Lecturer and S-Lab Coordinator

Sloan School of Management

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

50 Memorial Drive, Rm E52-581

Cambridge, MA 02142


Al Scaramelli
H2O Applied Technologies
50 Federal Street
Boston, MA 02110
617 574-1182