PARISH OFFICE is open Mon–Fri from 10am–5pm (excluding 1pm–2pm).
Canon Declan O’Connor P.P. Phone: 068 21188 / Parish Mobile: 087 0908949 (strictly for emergencies only)
Email: Notices for Parish Newsletter have to be in by 2.00pm on Thursdays.
Funerals take place on weekdays at 11.30am and Sundays and Holy Days at 11.00am.
Baptisms are at pre-arranged times and must be booked through the Parish Office.
Confessions: every Saturday after 10.30am Mass.
Check out our web page and all Diocesan news on:

RECENT DEATHS John Lynch, 17/18 Main Street, The Square.

John Roche, late of O’Connell’s Ave. died in Letterkenny, Donegal.

ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Anne Hartnett, Feale Drive & Killocrim, John Fuller, Kilfeighney, Lixnaw, Biddy Reidy & Teresa Sweeney, O’Connell’s Ave.


16th June / Pat McElligott, Convent St. / Esther McAuliffe, Church St. /
Nora Purcell, Woodford / Kathleen Halpin, Greenville /
Molly & Dick O’Shea, William St. / Michael Lawlee, Bridge Rd / John Corridan, Charles St. / Vigil
17th June / Eamon Keane, Greenville, 1st Anniversary / 9.00am
Margaret & Jeremiah Scannell, Dromin /
Andrew & Josie Hartnett, Charles St. /
Darren & Donal Mulvihill, Derry / PJ Maher, Church St. / 11.00am
Monday 18th / Timothy & Mollie Lynch, Killocrim / 10.30am
Tuesday 19th / Anna McDonagh, Patrick St. / 10.30am
Wed 20th / Nora O’Mahony, Ennismore, Months Mind /
John (Johnny) P. McGrath, Riverdale, Coolaclarig, Months Mind / 10.30am
Thursday 21st / Martin Enright, Upper Dromerin & England, Recently Deceased / 10.30am
Friday 22nd / Jack & Maureen Kennelly & John Joe, Kitty & Eileen Halpin, Finuge / 10.30am
Saturday 23rd / Michael Buckley, Finuge, 1st Anniversary / 10.30am
Jimmy Browne, St. Brendan’s Tec. /
Bob Barry, Clieveragh / Sean Browne, Ennismore
Paddy O’Connell, Ballygologue Rd / Vigil
Sunday 24th / Thomas & Hannah Relihan, Bedford / 9.00am
People of the Parish / 11.00am

Priest on duty for Listowel Deanery Sunday, 17th June, Fr. Gerard O’Connell – 0879267038

OFFERTORY COLLECTION FOR YOUR PARISH last weekend parish collection was €2,689.00 (including all envelopes), Education of Priests collection €1,890.00. Many thanks for your support. May God reward you.



ST. JOSEPHS YOUNG PRIEST SOCIETY Pilgrimage to Knock, bus leaving the Square, Listowel on Saturday the 23d June, €25 per head. Booking contact 068-21768.

KILLOCRIM GRADUATION MASS will take place on Tuesday 19th July at 1.30pm. at the School. Wishing all our sixth class students the very best.

KERRY DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES 2nd to 7th SEPTEMBER Led by Bishop Murphy ex Kerry Airport. Opportunity for anyone who may need assistance to travel and stay in the Accueil Notre Dame in the ground of the Demesne in Lourdes and be cared for by our team of Doctors, Nurses & Carers who will accompany assisted pilgrims. Tune in to Radio Kerry’s Horizons Programme this Sunday 17th June at 9am to hear all about the Pilgrimage and what it has to offer. Accommodation also available in Hotels. Application forms available from Janice 064 7758219 email:

A COURSE IN PASTORAL MINISTRYwillbe heldin Tralee and Killarney starting in September 2012. Accredited by the Diocese of Kerry, it is an opportunitytodeepen your understanding of your faith andto develop your skills for parish ministry.There are a few places remaining, so why not contact Frances Rowland on 064 6630538 or email for more information.


DO YOU NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO? Senior Help Line is a confidential listening service for older people by older people for the price of a local call anywhere in Ireland, LoCall 1850 440 444. Senior Help Line is open from 10 am till 10 pm, 365 days a year.

LISTOWEL CASTLE Is open for FREE guided tours seven days a week until the end of August.

RECOVERY HAVEN is delighted to announce its inaugural 'Celebration of Light' on 29th June 2012. All Candles to be lit at 8pm in the following locations - Banna, Fenit, Ballybunion, Portmagee & Dingle Beaches. All Welcome.

LISTOWEL FAMILY RESOURCE CENTRE Summer Camp names are presently being taken which starts on July 2nd. The Marie Stubbings dyslexia/dyspraxia summerschool takes place from July 16th-20th. Further details from 068 23584.

STUDENT PROGRAMMES IRELAND STUDY ENGLISH the natural way ages from 13 to 17. Would you be interested in hosting a foreign student? We are currently recruiting host families to host students during summer from 2 to 4 weeks at the time. Students must have their own bedroom and become part of the family. Contact Kay on 087-9454786.

CANCER SOCIETY will meet on Wednesday 20th at 8pm. in the Listowel Arms Hotel.

CLOUNMACON I.C.A. ANNUAL OUTING takes place on Friday June 29th to Glengarriffe. A coach will leave the Clounmacon Centre at 8.10am. leave the Square, Listowel at 8.45am. The cost which includes: bus fare, morning tea, lunch and evening meal is €50. Enquires to Bridie 21773, Margaret 23710 or Mary 21047. Full payment Wed. 27th at 8pm. at Centre.

LOST HEARING AID Tuesday 29th May in the Church if found please drop into office.

EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS CELEBRATION: We wish all who are travelling to Croke Park this Sunday to the closing ceremony of the International Eucharistic Congress every blessing. Safe travelling.