Fees Paid to Providers under Agency Framework

Accountant in Bankruptcy(AiB) have 2 separate Insolvency Services Contracts, with the following Providers adhering to a Framework Agreement:-

Contract 1 – KPMG, Wylie and Bisset, Armstrong Watson, Hastings & Co, MMG Archbold and Invocas

Contract 2 – KPMG, Wylie and Bisset and Insolvency Support Services (ISS)

Contract 2 came into force on 1 April 2013 with the expiry of Contract 1 on 31 March 2013. Only Contract 2 Providers are allocated new cases, the other Providers continue to administer their remaining cases to conclusion.

Fees Information

The following gross fees were paid to each of the Providers from 18 July 2013 to 27 August 2014:-

KPMG / £1,906,829.53
Wylie & Bisset / £1,465,183.77
Armstrong Watson / £370,693.11
MMG Archbold / £160,368.87
Invocas Financial Limited / £60,602.92
Hastings &Co. / £272,363.74
Insolvency Support Services (ISS) / £400,991.80

Complaints Data

The Agency is committed to providing a professional fair and helpful service to all its customers, and implemented a change to the complaints process in October 2013. A standardised approach to handling complaints across Scottish Government was introduced to comply with the Scottish Public Sector Ombudsman’s guidance on a model complaints handling procedure.

We aim to resolve complaints quickly and whenever possible within the area that provided the service. The process provides two stages to resolve a complaint;

Stage One – Frontline resolution- In the first instance the Provider is given the opportunity to resolve a complaint. This could mean an on the spot apology and explanation if something has clearly gone wrong and immediate action to resolve the problem. A written response, if appropriate, must be provided within 5 working days.

Stage Two – Investigation – Where Stage One has not resolved the issue the Agency will conduct a full investigation and provide a response within 20 working days.

Should an individual remain dissatisfied with the outcome of the review, they have the right to ask the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) to investigate the matter.

The following information has been recorded by the Agency and the Providers to the Insolvency Services Contracts and details the number of complaints received before and after the change to the process:-

18 July 2013 to 30 September 2013
KPMG / 7
Wylie & Bisset / 6
Armstrong Watson / 0
MMG Archibald / 0
Invocas / 1
Hastings &Co / 1
ISS / 0
1 October 2013 to 27 August 2014 / Frontline / Investigation
KPMG / 6 / 6
Wylie & Bisset / 7 / 1
Armstrong Watson / 0 / 0
MMG Archibald / 0 / 0
Invocas / 0 / 0
Hastings &Co / 0 / 0
ISS / 2 / 2

The Frontline service was carried out by the Providers on the Contract and the further investigation by AiB, following parties remaining dissatisfied after receiving the Provider response.

Subjects of Complaints

Bankruptcy Policy

Case Administration

Case Progression

Disputing debt

Adjudication and Reversion of funds process


Customer Service

Asset Realisation

Property issues


None of these complaints were upheld by AiB or resulted in a complaint to the Scottish Public Service Ombudsman.

The Accountant in Bankruptcy and her Providers are committed to providing a professional, fair and helpful service to all stakeholders. Our Customer Charter can be found at www.aib.gov.uk. Our Providers, as part of the Framework Agreement, also adhere to our Customer Charter.