E S P P International White Magick, Psychic Research

and Spiritual Development Center

EEE S PPPPP Al G. Manning, Founder 970-462-4065
E S P Box 2883
EEEEE SSSS P DuRAngo, CO 81302

Real Magick, Real Results
A Service of Spiritual Science
President: Sami MERLYN Rose Volume 48# 10
All Rights Reserved: ESP LAB® WINTER SOLSTICE: RETURN OF THE LIGHT Copyright: December 1, 2013
GREETINGS as we begin our 48th year and
10th month of our FUN ESP LAB Newsletters!
LET US BE BLESSED as we come and join in the party! As we play very hearty-- let us know Our battles are already won! For this we GIVE THANKS as we CELEBRATE LIVING the charmed life NOW! Let's LIVE with new FORWARD MOVING SUCCESS-- with LOVE, Peace, JOY, Protection, Prosperity, Creativity, Good Health, & Good Energies-- just pouring into our personal life experiences, accepting the bounty of SPIRIT HELP and the bounty of the UNIVERSE! Our opening paragraph is dedicated to YOU-- to receive SPIRITUAL RENEWAL with SUCCESSFUL MANIFESTATION of all that is needed & more. Let there be: NEW RAINBOWS and waves with rivers and streams; buckets and wheelbarrows FULL of MONEY, Good FEEDBACK, fresh inquiries, positive publicity, success stories, & loving harmony just pouring in! Let's touch our POWER STAR OFTEN… and receive a new connection with spiritual forces! Let us be thankful of our many blessings as we Breathe, Relax, Smile, ENJOY, & WIN-- knowing everyday is a precious gift!!!! /
LUSH GREEN PROSPERITY with HEALING and GOOD FORTUNE: December 15th, Sunday 2013
High Noon California USA Time-- 3pm Eastern
> by PHONE< Conference Call-- Dial-in Number:
(712) 432-0111 Participant Access Code:243502#
LIGHTING OF THE OAK FIRES at ESP LAB HQ-- As the sun comes over the mountains Winter Solstice Morning
we will re-light the oak fires for a new year… If in the neighborhood, let us know you are coming. At high noon on December 21st, we will offer up last year's Christmas thoughtform cards while declaring good fortune of all participants.. Get your Cards in by the 24th or as soon as you can. We treat for the success for these good wishes all year long.
On VENUS Retrograde-- Lovely Planet Venus turns Retrograde December 21 at 1:53 pm Pacific Times. More on this in the Maverick Astrology Column… page 4 / Many thanks with Celebratory blessings of LIGHT to our NEWEST LIFE MEMBER, ZOILA BLANCO-- We are so proud of our newest life member ZOILA. Thank you for having the faith and trust in the future of ESP LAB, by sending in your life membership! Contributions like yours keep us alive and growing. Your LABStaff with our MERRY SPIRIT BAND join together in renewing our pledge to you and to all LIFE MEMBERS-- to do our utmost to keep your LAB the powerful, progressive, super force for good that you so properly deserve! Good to have you with us in this very special way! Enjoy Spirit's special personal greetings to you!! THANKS for your giving and be BLESSED!
BLESSINGS, PRAYERS, INTENSIVE TREATMENTS-- We treat for the success of all positive requests made of Spiritual Science and ESP LAB. Send in yours today & declare with us: "Let there be complete manifestion of all positive requests in the ESP LAB!" and so it is! Let there be LIFE, LIGHT, LOVE, JOY & FRESH PROSPERITY NOW for ESP LAB, its members, ESPecially, all participants!
LOVE OFFERINGS ACCEPTED-- Collections were down in 2013 vs 2012. Luckily Rev. Sami donated the rent and utilities. We do need YOUR SUPPORT to keep operating.
Plant your prosperity seed with the Lab & watch it grow!