First Grade Weekly Newsletter Week of May 1-5, 2017

Spelling Words Phrases to Read

mix mixed Over the river My new place Take a little

hop hopped Another great sound Give it back. Only a little

hope hoping Its only me. I know why. Live and play

run running Three years later A good man

use used Most of the animals After the game

Reading: The Dot -2 (pp.15- 32)

Skills: write base words –ed, -ing (Ex: stopped, stopping);, comprehension- compare and contrast(identify ways in which things are the same and different); words with long “e” spelling patterns- y, ie (Ex. – bunny - bunnies)

Grammar: Introduce exclamations- a sentence that shows a strong feeling (Ex.- Happy Birthday!); subject pronouns – (Ex. - Tom and Bob play ball together. They play together.)

Math: Describe two-dimensional shapes. Ex. triangle – 3 sides, 3 vertices (corners); Combine two-dimensional shapes. Ex. 3 triangles will make a trapezoid.

Science: Chapter 4: Lesson 2- What Can We Observe About Rocks and Soil? (pp. 136 -143)

Rocks are a natural resource.

A rock is a hard, nonliving thing that comes from the Earth.

We can classify rocks by where they are found.

“Classify” means to put things in groups by the ways they are alike.

People use rocks in different ways. They build with rocks and can carve rocks into statues.

People get salt from rocks.

Soil is the top layer of the Earth. Soil is a natural resource of the Earth.

Soil is made up of: clay, sand and humus. Soil in different places had different amounts of sand, humus and clay.

Humus is pieces of dead plants and animals.

People use soil to grow plants for food.

Worms and animals may live in soil. Plant roots grow down into soil. Soil may have small rocks, too.

Social Studies: Unit 2-Lesson1: Rules and Laws Lesson 2: Who Are Our Leaders? (pages 40-45)

law- a rule that people in a community must follow

community-a group of people who live or work together; also the place where those people live

*Police officers work to keep people safe. They make sure that people obey the laws.

mayor-The leader of a city/town, who works with other leaders to make a community a good place to live. (Mr. Todd Davis is the mayor of Dillon.)

city-a large, busy community

governor-a leader for many communities in a state. (Nikki Haley is the governor of S.C.)

government-a group of people who makes laws and does other jobs in a community. (Repairing roads, keeping parks in good condition, and helping when there is a fire are all examples of community government jobs.)

*Mayors and governors are part of the government.

Name ______Monday’s Homework (The Dot -2)

Write the following words one time each.

1. mix ______

2. hop ______

3. hope ______

4. run ______

5. use ______

6. mixed______

7. hopped______

8. hoping______

9. running______

10. used______

Reading: Read The Dot (p. 15-32) Ask yourself these questions: Who?, What?, Where?, When?


Fill in the blank using the correct spelling word.

1. A mom _____ the ingredients.

0 mix0 mixed

2. An animal can _____very fast.

0 run 0 running

Language: Bubble the correct word for each sentence.

1. The bears will eat fish, berries, and other fruit.

0 They 0 It

Math: Write the number of vertices and sides on the blanks.

____ vertices ___ vertices ___ vertices ____ vertices

____ sides ___ sides ___ sides ___ sides

Name ______Tuesday’s Homework (The Dot -2)

Spelling: Add –ed and –ing to each word.

stop ______

use ______

mix ______

hope ______

hop ______

Reading: Read The Dot -2 (pp.15-32) and answer the following questions.

1. Vashti sat ______to her chair.

0 glued 0 sing

2. Vashti said that she could not ______.

0 hug 0 draw

Language: Bubble the word that is incorrect in each sentence.

1. The teecher helped her draw a picture.

0 0 0

2. The baer ran up the hill.

0 0 0

Math: Bubble the correct answer.

0 4 sides/4 vertices 0 3 sides/2 vertices 0 3 sides/ 3 vertices 0 5 sides/5 vertices

0 5 sides/ 4 vertices 0 4 sides/4 corners 0 2 sides/ 4 vertices 0 4 sides/4 vertices

Name ______Wednesday’s Homework (The Dot -2)

Reading: Read and answer the questions.

Vashti sat glued to her chair after Art class. Her paper was empty. Her teacher leaned over and said she saw a polar bear in a snow storm. Vashti said that she could not draw. Her teacher smiled and said to just make a mark and see where it takes you.

1. Vashti was in ______class.

0 Art 0 P.E.

2. The teacher said she saw a ______in a snow storm.

0 polar bear 0 climb

3. The Art teacher said to make a_____ and see where it takes you.

0 check 0 mark

Language: Bubble the correct pronoun for each sentence.

1. Bob likes apples, oranges, and grapes.

0 He 0 She

2. The red car is racing down the street.

0 It 0 She

Math: Bubble the correct answer.

  1. How many make a ? 0 1 0 5 0 2
  1. How many make a ? 0 4 0 7 0 6

Name ______Thursday’s Homework (The Dot -2)

Spelling: Write a sentence with each spelling word.

1. pushed______

2. teacher______

Reading: Read The Dot (pp.15-32) Ask yourself questions about the story. (Ex. Main character, what happened first, next, etc.)


1. Some ______can hop very fast.

0 bunny 0 bunnies

2. The ______like to chew on toys.

0 puppies 0 puppy

Language: Bubble each sentence that shows exclamation.

  1. 0 The art show was great! 0 I saw many paintings.

2.0 Did you see the paintings of the dog? 0 I liked that one the most!

3.0 Dee and Jan put the show together. 0 They did a great job!


Grammar: Bubble the pronoun that can take the place of the underlined word or words.

1. Jack and Fred want to paint. 0 We 0 They 0 He

2. Roy drew a picture of a puppy. 0 It 0 He 0 She

3. The picture is very big. 0 We 0 It 0 He


Math: Bubble the correct answer.

  1. How many make a ? 0 4 0 6 0 2