SUNY Oswego College CatalogCopied 3/9/17 & Verified 11/16/17

Credit for Military Educational Experiences / ^Top

Limited course credit may be granted for educational experience received while in military service. Such experience will be evaluated in terms of its relation to degree requirements. The credit awarded may not be used to meet major program requirements without departmental approval. Inquiries regarding credit for military educational experiences should be directed to the Office of the Registrar.

Proficiency Examination Credit

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Any undergraduate at Oswego may receive a maximum of thirty credit hours and with departmental approval may receive up to a maximum of twelve credit hours toward a major program via a sufficient grade or score on a recognized proficiency examination. A grade of C or higher must be obtained on an Excelsior College Proficiency Examinations or a score of 50 or higher must be achieved on the Subject Examinations of the College-Level Examination Program of the College Entrance Examination Board. A student who has received credit for an advanced course (300 level or above) in a given major program cannot receive proficiency credit via the above examinations for a lower level course in the same major program.
Achievement of a sufficient grade or score on a recognized proficiency examination is an acceptable substitute for a corresponding course offering in which the student has received a failing grade (E), provided the course is not a requirement in the student’s major program. All students passing such a proficiency examination under such a situation can transfer the credits for the exam. However, grades do not transfer to SUNYOswego.
Oswego has established a proficiency examination program to serve students who seek recognition for achievement acquired outside the conventional college classroom. The program has been established to help those students entering Oswego as well as those already matriculated. Described below are the proficiency examinations recognized by Oswego for college credit. Any undergraduate at Oswego may receive a maximum of 30 credit hours of credit and with departmental approval may receive up to a maximum of 12 hours of credit toward a major program via proficiency examinations.

Advanced Placement

The Advanced Placement Program (AP) of the College Entrance Examination Board is designed to enable students to pursue college-level studies while still in secondary school. The exams are graded on a five-point scale; in order to receive Oswego credit a score of three or higher must be earned. How credit is evaluated is outlined in the SUNY Oswego Advanced Placement (AP) Course Equivalencies Table. These listings are subject to change, students should confirm equivalencies with the General Education Director and their advisor.
Information about the AP Program may be obtained from the Admissions Office or the College Board Advanced Placement Program, PO Box 6771, Princeton, NJ 08541.

SUNY Oswego Advanced Placement (AP)Course Equivalencies

(Subject to change)


AP Subject
APExam Title / Exam Score / Credit Hours / Course Exempted / SUNY Oswego Course Title / General Education Area for Degree Audit/Notes
Research / 3, 4, 5 / 3 / LAS XXXX / LAS Elective / Arts & Science Elective Credit
Seminar / 3, 4, 5 / 3 / LAS XXXX / LAS Elective / Arts & Science Elective Credit
Art History / 3, 4, 5 / 3 / ART100 / Introduction to the Visual Arts / Fine/Performing Arts
Studio Art: General / 3, 4, 5 / 3 / ART 100 / Introduction to the Visual Arts / Fine/Performing Arts
Studio Art: Drawing / 3, 4, 5 / 3 / ART 102 / Topics in Traditional Media and Methods - Drawing / Fine/Performing Arts
Studio Art: 2-D Design / 3, 4, 5 / 3 / ART102 / Topics in Traditional Media and Methods - 2-D Design / Fine/Performing Arts
Studio Art: 3-D Design / 3, 4, 5 / 3 / ART102 / Topics in Traditional Media and Methods - 3-D Design / Fine/Performing Arts
Biology / 3 / 4 / BIO101 / General Biology / Natural Sciences
Biology / 4, 5 / 4 / BIO 120 / Molecular and Cellular Foundations / Natural Sciences (Note 1)
Chemistry / 3 / 4 / CHE101 / Survey of Chemistry / Natural Sciences
Chemistry / 4 / 4 / CHE 111 / General Chemistry / Natural Sciences
Chemistry / 5 / 8 / CHE 111 and
CHE 212 / General Chemistry
General Chemistry II / Natural Sciences
Arts & Science Elective Credit (or science requirement for science majors)
Computer Science A / 3, 4, 5 / 3 / CSC212 / Principles of Programming / Arts & Science Elective Credit
Microeconomics / 3, 4, 5 / 3 / ECO101 / Principles of Microeconomics / Social/Behavioral Sciences
Macroeconomics / 3, 4, 5 / 3 / ECO 200 / Principles of Macroeconomics / Social/Behavioral Sciences
Language/Comp / 3 / 3 / ENG101 / Composition I / Arts & Science Elective Credit
Language/Comp / 4, 5 / 6 / ENG 101 and
ENG 102 / Composition I
Composition II / Arts & Science Elective Credit
Writing (Note 2)
Comp/Lit / 3 / 3 / ENG 101 / Composition I / Arts & Science Elective Credit
/ 4, 5 / 6 / ENG 101 and
ENG102 / Composition I
Composition II / Arts & Science Elective Credit
Writing (Note 2)
Environmental Science / 3 / 3 / LAS XXXX / LAS Elective Credit / Arts & Science Elective Credit
Environmental Science / 4, 5 / 3 / GEO115 / Environmental Sustainability / Natural Sciences
European History / 3, 4 / 3 / HIS 100 / The West and the World to 1500 / Western Civilization
European History / 5 / 6 / HIS 100 and
HIS 101 / The West and the World to 1500
The West and the World 1500 - 1900 / Western Civilization and
Arts & Science Elective Credit
American / 3, 4, 5 / 3 / LAS XXXX / LAS Elective Credit / Social/Behavioral Sciences
Comparative / 3, 4, 5 / 3 / LAS XXXX / LAS Elective Credit / Social/Behavioral Sciences
U.S. History
/ 3, 4
/ 3 / HIS202 or
HIS203 / History of the United States to 1865
History of the United States since 1865 / American History (Note 3)
U.S. History / 5 / 6 / HIS202 and
HIS203 / History of the United States to 1865
History of the United States since 1865
Geography / 3, 4, 5 / 3 / GEG 100 / Introduction to Geography / Arts & Science Elective Credit (Note 4)
Chinese: Language/Culture
/ 3, 4, 5 / 6 / CHI101 and
CHI102 / Elementary Chinese
Continuing Elementary Chinese / Arts & Science Elective Credit
Foreign Language
French: Language and Culture
/ 3, 4, 5 / 6 / FRE 101 and
FRE102 / Elementary French
Continuing Elementary French / Arts & Science Elective Credit
Foreign Language
French: Literature
/ 3, 4, 5 / 6 / FRE101 and
FRE102 / Elementary French
Continuing Elementary French / Arts & Science Elective Credit
Foreign Language
German: Language /Culture
/ 3, 4, 5 / 6 / GER101 and
GER102 / Elementary German
Continuing Elementary German / Arts & Science Elective Credit
Foreign Language
German: Literature
/ 3, 4, 5 / 6 / GER101 and
GER 102 / Elementary German
Continuing Elementary German / Arts & Science Elective Credit
Foreign Language
Italian: Language /Culture
/ 3, 4, 5 / 6 / ITA101 and
ITA102 / Elementary Italian
Continuing Elementary Italian / Arts & Science Elective Credit
Foreign Language
Japanese: Language /Culture / 3, 4, 5 / 6 / JPN 101 and
JPN 102 / Elementary Japanese
Continuing Elementary Japanese / Arts & Science Elective Credit
Foreign Language
Latin: Vergil / 3, 4, 5 / 3 / LAS XXXX / LAS Elective Credit / Arts & Science Elective Credit
Rusian: Language and Culture / 3, 4, 5 / 3 / LAS XXXX / LAS Elective Credit / Arts & Science Elective Credit
Spanish: Language and Culture / 3, 4, 5 / 6 / SPA 101 and
SPA 102 / Elementary Spanish
Continuing Elementary Spanish / Arts & Science Elective Credit
Foreign Language
Spanish: Literature / 3, 4, 5 / 6 / SPA 101 and
SPA 102 / Elementary Spanish
Continuing Elementary Spanish / Arts & Science Elective Credit
Foreign Language
Calculus AB / 3, 4, 5 / 4 / MAT210 / Calculus I / Mathematics
Calculus BC / 3, 4, 5 / 8 / MAT210 and
MAT220 / Calculus I
Calculus II / Mathematics
Arts & Science Elective Credit
Statistics / 3, 4, 5 / 3 / MAT158 / Introduction to Statistics A / Mathematics
Listening / 3, 4, 5 / 3 / MUS113 / Intro to Music Literature and History / Humanities
Theory / 3 / 3 / MUS 100 / Fundamentals of Music Theory / Fine and Performing Arts
Theory / 4, 5 / 3 / LAS XXXX or
MUS200 / LAS Elective Credit
Intermediate Music Theory I / Arts & Science Elective Credit or
MUS200 in Music major
PHYSICS (Note 5)
Physics I
(Algebra Based) / 3 / 3 / PHY XXXX / PHY Elective Credit / Natural Sciences
Physics I
(Algebra Based) / 4, 5 / 4 / PHY 101 / Introductory Physics / Natural Sciences
Physics II
(Algebra Based) / 3 / 3 / PHY 101 or
PHY XXXX / Introductory Physics or
PHY Elective Credit / Natural Sciences
Physics B
(Calculus Based) / 3 / 4 / PHY 111 / College Physics I / Natural Sciences
Physics B
(Calculus Based) / 4, 5 / 8 / PHY 111 and
PHY 112 / College Physics I
College Physics II / Natural Sciences
Arts & Sciences Elective Credit (or science requirement for science majors) (Note 6)
Physics C Mech
(Calculus Based) / 3 / 4 / PHY XXXX / PHY Elective Credit / Arts & Science Elective
Physics C Mech
(Calculus Based) / 4, 5 / 8 / PHY 111 and
PHY 212 / College Physics I
College Physics II / Natural Sciences
Arts & Science Elective (or science requirement for science majors) (Note 6)
Physics C: E&M
(Calculus Based) / 3 / 4 / PHY XXXX / PHY Elective / Arts & Science Elective
Physics C: E&M
(Calculus Based) / 4, 5 / 8 / PHY 111 and
PHY 212 / College Physics I
College Physics II / Natural Sciences
Arts & Science Elective (or science requirement for science majors) (Note 6)
Psychology / 3 / 3 / PSY XXXX / PSY Elective Credit / Social/Behavioral Sciences
Psychology / 4, 5 / 3 / PSY100 / Introduction to Psychology / Social/Behavioral Sciences
World History / 3 / 3 / HIS XXXX / HIS Elective Credit / World Awareness: Humanities (Note 7)
NOTE 1: May be used as either BIO 120 or 4 hours free elective in the major (depending on focus of AP course). BIO 120 as an option is recommended.
NOTE 2: If student has taken both Lang/Comp and Comp/Lit they can only receive a maximum of 6 credits since both exams award credit for the same courses.
NOTE 3: HIS 202 will appear as default on Degree Works but may be changed to HIS 203 by advisor or Registrar should student desire to take HIS 202 at Oswego.
NOTE 4: May be used to satisfy Curriculum and Instruction Social Studies Cognate Requirement.
NOTE 5: Total credits that can be earned in Physics is 11 credits.
NOTE 6: Score of 4 or 5 is required for credits to count toward science major’s (core/cognates).
NOTE 7: A) Credit can be used to meet History major “World/Transitional/Comparative” area requirement. B) Credit can be used to meet Curriculum and Instruction non-western core requirement for social studies concentration certification areas.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

CLEP, offered by the College Board, is the most widely accepted credit-by-exam program in the country. Exams offered by CLEP include both General and Subject Examinations.
General Exams—students may only receive Arts and Sciences elective credit for the successful completion of the General Exam(s).
College Composition Exam—Students who receive a score of 52 or more on the College Composition Exam will be exempted from Communication:Writing Requirement of the General Education Program, and will receive a total of six credits of credit (remaining three credits will go toward Arts and Science elective credit). Students who receive a score between 50 and 51 will be awarded three credits of Arts and Sciences elective credit.
Subject Exams—Students may be exempted from specific courses by successfully completing a Subject Exam. A minimum score of 50 or more is required to be awarded credit.

How credit is evaluated is outlined in the CLEP - College Level Examination Program Credit Table.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)Course Equivalencies

(Subject to change)

CLEP Examinations

CLEP General Examinations
Examination / Minimum Score / CreditHours / Oswego Course Equivalent / Oswego Course Title
College Composition / 52 / 3 / ENG 102 / Composition II
Humanities / 50 / 6 / LAS XXXX / LAS Elective Credit
Mathematics / 50 / 3 / MAT XXXX / MAT Elective Credit
Natural Sciences / 50 / 6 / LAS XXXX / LAS Elective Credit
Social Sciences and History / 50 / 6 / LAS XXXX / LAS Elective Credit
CLEPSubject Examinations
Examination / Minimum Score / Credit Hours / Oswego Course Equivalent / Oswego Course Title/Notes
American Government / 50 / 3 / POL 205 / American Government & Politics
American History I / 50 / 3 / HIS 202 / US Histry to 1865
American History II / 50 / 3 / HIS 203 / US History since 1865
American Literature / 50 / 3 / ENG 236 / American Lit./Civil War - Pres.
Analysis and Interpretation of Literature / 50 / 3 / ENG 150 / Principles of Literary Representation
Financial Accounting / 50 / 3 / See Note
Introductory BusinessLaw / 50 / 3 / See Note
Intro. to Educational Psychology / 50 / 3 / PSY 330 / Educational Psychology
Calculus with Elementary Functions / 50 / 4 / MAT 210 / Calculus I
College Algebra / 50 / 3 / MAT 104 / College Algebra
College French - Level 1 / 50 / 6 / FRE 101
FRE 102 / Elementary French
Continuing Elementary French
College French - Level 2 / 62 / 9 / FRE 102
FRE 201
FRE 202 / Continuing Elementary French
Intermediate French
Continuing Intermediate French
College German - Level 1 / 50 / 6 / GER 101
GER 102 / Elementary German
Continuing Elementary German
College German - Level 2 / 63 / 9 / GER 102
GER 201
GER 202 / Continuing Elementary German
Intermediate German
Continuing Intermediate German
College Spanish - Level 1 / 50 / 6 / SPA 101
SPA 102 / Elementary Spanish
Continuing Elementary Spanish
College Spanish - Level 2 / 63 / 9 / SPA 102
SPA 201
SPA 202 / Continuing Elementary Spanish
Intermediate Spanish
Continuing Intermediate Spanish
English Literature / 50 / 3 / LAS XXXX / LAS Elective Credit
General Biology / 50 / 6 / BIO 101
LAS XXXX / General Biology
LAS Elective Credit
General Chemistry / 50 / 6 / CHE 101
LAS XXXX / Survey of Chemistry
LAS Elective Credit
Human Growth and Development / 50 / 3 / PSY 200 / Lifespan Developmental Psych.
Information Systems and Computer Applications / 50 / 3 / CSC 101 / Tools for Computing
Principles of Macroeconomics / 50 / 3 / ECO 200 / Prin. of Macroeconomics
Principles of Management / 50 / 3 / See Note
Principles of Marketing / 50 / 3 / See Note
Principles of Microeconomics / 50 / 3 / ECO 101 / Prin. of Microeconomics
Introductory Psychology / 50 / 3 / PSY 100 / Introduction to Psychology
Introductory Sociology / 50 / 3 / SOC 100 / Introductory Sociology
Western Civilization I / 50 / 3 / HIS 100 / The West and the World to 1500
Western Civilization II / 50 / 3 / HIS 101 / The West & the World 1500-1900
Note: The college will award credit for examinations in Business; however, the School of Business will not grant CLEP credit for core courses within the major, and they may not be used for Wellness Management cognates.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

SUNYOswego awards college credit to students completing high school through the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. Exam levels are Standard Level (SL) and Higher Level (HL). Standard Level exams can be equated to the Advanced Placement (AP)level. Additional coursework is done for HLexams. The minimum score to earn credit at SUNYOswego is 4. How credit is evaluated is outlined in the SUNY Oswego International Baccalaureate (IB) Course Equivalencies Tables.IB exams at Oswego are reviewed on an as-needed basis. IB equivalency information is subject to change. Students should confirm equivalencies with the General Education director and their advisor.

Additional information about the IBProgram may be obtained from the Admissions Office or the International Baccalaureate Program website at

Transfer Information

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Admission as a Transfer Student

Applicants who have earned more than 11 credit hours at another college or university, following completion of their high school diploma or its equivalent, will be considered for admission as transfer students. In addition to completing the SUNYApplication or the Common Application for admission, transfer students must submit an official transcript from each college or university previously attended. Those students with a gap in their education will be required to submit a transfer supplement. Ultimately, all transfers who enroll will need to provide proof of high school graduation, or its equivalent.
Transfer applicants for the fall semester who have a completed application on file by March 1 will be given priority for admission. Applicants for the spring semester who file by December 15th will be given priority for admission. While applications submitted after these dates are welcome, they are considered asspace remains available. The cumulative grade point average earned in previous college work is the primary criteria used in admitting transfer students.
A profile of the 2016entering transfer class indicates students generally had a cumulative GPA of approximately 2.5 and the mean GPA was 3.0. Transfer students seeking admission to the School of Education and Department of Biological Sciences programs may need a GPA higher than applicants to other majors; contact the Office of Admissions for details.

Policy for Evaluation of Transfer Credits

For all transfer students, an initial degree audit will be completed after acceptance to SUNY Oswego.An unofficial degree audit can be requested prior to the application process.All credit is tentative until approval from the department following enrollment.All course work completed with a passing grade from regionally accredited institutions will transfer to Oswego, as described in the “Requirement Guides for Transfer Students” below. Courses completed at another institution transfer only as credits; grades do not transfer.
Acceptance of transfer credits from non-accredited institutions is tentative until successful completion of one full-time semester at Oswego, after which equivalency credits will be determined by the Registrar upon consultation with the major department.
Some training courses provided by the Armed Forces may be the equivalent of college courses and transfer credit may be obtained by presenting an official military transcript to evaluate the credits to the Office of Extended Learning. A guide provided by the American Council on Education is used to determine what credit might be granted. Blanket credit is not granted for military service. Credit will be granted for all courses sponsored by the United States Armed Forces Institute which are college level and which are completed with a satisfactory end-of-course examination.

Requirement Guidelines for Transfer Students

Transfer students must consult with their major department’s chairperson or advisement coordinator to determine the remaining requirements of the major field and the general graduation requirements of Oswego.
Students who transfer to Oswego must complete the following graduation requirements:

  1. Complete a minimum of thirty credit hours at Oswego.
  2. Complete all of the requirements of the major department and the college.
  3. Earn a minimum of one-half of the major and concentration requirements at Oswego.
  4. Complete a minimum of 60 credit hours from an accredited four year institution and 42 upper division credits.

Please note that simply compiling credits will not assure candidates of meeting bachelor’s degree requirements. Students should be certain that they are aware of their graduation requirements. They should consult this College Catalog and Degree Works and be sure to meet with their academic advisor throughout the academic year.

Two year college transfer students should recognize that since they are required to complete 60 credit hours (30 at Oswego) from a four year institution, a maximum of 60 credit hours of two year college transfer credit may be applied toward the Oswego bachelor’s degree.
Four year college transfer students, since they must complete 30 credit hours at Oswego, may apply up to 90 credit hours of transfer credit toward the Oswego bachelor’s degree.