
3rdClass Booklist 2017/2018

(Please note that at this level the textbooks are relatively interchangeable and so both 3rd4th classes will use a textbook at one level combined with a workbook at a different level)

Books to be purchased;

EnglishAll Write Now Cursive level A – Folens

New Wave English in practice 3rd class – Prim Ed

Spellcheck 3 - Edco

Collins Pocket English Dictionary

MathsNew Wave Mental Maths 3rd class – EdCo

IrishBun go Barr 3 – CJ Fallon

MusicTin Whistle – key of D

HomeworkHomework Diary – Folens


1 – A4 Net Wallet with zip 3 - 88 page maths copies

6 - 88 page writing copies1 – A5 hardback copy

1 – 20 page display folder (retain from last year)1 – A4 scrap book

Pencils, 2- red pens, ruler, eraser, topper

For the convenience of parents, we have supplied a list of these requirements to Scribes School Supplies, Ballinakill Shopping Centre, Dunmore Road (051 820690) and Scholars Book Centre, John Roberts Square (051 877277).


The following can be paid in full at the beginning of the year or be paid in instalments over 3 school terms ie September, January and April

Book rental, photocopying, art materials€30 per child

School Administration€60 year, per family

Book provided under the Book Rental Scheme

English ReadersSneak Thieves, stories facts and poems – Edco

My Read at Home book 3 – Folens

Selection of reading novels

MathsPlanet Maths 3 – Folens

IrishSelection of reading novels

ReligionGrow in Love 3

SESEOur Planet Primary Atlas – EdCo

Unlocking SESE - Folens

The success of the book rental scheme can only be assured if the children look after the books and keep them in good order. Books that have been damaged beyond repair will have to be replaced by the family.

Please ensure that all uniforms and books are clearly marked with the child’s name and that books are covered.