FAEC meeting w/Provost Barnett

September 27, 2006

York Room


Members Present: Eric, Irene, Maria, Susan, Amruth, Jason, Steve, Anita, Erin, Marcia, Sue, Beth, Angela Cristini

Tentative Agenda:

Summer program and associated academic schedule issues (w/ Angela Cristini)

New Committees

Timing of sabbatical decisions

Class size changes

Assignment of classrooms to units


Consistency of policies across units

Ethics policy

1. Summer programs and associated academic schedule issues discussion with Angela Cristini

Base costs for summer-facilities, grounds, etc. are covered in the budget; summer program income is used for equipment, maintenance, etc. Classroom technology and science lab outfitting also uses portion of summer income. Summer enrollment is declining and faculty volunteered for teaching summer courses. Question-what is the plan for summer? November 1 is the deadline for deciding what will be offered during the upcoming summer 07 session. In order to make better use of summer school, students are looking for a variety of options including: make up for classes dropped during the fall or spring, ability to add on an extra class, or cut back on number of spring classes and take over the summer. College needs to do something quick for spring 07 to have something to offer but the Provost strongly encourages campus to start the planning cycle for summer 08 right after November 1 deadline. We are still in need of concrete data for better decision making process. How do we compare with other institutions? FAEC has requested a copy of undergraduate enrollment for summer which shows a marked drop of about 1/3 since 2001. Question also is what/who is/are external markets we could/should be serving? Our primary market continues to be the on-campus undergraduates, and then comes revenue generating markets. FAEC also requests the data be broken down by class also. FAEC requests data on the number of students who have withdrawn/gone down to 3 classes. There is a need to review policies for transfer courses above the sophomore level. Faculty disinterest in providing summer classes should also be considered.

Angela Cristini has convened a committee with Peter Goetz, Nancy Mackin, Rosa Diaz-Mulryan specifically reviewing alternative summer programs. What are the benefits of attracting students from other institutions vs. keeping our own students here? The committee was charged to come up with suggestions for summer programming (not summer school)using the campus during summer. Resistance to shorter academic sessions is primarily due to academic quality and the question of having enough students to fill offered classes? FAEC requests data on the number of students who have withdrawn/gone down to 3 classes. Question remains what to offer during the summer? Trial and error approach part of past practice, offering gen ed vs. electives is also question. Main points are the financial problem and the academic delivery problem. There is a need to review policies for transfer courses above the sophomore level. Currently 30% of college level students take 5 years to complete their education. Can we survey the students about why/why not they are taking summer classes? [Main point of this discussion was defining exactly what the problem may be] Faculty disinterest in providing summer classes should also be considered. The main charge of the committee that Angela is part of was to improve summer programming not summer school (academic program). TCNJ’s summer academic program only serves its students and is not designed for students from other institutions, something Ramapo may want to consider. In terms of summer programming, Tthe committee came up with an idea offor a 4-week credit bearing residential program for high school students during July, which is modeled along the lines of the Governors school. Adult institutes were considered but do not generate as much revenue (Elderhostel programs). Summer campdata is very incomplete about revenue or participation. Corporate conferences were ruled out as a revenue generator because Ramapo does not have what is seen as needed facilities. [See Summer Programming at Ramapo College of New Jersey document from Angela’s committee] The summer programming committee strongly suggested a 4 week credit bearing residential program for high school students during the month of July. Angela’s question for FAEC and faculty in general was can each school pilot 2 linked courses for summer 07 based on their outline? The deadline for providing information for the program coincides with the November 1 deadline for putting something up for summer school. Will there be a commitment to provide this program and what is the incentive on the part of the faculty member? Courses will need to be certified for credit at Ramapo before they’ll be accepted at other institutions. High school contacts are also in place. Approval of courses will go through ARC. Potential revenue projected for 100 students enrolled in the program is a net of $220,000. Faculty teaching the courses would receive summer stipend above adjunct rate (to be revised). The target date for planning summer 08 and additional long term planning done by a task force should be due on or about May 07.

At this point what does the Provost needs from FAEC:? 1) a written proposal (?) by November 1, 2) representation on the summer program committee, 23) suggestions for regular summer school (academic) programs. In theory, there will be a steering task force reviewing overall summer happenings with 2 sub groups: 1) for special summer programs and 2)summer school for our students. Support and housing of the pilot high school student program will rest with the deans. [Important point to stress: this is not a degree granting program and will not lead to a degree; it is strictly for high school students who would like to experience “college life” for 4 weeks during thea summer.] There needs to be buy-in from younger faculty members especially in regards to scheduling and compensation. More importantly this must be given to the faculty as soon as possible for discussion. Angela will get back to FAEC with a written proposal and the Provost is asking for support from this group. Original question: what about summer 07? Can we survey students regarding summer school, what they would take or not take? Not feasible at this time.

The deans said no to Maymester but the Provost still needs input on what to do for summer school.. Angela will provide a written statement, with input from the Provost’s Office, for the faculty to discuss. November 1 is still the deadline for course offerings. Should we continue to offer basic courses? What is SGA’s opinion on summer? The Provost is still pushing for curriculum maps. Can we get a guarantee that core course won’t be cancelled? Need to consider how advisement fits into summer school. Question: has trimester system been looked at? Yes but we willstill need more faculty to fill course loads. Decisions still depend on data.

2. Ethics policies

Susan provided information from Murrary Sabrin from the Board of Trustees Finance committee regarding the ethics regulations which are inconsistent with national policies at other state institutions. It was suggested that Faculty Assembly draft a resolution to revise the regulations. The Ethics Commission has asked for feedback from academic officers statewide. A letter is being drafted from the ethics liaisons. Iy was sSuggested that we send specific concerns to Denise Coleman. The publication issue: publication is an expected part of the job requirement for being a faculty member, how can we publish and not provide an affiliation? Steve willask Denise to notify the faculty regarding the draft letter and request feedback. There needs to be a consistent response from the academic affairs officers for their report to the Ethics Commission hearing on October 19. FAEC will need to check with the Union and what they may be negotiating/working on in terms of a response.

Due to lengthy discussions regarding summer, FAEC may need to schedule additional meetings with Provost Barnett. Eric will try to get something scheduled or we may decide to meet longer with the President/Provost at next week’s meeting.