MMU Framework to Support Academic Practice and Quality

Appendix 3

To assist participants with the preparation of evidence for claims of recognition for the Higher Education Academy Professional Standards Framework, please complete this very briefly: the participant can then use this to develop their claim further

Areas of Activity / Indicate if you think evidence was provided during this session (tick and brief comment)
A1 Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study
A2 Teach and/or support learning
A3 Assess and give feedback to learners
A4 Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance
A5 Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy, incorporating research, scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices
Core Knowledge
K1 The subject material
K2 Appropriate methods for teaching and learning in the subject area and at the level of the academic programme
K3 How students learn, both generally and within their subject/disciplinary area(s)
K4 The use and value of appropriate learning technologies
K5 Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching
K6 The implications of quality assurance and quality enhancement for academic and professional practice with a particular focus on teaching
Professional Values
V1 Respect individual learners and diverse learning communities
V2 Promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners
V3 Use evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship and continuing professional development
V4 Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice

If you are less familiar with the UK Professional Standards Framework, some possible prompts are included on this version of the grid :

Areas of Activity / Prompt questions
A1 Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study
Does the session plan match expectations for this level of study?
Is the session content relevant to unit assessment and learning outcomes?
Do the learning objectives support the module learning outcomes / programme and MMU graduate outcomes?
Is the session planned so that it fully addresses the stated learning objectives? (‘constructive alignment’).
Is there a clear rationale for the choice of learning and teaching methods?
Are the intended aims and outcomes clear and appropriate?
How is the session linked to previous and future sessions, and to the assignment?
Is the session well-structured with an identifiable introduction, development and conclusion?
Was the planning inclusive for all students?
A2 Teach and/or support learning
Is the introduction clear? Does it communicate how the session will develop?
Is the purpose and structure of the session clearly outlined to students / participants?
Is it clear to students/participants how the session relates to previous work?
Have students been asked to engage in learning activities in preparation for the session?
Is the session: well-paced and sequenced / well-planned in terms of time management?
Does the session communicate high expectations for academic achievement and development?
Does the session engage and challenge students?
Is the session interactive and creative
Is oral delivery clear, well-paced, and appropriate in tone and style?
Are explanations clear and coherent?
If students are asked to do something, are instructions clear e.g. for work in pairs, in small groups? for student directed study etc.?
Are there opportunities for students to seek and receive clarification?
Are key points summarised? Was the session drawn to a satisfactory conclusion?
Were links made to subsequent sessions or activities?
A3 Assess and give feedback to learners
Are there opportunities for students to question and give feedback?
What is done to elicit student feedback on the session and/or on their progress?
Does the session:
·  clearly communicate standards and criteria?
·  contribute to a strategy including formative assessment and feedback for students’ future development?
·  show how university assessment procedures are applied?
·  support transition and progression between levels?
What evidence is there of the learning objectives being achieved?
A4 Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance
How did the lecturer create a suitable learning environment?
What strategies are used to gain attention, to refocus at intervals, and to ensure attention span is maintained?
Was the session managed in an appropriate way?
How are any behavioural issues addressed?
Has due consideration been given to the teaching space available?
Have issues of student diversity/accessibility been addressed?
A5 Engage in CPD, scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices
Does the session show evidence of influence of scholarship and research?
Does the session make links to graduate outcomes / employability / transferable skills etc..
Is the session informed by up to date reference to professional contexts?
Core Knowledge
K1 The subject material
Is the subject material relevant, linked to unit / course learning outcomes?
Is the subject matter academically rigorous and pitched at the right level?
K2 Appropriate methods for teaching and learning in the subject area and at the level of the programme
Are the methods used appropriate to the objectives of the session?
What learning and teaching methods and materials have been chosen and why?
Is the material clearly structured and easy to navigate?
Are diagrams/graphs clearly presented and labelled?
K3 How students learn, both generally and within their subject area(s)
Was student participation appropriate to the nature and purpose of the session?
Do the methods used stimulate student interest?
Are the methods well suited to the students’/participants’ level and needs?
Have appropriate supporting resources been made available to students / participants?
K4 The use and value of appropriate learning technologies
If used, were supporting technologies, materials or resources effective?
Did the session make effective use of environment, resources and/or technology
What possibilities might there be for alternative strategies?
K5 . .. evaluating the effectiveness of teaching
What evidence is there of the learning objectives being achieved?
Does the follow up discussion review the teaching activity effectively?
K6 . . . quality assurance/enhancement for academic and professional practice with a focus on teaching
Does the observation indicate an awareness of the Strategy for Learning, Teaching and Assessment?
Does the teaching take student feedback (e.g. from CMI, from ISS and NSS) into account?
Professional Values
V1 Respect individual learners and diverse learning communities
Was the session inclusive of ALL students?
What was done to provide support for learning, including meeting the needs of students with particular requirements?
V2 Promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners
What evidence was there of student engagement with the session?
What evidence is there that ALL learners were given the opportunity to participate and learn effectively?
V3 Use evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship and CPD
Has the teaching been informed by reading and reference to literature on academic practice, learning, assessment and evaluation theories?
Is the participant able to reflect on their professional learning and impact of CPD?
V4 . . . the wider context in which HE operates and implications for professional practice
Is there evidence of the session relating to institutional policy and practice?


MMU Framework to Support Academic Practice and Quality