School of Health Sciences

School of Health Sciences Assessment Session



1.  Rahul is paid £850 a month. Each month he spends 60% of his and pay saves the rest. How many months will it take Rahul to save £1700?

A.  3 months

B.  4 months

C.  5 months

D.  6 months

2.  A hair salon price list is shown below.

Trim and Colour £65.50
Wash and Dry £15.50
Perm £68.00
Special Offer 10% off

Sarah has a Perm. She uses the special offer. How much does she pay?

A.  £50.00

B.  £61.20

C.  £65.00

D.  £67.32

3.  There are 180 people in a cinema. 30% of the people buy popcorn. How many people buy popcorn?

A.  30 people

B.  54 people

C.  60 people

D.  120 people

4.  The diagram below shows the speedometer in a car.

What speed is the car travelling in miles per hour?

A.  40 mph

B.  46 mph

C.  55 mph

D.  70 mph

5.  A recipe states that you need 120g of flour to make 10 cupcakes. How much flour would you need to make 30 cupcakes?

A.  240g

B.  300g

C.  360g

D.  450g

6.  Bananas cost 36p each. What is the largest number of bananas James can buy with £2?

A.  4 bananas

B.  5 bananas

C.  6 bananas

D.  8 bananas

7.  What is the total weight of 3 parcels weighing respectively 2.3kg, 750 grams and 3 ¼ kg?

A.  4.3kg

B.  5.5kg

C.  6.3kg

D.  7kg

8.  Jackie buys some tickets to for a fairground. Each ticket costs £4.50. Jackie pays with £40 and gets £8.50 change. How many tickets did Jackie buy?

A.  4 tickets

B.  7 tickets

C.  9 tickets

D.  12 tickets

9.  8 children visit the dentist. Their ages are as follows (in years): 8, 4, 6, 13, 9, 7, 12, 5

What is the average age of the children?

A.  7 years old

B.  5 years old

C.  10 years old

D.  8 years old

10.  Aasha conducted a survey to see how many people were in each of the cars that arrived at her school one morning. Her results are shown in the bar chart below.

How many cars contained more than 2 people?

A. 30 cars

B. 36 cars

C. 42 cars

D. 45 cars

11.  Last year Lisa paid £120 per year for home insurance. This year she gets a 15% reduction. How much does Lisa pay this year for home insurance?

A.  £102

B.  £105

C.  £115

D.  £118

12.  Four cinemas recorded how their viewing figures for different genres of film for one week.

Cinema 1 / Cinema 2 / Cinema 3 / Cinema 4
Action / 59 / 36 / 16 / 12
Comedy / 37 / 27 / 38 / 42
Sci-Fi / 29 / 18 / 43 / 35
Thriller / 49 / 16 / 21 / 8
Romance / 26 / 8 / 14 / 22

Which cinema had the highest attendance overall?

A.  Cinema 1

B.  Cinema 2

C.  Cinema 3

D.  Cinema 4

13.  A journey takes 1hr 30mins in a car. The car must arrive at its destination by 18:00. Using the 24hr clock, what time must the car leave to get to its destination on time?

A.  16:45

B.  17:30

C.  16:30

D.  17:45

14.  A price list for a horse riding school is shown below.

Sarah’s Horse Riding School
First 2 lessons £12.75 each lesson
All other lessons £20.00 each lesson

How much would a new student pay for 5 lessons at Sarah’s Horse Riding School?

A.  £70.00

B.  £85.50

C.  £95.00

D.  £100.50

15.  A vet checks a dog’s weight in August and November.

Weight in August 31.84kg

Weight in November 34.62kg

How much weight did the dog gain between August and November?

A.  2.78kg

B.  3.22kg

C.  3.78kg

D.  3.88kg