Summarizing with “Beginning, Middle, and End” Formula:

On Saturday morning it was bright and clear. Jeremy decided to go fishing at Clark’s pond. He hurriedly ate breakfast and rushed to the nearby store to buy some night crawlers. He packed a paper bag lunch and rode his bike to the pond. Jeremy excitedly cast his line into the smooth, blue water, eager for the fish to bite. After about a dozen casts with no bites, Jeremy moved to the other side of the pond – maybe his luck would be better in a new spot. Two hours later Jeremy had only had three bites and all were tiny little sunfish. With disappointment, Jeremy packed up his things and headed home.

Key Point or Main Event/Happening at the Beginning:

Key Point or Main Event/Happening in the Middle:

Key Point or Main Event/Happening at the End:


Summarize this event/scene from Crispin:

“You there, boy!” Widow Daventy called, avoiding my name, although she knew it perfectly well. “You’re supposed to be in the kitchen.” She took me by the arm and led me down the steps. I looked about. We were in a kitchen filled with food. On one side stood great barrels. From the smell of them, they contained wine or ale. Against another wall was a brick oven. There were shelves upon the walls where loaves of bread and trenchers lay.

“Make sure the pies in the oven don’t burn,” the woman told me, handing me a long, shovellike wooden tool. “Place the done ones there,” she said, pointing to the shelf. “There are breads ready to bake in there,” she adding, indicatina a wooden chest.

After a while, I rechecked the oven. The pies were now uniformly brown. In haste, I slid them out and attempted to place them on the shelves with the others, all but scorching my hand. One was so hot it slipped from my fingers and fell to the ground, where it broke open. In a panic, I scooped up the pieces and tried to push them together. When the bits failed to stay, I looked for a place to hide the damage, but finding none, I simply ate it, bolting the pieces like a hungry dog.

Widow Daventry bustled in. “Have you taken the pies out?” Feeling guilty I said, “I put them on the shelf”.

“Except for the one you ate,” she said. She opened a wooden chest and took up five unbaked loaves of bread. “Bake these,” she said, “but don’t eat no more”.

Key Point or Main Event/Happening at the Beginning:

Key Point or Main Event/Happening in the Middle:

Key Point or Main Event/Happening at the End:
