Human Resources Tools 1

Human Resources Tools

[Your Name Here]

[Your University Here]

Human Resources Tools

Executive Summary

This is a proposed guidelines designed to help the human resources management in planning the recruitment, hiring, and staffing the healthcare facility with the qualified staff nurses. These guidelines aim to help to meet the objectives of the organization. The job description and job specification of the desired nurses sre detailed in this document. Formulating this document is made possible with the light of thorough evaluation and upgrading of the healthcare setting. This will help the human resource to make plan which will satisfy the current requirements of the facility.

Tips for the Selection Process

New staff nurse selection can be tricky or difficult sometimes. Resumes and multiple training and higher education certifications sometimes do not reflect the personal skills and abilities. On the contrary, there are staff nurses who seem to be less qualified due to inadequate certifications yet they are highly skilful and proficient in their work. This is an important tip that every human resource department should know. Looking on the credentials alone may end up selecting undesirable staff nurse. A well planned interview will provide great assistance in the recruitment process. Referrals are also not always reliable that the human resource department needs to be keen with this. Referrals sometimes are based on “whom you know” and not with “what you know”.

Job posting is a good method of internal recruitment. Any staff nurse who reads the board and feels being qualified will have an interest for the current vacancy. This has an advantage of shortening the hiring process, less cost, and the adjustment period to the new post will be shorter. Furthermore, the staff nurse is already familiar thus the human resource department already has hints on the skills and abilities of a certain staff.

Seeking the help of employment agencies will also make the hiring process easier. Through the help of the employment agencies, it will lessen the time required from a human resource manager for scrutinizing who among the applicants are preferable. Pre-screening jobs are carried out by agency staff. Agencies use their own standard in selecting prospective staff for deployment and they do use interview tools as well in sourcing for candidates. Qualified staff can then go through an interview with the designated nursing administrative staff either the supervisor or the director.

Interview questions for staff nurse applicants may include the following:

Please tell me about yourself?

In which year did you finished your nursing degree and from what school?

How long is your working experience as a staff nurse?

Can you describe briefly your experience as a staff nurse?

Which procedures have you done and assisted?

If I will ask you now, will you be able to perform or assist in those procedures skilfully?

What made you interested in this job you are applying now?

Can you please tell what your expectations are supposing we will hire you as a staff nurse?

Do you have any special plan or goals in the future?

Is there anything you would like to say?

Compensation, Incentive, and Benefit Plans:

The employee will be entitled for the following compensation, incentives, and benefits when offered a job.


Staff nurses compensation will be strictly based on conditions and agreement as stipulated in the employment contract. The rate of pay will be based according to the labor law. Every staff nurse must review their individual contract to be fully aware of the terms and conditions on the compensation.

Incentive Plans:

  1. Bonus – Upon accomplishment of successful performance and completion of the contract term, received no unreasonable complaints, no errors and misconduct in the work, and did not pre-maturely terminate the contract, a nurse will receive an extra full month salary at the end of the year as bonus pay.
  2. Awards – Exemplary performance or service deserves an award. Any nurse with special achievement will be presented with an award. There will be set of criteria to be qualified for selection and monthly recognition of “Best Nurse of the Month”. Monthly best nurses will directly qualify for the selection of the “Best Nurse of the Year” which will be conducted every first month of the year. The award will be in a form of a plaque and cash which will be decided by the committee at the commencement of the selection.
  3. Merit pay program- any staff nurse with excellent performance as reflected in the staff evaluation sheet will have a five percent salary increase upon their contract renewal.


1. Free training opportunities

Opportunity for career advancement through participation in regular staff meeting, nursing grand rounds and in-service trainings will be provided free. Staff nurses will be given free access to the resource materials in our library. Every staff nurse will be regularly scheduled to attend excellent training and continuing education programs provided by nurse education department with free Continuing Education Units (CEU).

2. Free Meals during working hours

Staff nurses will be provided with free meals during working hours served by the healthcare facility canteen. Free meals are only for those who are on duty.

3. Health Insurance Short Term Disability

Staff nurses are currently have the benefits of a covered health insurance including short term disability.

4. Paid Annual Vacation and Sick Leave

All the staff nurses will enjoy a full month paid vacation or have an option of not taking the vacation but receiving an additional month pay. Sick leave with maximum 30 days per year is also paid provided official sick leave certificates are presented not later than 3 days upon work resumption.

5. Time off

Staff nurses working few hours extensions that are not on over time are given time off when the unit load is less. Time offs are recorded in a logbook which can be only taken as days offs and cannot be added to annual vacation nor converted to cash.

6. Affordable Child Care

Staff nurses who are working mothers are provided with added benefits of having an affordable child care provision. Special discounted price are offered. The child care center is within our vicinity where the staff can freely go and see their kids during break time. Payment for child care is salary deductible from any working staff with a child enrolled.

7. Dental Care

Nurses are entitled for free dental consultation and free basic dental care.

Script for Orienting New Employees

“The human resource department in our healthcare facility welcomes you all with all the pleasure. As newcomers to this facility, we feel that we should give priority in giving brief details about our facility so that you will have an idea on the working place where you are now and by knowing where you are, it will help you to feel comfortable working with us. It is also very important to know our organizational structure. More detailed information which will discuss your working conditions will also be discussed shortly. Another important point that we feel should not be missed and should be discussed first is addressing some sensitive issues during your early employment with this healthcare facility. ”

“The first issue is on privacy. Everyone as we all knows needs protection of their privacy. That is the right of everyone. We, in this healthcare facility do love privacy and we are trying our best to protect the privacy of every individual staff. However, there is always possibility that you may feel your privacy is being intruded. Don’t panic and don’t be alarmed. If that happens, you should report it to your immediate superior so that proper action can be taken.”

“Sexual harassment is another issue that is always heard in every workplace. Sexual harassment is in no way tolerated in this healthcare facility. Any staff harassed should never keep their mouth shut so that immediate action can be done. Any staff who will have involvement in sexual harassment will be severely disciplined which may include salary deduction and if in extremes, termination from the work is possible.”

“Immigration issue is another important thing that everyone should know on the policies of our healthcare setting. For a foreigner staff, we will be able to provide assistance with repatriation and any other job-related issues that you need to do some transactions from the immigration office. However, personal issues on immigration such as overstaying are out of the coverage of our assistance.”

“Let me to mention another issue which I consider as very important too – the use of drugs for recreational purposes. At no any circumstance that use of any recreational drug is tolerated while within the vicinity of our healthcare facility. The nursing units as you know have accessible drugs which can be potentially abused by any staff. Any staff proven to use drugs within the healthcare vicinity will receive severe disciplinary action and possibly termination.”

It is very important to provide the information at once about those potential legal issues so as not to cause any undesired consequences if any of the new staff are not informed. Ignorance of the rules ends up with severe consequences and the problem is that ignorance does not justify the unwanted act that has been done. We can make this as requiring a small amount deductible from their pays and will offer a beneficial help for any liability claims expenses and provide reasonable compensation for every staff. This benefit will be reassuring to our staff nurses who then can work effectively and efficiently and will be at ease in their works.

Training Proposal

(A map outlining the ongoing employee development process and opportunities for advancement)

New staff nurses need training. One month after entering the position, the staff nurse requires training that will improve her skills and performance which will help him/ her to perform skilfully with accomplishment of the unit standard and meeting the objectives of the healthcare setting. This can be easily and practically achieved by on- the-job-training. Every health care setting has differences in their policy and procedure so it is very important for a new staff to have a sufficient training to perform within the rules and guidance of the new workplace. By knowing the set of rules, the staff nurse will be able to perform accordingly with more confidence. Confidence in the performance is very important for every staff more especially for any new staff.

After a year of employment, a staff nurse may consider training for special area training such as Intensive Care Units, Haemodialysis Unit, and Catheterization Laboratory. Having a specialty training will not immediately rise the position of a staff nurse the training will provide a chance to a nurse to work in special areas which has more advantages and more benefits. It will be a good stepping stone of promoting his/her career especially if he/she is able to prove his/her competency and special skills.

Advancing to the next position as illustrated in the map requires more training and qualification. The staff nurse needs to prove excellent skills and abilities. As going up on a higher position includes managerial tasks, the staff nurse needs to have management training. After about three years of professional experience proving efficient skills and activities, having completed a management training and other specified training required by the establishment, a staff nurse become a charge nurse either by promotion or application for such position.

The on-the –job training is best achieved by assigning a senior staff who will be considered as the mentor of the new staff. It is like a “buddy system” which is at the advantage of the new staff nurse. Every unit staff on duty can also be designated to give accidental teaching and training to the new staff as needed. That so far will enhance the on-the-job training and will also facilitate staff bonding which will facilitate the adjustment of the new employee to his/her new workplace. This training is both instructor-led and self-paced and no any certification exam is required.

Special area training can be best achieved by cross-training though classroom training is usually a pre-requirement before jumping in to any special area targeted. The staff nurse will learn the routines in the special area and will have the opportunity to broaden his/her skills and abilities. This kind of training is also a combination of being instructor-led and self-paced. This training requires certification exam upon completion. Successful trainees will be awarded with certificate which can be used in the future to get a post in that certain special area.

Management training is best conducted as classroom training. The training includes delivery of more lectures and may use visuals. Problem-solving skills are usually highlighted too where different situations are given for the trainees to think of the best management. I would consider this training as both instructor-led and self-paced as well. This also requires certification exam which each trainee must satisfactorily passed to be awarded with a training certificate.



Human resource management. Free Management Library. RetrievedSeptember 13, 2008 from

Staff nurses. Retrieved September 13, 2008 from American Nursing Association Website:

Staff nurse.. Retrieved September 13, 2008 from Nursing Job Source Website: 927