Whitehouse Technical Theatre Arts Course Syllabus

Teacher:Vernon GroteGrade Level:9-12

Course:Technical Theatre I, II, III, and IVCampus:Whitehouse High School

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Course Description:Students will learn theatre safety.Students will learn the aspects of design and implementation of design in scenery, props, costumes, lighting, and sound.Students will also study makeup design and application.Students will recognize the interdependence of all theatrical elements, and the role of a technical director and a technician in the rehearsal and performance process of a show.Students will recognize the importance of and be able to effectively create publicity for a show.Students will work in a variety of colors, textures, and mediums. Students will read and analyze scripts to create all technical elements

Course objectives:The primary purpose of this class is to foster in students the capability to capture the playwright’s intent, process it into a creative and meaningful design, implement that design, and increase the audience’s understanding and enjoyment of the play while creating a safe environment to accomplish these goals.

Grading procedures:Grading procedures:Quizzes, classroom activities, daily work, and tech lab days (workdays) count 50%.Tests, notebooks, major projects count 50%

Final Exam Material Covered:

First Semester:Students will be tested on theatre safety, theatre terminology, tools, functions of light, lighting control, sound, rigging, and basic scenery building.

Second Semester:Students will be tested on costuming and makeup, design, and design implementation as well script analysis.

Late / Makeup Work Policy

A student will be permitted to make up tests and to turn in projects due in any class missed because of absence. Teachers may assign a late penalty to any project in accordance with time lines approved by the principal and previously communicated to students.

For any class missed, the teacher may assign the student makeup work based on the instructional objectives for the subject or course, the needs of the individual student in mastering the essential knowledge and skills or in meeting subject or course requirements.

A student will be responsible for obtaining and completing the makeup work in a satisfactory manner and within the time specified by the teacher.

A student who does not make up assigned work within the time allotted by the teacher will receive a grade of zero for the assignment.

From the 2015-16 Whitehouse Teacher Handbook page 31:


Homework, projects, papers and other types of assignments are expected to be turned in at the time and date specified by the teacher at the time the assignment was made. Punctuality is a vital part of the training and education of our students and teachers must continually emphasize that fact. Helping students set goals, set priorities, and utilize a planning calendar/agenda is an appropriate instructional objective.

When extenuating circumstances arise it is permissible for an extension to be granted by the teacher. When work is turned in late, the teacher should assess an appropriate grade penalty.

When assignments are made the teacher should specify a cutoff date beyond which the assignment will not be accepted even with a grade penalty.

All work assigned during a given grading period must be turned in prior to 3:15 PM on the last day for that grading period. Work not turned in by the 3:15 PM will be given a grade of zero. If excused absences are the reason for the late work, an “Incomplete” should be given.

Materials required for class:

1 ½” hard cover notebook with pockets, preferably with clear plastic for insertable cover

tabbed dividers with transparent color tabs, and changeable inserts

Wide ruled notebook paper

White computer/copy paper for drawing

Pencil, Blue or Black pen, Red pen, Highlighter

Architect Scale

Set of watercolors or

Colored pencils

Optional:Ben Nye Student Makeup kit (Usually around $45.00 at Rose Costumes or Denton Dance and Costume World or on line)

Note:The purpose of the notebooks is twofold.First, it insures that all students have the necessary supplies every day in class.Second, it will provide an organized study guide for use outside of class, while being a useable resource and note taking tool in class.The notebooks will be used in class every day.Please do not plan on using this notebook for other subjects.

Divider Topics:Syllabus, Theatre Safety, Tools, Scenery, Lighting, Sound, Costumes, Makeup, Stage Management, Publicity

Expectations in the classroom:

  1. Be in your seat working, with all necessary supplies, when the tardy bell rings.
  2. Allow others the right to learn and the teacher the right to teach.
  3. Raise your hand and be acknowledged before speaking.
  4. Follow all routines, rules, and procedures, no matter who is teaching.
  5. Follow all other rules as outlined in the student handbook. (food, cell phone,etc.)
  6. No roaming the room at any time.
  7. Wear appropriate clothing for the activities of the day. (You will be forewarned).
  8. Respect the property of the teacher and of all others in the room.
  9. Keep the classroom and all theatre areas spotless.Refrain from leaving any personal belongings in the classroom.
  10. Have an open mind and a willingness to attempt the task assigned.

Tutorial Times:

Monday afternoons, 3:30 – 4:15

Thursday mornings, 7:15 – 7:40.


Technical Theatre
Mr. Grote

The previous pages have been a description of the general course information for this class. It is important that both the parent/guardian and the student have read and clearly understand all the topics discussed. Please feel free to contact me at any time with your concerns.

Class Period ______

Student’s Name (Print) ______

Student’s Signature ______

Date ______

Parent/Guardian’s Name (Print) ______

Parent/Guardian’s Signature ______

Parent/Guardian’s Email ______

Daytime Phone ______

Evening Phone ______

Bring this sheet back signed for your first daily grade of 100.