Centennial Honors College
(300-level and above for major courses, 200-level and above for non-major courses)
Last Name First Name ID# E-mail
______/ ______/______/______/______
Star No. Dept. & Course No. Semester Course Title Semester Hours
Instructor Name (Please print clearly)
Provide the following descriptive information about the honors project that you propose for in-course honors credit. To be completed by the student. (Additional sheets may be attached.) MUST BE TYPEWRITTEN!
a. State clearly in a few words what your project will be. (Treat this as a title for a paper or project.) See the guidelines on the next page for possible honors project ideas.
b. Describe briefly the purpose or objective of the project with special attention to its purpose as an honors project.
c. Indicate the important steps necessary for the completion of the project (e.g., what will be the order and the time frame for completing the respective elements of the project). Propose specific dates for the completion of each step. Include four or more meetings with the course instructor.
d. Indicate the anticipated product(s) of the project (e.g., journal, demonstration/presentation, a summative report, etc.).
e. The WIU Office of Sponsored Projects administers the WIU policies on research that collects data from human or animal subjects. Research projects involving human participants must receive approval in advance from the Institutional Review Board (IRB). Research projects involving animal subjects must be reviewed by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). The Centennial Honors College cannot authorize honors credit until those subject to IRB or IACUC requirements have received the appropriate approval. For information about IRB and IACUC requirements, contact the Office of Sponsored Projects at 309-298-1191.
Does your project involve human participants or their private information? YES NO
(If yes, you must provide evidence of IRB
approval for honors credit.)
Does your project involve animal subjects? YES NO
(If yes, you must provide evidence of
IACUC approval for honors credit.)
The honors portion will be evaluated: independently ______as part of the course______.
(See Next Page for Guidelines)
Guidelines for In-Course Honors (please read and initial each section)
The Student
______1. In-course honors is to be viewed as a study contract between the student and the instructor.
(Student read and initial) It is the honor student’s responsibility to:
a) Decide on an appropriate project or activity. Consultation with the Honors Director or Associate Director is recommended.
b) Make an appointment to review the project or activity with the instructor and secure the instructor’s approval. Keep in mind that optimally in-course honors is a collaborative undertaking and that the instructor may well recommend changes in the project. Instructors may even recommend alternative projects.
c) Complete and return the in-course honors forms to the Centennial Honors College within the first four weeks of the semester. The forms are designed to insure that the project will be thoughtfully and carefully planned from the beginning. It is therefore imperative that responses to the questions be as thorough as possible.
d) Retain a copy of the in-course honors form for your own records.
The Faculty Member
______2. In-course honors provides opportunities for honors students to work closely with faculty
(Instructor read and initial) within the context of regularly enrolled courses. Faculty working with honors students will want to:
a) Meet at predetermined intervals with the honors student for the purpose of discussing, guiding, and reviewing the student’s progress. Plan to meet four or more times with the student during the semester.
b) Challenge the honors student to approach the course material from interdisciplinary perspectives or to explore connections between the material and its application.
c) Provide opportunities for the honors student to develop library, internet, or other research skills.
d) Facilitate the use of alternate resources at the university, in the community, or in relevant professional settings.
e) Make connections between the course and the other relevant disciplinary or professional interests the student may have.
f) Where possible, involve the honors student in collaborative research or professional activities with an eye to the co-authoring of papers or articles or poster presentations.
The Honors In-Course Experience
______3. In-Course Honors Experiences should fall into one of the following categories:
(Student read and initial)
______a) Research-Scholarship: An in-course honors project could involve original research conducted by the student, (Instructor read and initial) or a scholarly paper or presentation on a topic related to the course.
b) Performance: An in-course honors project could involve a public performance showcasing a skill developed
in the course. For example the student could give a musical or theatrical performance for an in-course project,
or could participate in a public debate competition.
c) Professional Development: An in-course honors project could include activities that prepare the student for
his or her future profession. For example, an education student could develop teaching materials for an in-
course honors project.
Signatures below indicate that the student and the faculty person(s) have discussed and agreed to the honors project/assignment described above.
Student signature______Phone______Date______
Instructor’s signature______Date______
Instructor's Full Name (please print) ______
CHC approval______Date______
Please return this form to: DIRECTOR, Centennial Honors College, in the University Library during the first four weeks of the semester.
The Centennial Honors College Director reserves the right to grant final approval of in-course honors projects contingent upon following the “Guidelines for In-Course Honors” as specified.
Incourse form.doc