Gerrards Cross Town Council

South Lodge, East Common, Gerrards Cross SL9 7AD 01753 888018

Clerk to the Council - Mrs S Moffat

Minutes of the Council Meeting held at 7.30pm on Monday 21st November 2016 at Gerrards Cross Memorial Centre.

Present: Cllr N Holmes (Chairman), Cllr M Baker, Cllr I Bayliss, Cllr J Chhokar,Cllr J O’Keeffe, Cllr H Orme and Cllr J Woolveridge.

In Attendance: Cllr D Smith, Cllr B Gibbs (SBDC), 2 members of the publicand Sue Moffat(Town Clerk).

Would Councillors please give any declaration of interests at the beginning of the item on the Agenda

70/16 To accept apologies of absence – Apologies received fromCllr C Brown, Cllr P Roberts, Cllr M Lawson, M Berntson and SBDCllr S Chhokar.

71/16 To confirm the Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 17th October 2016.

At the proposition of Cllr Holmes, seconded by Cllr Woolveridge, these Minutes were agreed by Council and signed.

72/16 Public speaking from residents on matters relevant to the meeting’s agenda.

Jacqueline Austin-Lavery, Community Link Officer for Bucks CC, addressed the meetingto explain the service of ‘Prevention Matters’ the aim of which is to assist the elderly and isolated adults to remain living independently in the community by encouraging them to join social activity groups such as Movers and Shakers. Jacqueline asked if anyone knew of individuals that needed this help to let her know and she was also trying to find out if there was any local funding available in the area or any volunteers who may wish to help. Cllr Woolveridge offered to contact her to discuss the work she does with Age Concern and Cllr Baker offered to publicise this service with an article in the VOICE newsletter.

73/16 To confirm the minutes of the following meetings:-

  1. Commons Committee held on 7th November 2016

At the proposition of Cllr Baker, seconded by Cllr Woolveridge, the Minutes were agreed by Council and signed.

Cllr Baker gave a brief summary of the Minutes and pointed out thatthe bunds on West Common are looking good after the refurbishment work organized by GXTC.

  1. Highways Committee held on 7th November 2016

Cllr Holmes confirmed the Minutes and gave a brief summary which included:- (i) The work on Packhorse Road traffic lights should start on 9th January, 2017; (ii) Speeding signs have been installed in Fulmer Drive; (iii) A planning application for a new multi-storey car park has been submitted by SBDC; (iv) Unfortunately the block paving work in Station Road and Packhorse Road has been delayed a the contractor was unable to honour the quote he had provided. Further negotiations are being held.

Cllr Bayliss reported on the SPWP that projects are still in the pipeline but there are no sign of completion dates. He has had a meeting with Bucks County Cllr Peter Hardy who is at least now aware that GXTC has a SPWP.

  1. Planning Committee Meeting on 24th October and 14th November2016.

Cllr Chhokar confirmed the planning minutes and highlighted those plans where objections were raised.

  1. Finance & General Purposes Committee on 18th October 2016.

Cllr Bayliss confirmed the F & GP Minutes where the expenditure was agreed for 2017-18 incurring a 7.5% increase in precept. He was satisfied this increase in expenditure would be for the benefit of the residents of Gerrards Cross.

74/16 To confirm the Precept for 2017-18 to be £260,183 as agreed at the F&GP Committee on 18th October 2016.

This was unanimously confirmed.

75/16 To agree a grant of £785 for the Citizens Advice Bureau to provide an Advice Session for 2 hours, one morning per month at GX Library.

It was resolved to provide a grant of £785 for CAB to run an advice session in Gerrards Cross.

8.03pm Cllr O’Keeffe joined the meeting.

Cllr Bayliss was disappointed that this was a late application after the precept had been set but funding for the grant would be found from General Reserves. The Clerk will ask CAB to provide a breakdown of users of this service at the end of the year.

76/16 Communications Working Party Updates

Cllr Baker reported that the publication of VOICE has been delayed due to changes in situations of the editorialsbut hoping to complete by end of November so it can be circulated before the 7th December which is the day of the Christmas Festival. Cllr Bayliss did suggest that a 4 page newsletter which is published more frequently may be easier to provide rather than an 8 page newsletter. Cllr Baker took this on board but is hoping to publish VOICE 3 times a year.Cllr Baker went on to report that regards events, GXTC have been involved in the Christmas Festival and looking at setting up a Music day next summer, hopefully encouraging a community group to run this event rather than the TC. He thanked Clair McCoy, Assistant Clerk, for publicising topics on facebook, twitter and the web site and her help in producing posters for the launch of ‘Keep GX tidy ‘campaign which will be happening soon.

77/16 Boost Update and futureplans including the Best Kept Village Competition

  • Approved the Minutes of the BOOST Steering Group Working Party on 31st October, 2016.
  • Cllr Orme asked the following questions:- (i) When does the judging of the BOOST awards take place i.e. is it annually and when is the start and finishing time? (ii) Is it right that someone awards the business which is in the quadrant they look after?(iii) Who decides on the criteria for awards?
  • Cllr Orme pointed out that not all businesses have been asked to subscribe to GXTA yet being a member of GXTA is one of the criteria.
  • Cllr Bayliss asked if there are too many awards given outwill this devalue the merit of achieving an award?

Cllr Holmes thanked the councillors for this useful feedback and it will be discussed at the next BOOST SG WP.

78/16 Neighbourhood Plan-|It was agreed to have a ‘Pre-Steering Group’ meeting at 7pm on 11th January 2017 to discuss the launch of the Neighbourhood Plan at the public meeting on 1st February 2017. It was also agreed to invite to the pre-meeting those residents known by councillors who may be interested in being on the Steering Group.

79/16It was agreed to have an additional meeting on at 6pm on 28th November 2016 (prior to the Planning Meeting) to decide GXTC’s response to the Green Belt Preferred Options Consultation of the Local Emerging Council Plan 2014 to 2036.

80/16 To agree payments in accordance with the budget

Cllr Bayliss proposed the payments and this was approved by Council.

81/16 Report from County and District Councillors

Cllr B Gibbs (SBDC) reported:- (i)District councillors have received a presentation from the Blue Sky Agency which employs ex-offenders on a short term basis to assist them finding full time employment. The agency has a 40% success rate and Cllr Gibbs would encourage employers using this agency; (ii) Cllr Gibbs pointed out that a Neighbourhood Plan has to fit in with the strategy of the Local Joint Plan and ultimately the Neighbourhood Plan only becomes adopted if agreed by a public referendum.

Cllr D Smith reported that the Acting Chief Executive position has now become permanent at SBDC as members believe there is still a long way off before three will be any changes to modernising local government.

82/16 Report on Meetings – members update on where they have represented the Town Council since the last meeting.

Cllr Baker attended:- GXCA Events planning meeting,Communications Working Party

BCC Simply Walk 1st Aid Training for outdoor Activities, Nexus meeting, Boost Terms of Reference meeting, Station Road car park pre-meeting with SBDC staff and consultation exhibition, SBDC Joint Local Plan progress meeting at Capswood, Library Trustees meeting (the Library is definitely safe until August 2018).

Cllr J O’Keeffe attended:- GXCV’s H & S Training, Station Road car park exhibition,

Cllr I Bayliss attended:- Meeting with Cllr Hardy on SPWP matters, Station Road car park exhibition and Nexus meeting where agreed to downsize Office 365.

Cllr Orme attended:- Station Road car park exhibition, Nexus meeting, Local Plan Preferred Options exhibition, GXCA’s Fireworks and Remembrance Service.

Cllr Woolveridge attended:- (i) Station Road car park exhibition, Nexus meeting, League of Friends (they have a lot of money but unable to spend it. Sponsor a nurse and a car for a health worker), L&Q meeting in London about a merger with East Thames, Padstones, Age Concern’s tea party with U3A choir (About 90 people attended and it went well), GXCV where 12 members turned up for H&S training (Chiltern Rangers was very impressed with the enthusiasm and keenness of the volunteers and pointed out that we should be adhering to the Common’s Management Plan), SBDC Strategic Partnership on Modernising Local Government, Report from Community Link Officer, talk by Admiral Nurses on work with dementia people.

Cllr N Holmes attended:- Fulmer Drive Residents Association, Communications meeting, BOOST, Preferred Options display at CSP where he only met one resident from GX concerned about intrusion from the Wilton Park Development in Beaconsfield.

83/16 To note information received in the correspondence at the Town Council Office.

  1. BOOST Business meeting has been arranged for 18th January 2017 at St Andrews United Reform church.
  2. After the next Council meeting on 12th December there will be drinks and nibbles for partners and friends.

84/16 To confirm that the next meeting of Gerrards Cross Town Council will be held on Monday 12th December at 7.30pm at the Memorial Centre.

The meeting closed at 9pm

