J.G.Whittier Middle School


A Note from the Principal:

The school year is simply flying past us as we continue our goal of meeting the needs of our students by providing them with a variety of experiences. We’ve completed the first quarter of grading and our fifth graders have begun to “settle in” to the routine of the middle school. Eighth grade students are already looking forward to their next step to high school, as they have visited Haverhill High School and will visit Whittier Vo-Tech in December. Time certainly does move fast when good things are happening.

During the last month I have been sending out all school communications via our ALERT NOW system. This system allows us the opportunity to send out messages instantly using e-mail or voicemail.If you have not been receiving these messages please let us know so we can add your name to our communication system.

JGW's National Junior Honor Society participated in this year's Santa's Parade. The students designed a float with the theme of Haverhill's

Treasures.Former JGW student and Eagle Scout Zack Brown designed a math walkway on the school grounds. As the students walk along the walkway to recess math skills of geometry will be re-enforced as they view many geometric shapes. Congratulations and thank you to all for representing JGW in such a positive way.

I wish each of you a joyous holiday season and a prosperous new year!

Mrs.Toni A. Donais, Principal

A Note from the Assistant Principal:

It is hard to believe, but the holiday season is already upon us.This time of year weare sometimes presented with some tricky New England weather as well. As a district we will do our bestto communicate to you asearly aspossible any cancellations or rescheduled events. Thank you for your flexibility and understandingas this incredibly busy season begins.

Speaking of the busy holidayseason, please remember that these busy and rushed times can impact your child's rest, eating habits, as well as their attitude towards school. Like you, we will do our very best to ensure that the student’s well-being is always in our best interest. Do not hesitate to communicate with us should you have concerns about your child.

Remember, it is important to maintain open, positive and proactive lines of communication, as well as to collaborate withyour child's teachersto ensure the success of each and every student. If you have concerns regarding your child's progress at school, do not hesitate to call us. Respectfully, David W. Callaghan

From Guidance:

Parents of 8th Graders:

Please be sure to check out the JG Whittier Middle School website for information regarding high school choices and the application/registration process.

The 8th grade class completed the HSPT (High School Placement Test), which will be used for placement at Haverhill High School next year. The class toured HHS on November 16th and will complete a registration process for classes in the spring.

The 8th grade class and teachers will be touring Whittier VoTech on December 15. Please be sure that your student has returned his/her field trip permission slip to be part of this class visit.

Essex Aggie application materials have been mailed for those students who have completed and returned requests to me.

If your student is completing an application for parochial and/or private high school, please be sure to contact me asap. Deadlines are this month.

If you have any questions, please contact me at or


Thank you,

Mrs. Linda Hart

From the Nurse:

Reminder: When your child receives an immunization, a copy of this report should be sent in to the school nurse to be added to our records.

From Mrs. Craven:

Overdue assignments, missed homework and deteriorating grades.... no more! Mrs. Craven's students will begin learning strategies to work more effectively and increase their productivity as they work to develop organizational skills beginning in December.


Ms. Sanguedolce Grade 5 Math:

My students have received a username and password to access their math book online. Please take a few moments to view the Envisions book online. Also, I have sent home a list of helpful math websites and iPad/iPod math applications. If possible, please try some. These are helpful for extra practice as well as enrichment.

Mrs. Hecht-Reading and Language Arts:

We have completed our Trophies Reading unit entitled "Teamwork" and the students have worked diligently on writing a three paragraph essay on the pros and cons of teamwork and if they prefer working as a team or working alone. Please ask your child if they prefer to work alone or with a partner? The essays were quite interesting to read. Wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year to come.

Ms. Sirois-Reading and Language Arts and Social Studies:

In ELA, students have been working on learning lessons from folktales. We are also beginning to learn about the different types of figurative language and how they can be used to make our writing more dramatic and imaginative. We will be continuing our work with figurative language by using it in some persuasive writing during December.

All groups have been working hard on their European explorer projects. These projects will be presented in early December. Then, we will be moving on to learn about the 13 original colonies-who founded them, where they are, and what were some important regional aspects. We are also working on learning our states and capitals on Fridays. Students should be studying the different lists and maps they were given, or going online to play the games featured on my website.

Ms. Moore- Math and Science

In Science we are finishing learning about weather and the water cycle. Students will conclude the chapter with a weather station lab. Then, we will begin the last chapter in the unit, “Earth, Moon, and Beyond”. The next unit of study is life science. Students have been practicing writing open responses on the topics studied in class.

In Math we will begin Topic 4, “Dividing by 1 Digit Divisors”. We will continue to play center games to reinforce the concepts learned in class. Students now have their own books, which they may take home to help with homework and to study. I will be sending home a list of fun math websites where students can practice math at home!


Mrs. Forrestall, Reading/ ELA:
Our novel study of Number the Stars continues. MCAs practice, MCAs practice and more MCAs practice. We will be working on adjectives and adverbs.
Core Concepts 3 "Climate and Ecosystems" andCore Concepts 4 "Human Environment Interaction."

Ms. Sullivan:
In sixth grade Science we will be doing fun hands on activities to learn about storms. We are going to be working on a lot of interesting things that go on around us!

Mrs. Forrest’s Reading and LA Classes:

The students are reading Esperanza Rising for their novel study. We will finish the novel in December with a culminating project. In the Prentice Hall Reading Anthology, the students will be working on skills that focus on author’s purpose and main idea reading Zlata’s Diary selection. The required book report for December is Fantasy (folk tales, fairy tales, myths, legends, fables). Our Choral reading selections for this month is a delightful poem, In My Mother’s Kitchen by Shonto Begay

. Our writing focus for the month is persuasive essay.

Mrs. Forrest’s SS Class:

The classes are working on their country reports and power point presentations.

Mr. Estes's Math Class (Gold Group)
Our math class will be continuing to work with decimals and fractions. We will also be reviewing the rules of divisibility to simplify fractions. It is important that your child have mastery of the basic multiplication facts. We will continue to use our "Points on the Board" system of classroom management. Thanks to those who sent in the money for the Pizza Party. The overall class behavior is much improved.
I will also be identifying individual student's areas that need improvement and working to set up some math tutoring sessions during and after school. Information about this will be sent home the first week of December.
Ferry Beach Reminder:

Just a short reminder that the $50.00 payment for Ferry Beach is now due. The check or money order may be made out to: J.G.Whittier School. Please have your child bring the first payment in to their homeroom teacher. Thank you!

Mr. Estes

Mrs. Prescott The "Morning Math Group" is going very well. Students each have a Math Journal to capture the Morning Math Problem of the Day, Homework Review, and Multiplication Facts. The 2s and 3s have been mastered and we are moving on to the 4s and 5s. We meet each morning at 8:00a.m. in Room 5 and all Grade 6 students are welcome.
Reading and Writing sessions will be offered very soon. Workshops will focus on writing assignments, essays, and book reports. Watch for details on Mrs. Prescott's Homework Site.

"The Poet's Page" Student Newspaper will begin in December to publish a Christmas Edition. Grades 5 - 8 are welcome. The sign-up sheet is on the door of Room 5.


Mrs. Berthiaume's ELA Classes
This month, we will read A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, a play by Israel Horovitz. It is an adaptation of Charles Dickens's story that the students will truly enjoy not only for its universal message about kindness, but because they will act out scenes from the play. So many have asked, "Are we going to read a play this year?" Indeed we are! (English accents are not required, but are encouraged!)
Mrs. MacKinnon:
In science class, we will be doing punnett squares, and talking about probability. Defining probability and describing how it helps to explain genetic crosses. We will also be explaining what is meant by a genotype and phenotype, and defining what codominance is.

In ELA we will be doingtheplay "AChristmas Carol". We will be learning all about drama.

Ms. Torrisi:
Ancient Civilizations
During the month of December we will be studying Ancient Egypt and Nubia. The geography of Egypt and the Nile will constitute Section 1 along with the study of the early communities that appeared along this river. In Section 2 we will focus on the three kingdoms of Egypt (old, middle, new) and the pharaohs that ruled during these kingdoms. Students will pick a pharaoh and do a poster about him or her.
Students will learn about DNA and the genetic code. They will also learn how mutations can affect an organism. Students will write their names with colored beads using the codes of A, T, C, & G. In chapter 4, Modern Genetics, we will learn about the Human Genome Project, genetic disorders, and advances in genetics.

Grade 8Washington Trip
There are still some students who have not brought in the second payment which was due November 18. Please try to bring in the payment. There is no payment due in December. Next payment is January 20, 2012. There are still some openings on this trip.

Mr. B Gold Reading and ELA:
As the month of November comes to a close, we are finishing our study of short fiction with Daniel Keyes "Flowers for Algernon". We will begin out study of non-fiction by analyzing scientific blogs and Presidential speeches as well as other forms of practical everyday writing. Our writing project will be a persuasive essay.
U.S. History Gold:
As December opens we will turn our attention to the early years of the American Republic. We will be studying the Confederation period with an eye on why the creation of a constitution and a strong central government was necessary to the survival of our young nation.
U.S. History Green, White and Brown:
We are just beginning to watch "The Patriot". The movie will culminate in a five paragraph essay analyzing the historical value of the film and its characters. The Revolutionary War Board Game Project is due December 16, 2011. Any student who does not turn in the project will take a final exam on the Revolutionary War. Once we have completed our study of the war we will also begin to study the confederation government of the early republic.


Art News from Mrs. Porter:
This month, grade 5 artists will be completing their Oaxacan (pronounced wahockan) Central American animal masks in papier mache. The masks' brilliant colors represent Mexican and Guatamalan cultural tradition. Our next project is Egyptian Jewelry.
Grade 6 artists are just finishing their Action Hero sculptures. Come to see our heroic display of firefighters, parents, teachers, military personnel, rock music stars, police officers, sports figures, and fictional characters who have inspired our student artists here at JGW.
7th Grade artists are creating their very own self portrait faces in plaster castings. Watercolor painted features will bring these masks to life and they will be on display later this month here at school.
Grade 8 Artists will be working on their block printing unit this month. After preparing and cutting the linoleum block, they will pull a series of fine art prints with the theme of Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water and the art principle of Pattern.

In the music room:
In December, there will be some musical cheer as the holidays are near. In the 7th and 8th grade, students will have the chance to create their own theme and variations compositions and then perform with voice or instruments. In the 5th and 6th grade, students will get to sing songs and accompany themselves using instruments.

Basketball season has begun and we will start competing with other Middle Schools this month. Following close behind the basketball players are the Cheerleaders. We have an enthusiastic and talented group of young ladies who are getting ready to inspire the crowds at every game.

Academic Bowl:

The Junior and Senior Division teams have been selected and practices have begun. The Junior Team will generally meet on Tuesday afternoons from 2:45 – 4:00 in Room 1. The Senior Team usually practices on Wednesday mornings at 8 a.m. in Room 15. There will be a Thursday morning practice on Dec. 8, as Dec. 7 is an in-service day.