as of 10 July 2013(SUBJECT TO CHANGE) 108thsession– July2013

GENEVA– PALAIS WILSON Ground Floor Conference Room

22 July at

15hrs – 18hrs Palais des nations – Room XII

Monday, 8thJuly2013 / a.m. 2979th / 10h00Opening of session,adoption of agenda,report of working group (public)
10h45Briefings by UN organizations, and specialized agencies(closed)
11h30NHRIs and NGOs on Ukraine, Indonesia, Finland and Tajikistan(closed)
p.m. 2980nd / 15h00Seventh report of Ukraine (CCPR/C/UKR/7) (public)
Tuesday, 9thJuly 2013 / a.m. 2981rd / 10h00Seventh report of Ukraine (CCPR/C/UKR/7) (public)
p.m. 2982th / 15h00Second report of Tajikistan (CCPR/C/TJK/2) (public)
Wednesday, 10thJuly 2013 / a.m. 2983th / 9h00Bureau (closed)
10h00Second report of Tajikistan (CCPR/C/TJK/2) (public)
p.m. 2984th / 15h00Initial report of Indonesia (CCPR/C/IND/1) (public)
Thursday,11thJuly 2013 / a.m. 2985th / 10h00Initial report of Indonesia (CCPR/C/IND/1) (public)
p.m. 2986th / 15h00Initial report of Indonesia (CCPR/C/IND/1) (public)
Friday, 12thJuly 2013 / a.m. 2987th / 10h00Sixth report of Finland (CCPR/C/FIN/6) (public)
p.m. 2988th / 15h00Sixth report of Finland (CCPR/C/FIN/6)(public)
Monday, 15th July 2013 / a.m. 2989th / 10h00Methods of Work (public)
12h30NHRIs and NGOs briefings on Albania and the Czech Republic (closed)
p.m. 2990th / 15h00Second report of Albania(CCPR/C/ALB/2) (public)
Tuesday, 16th July 2013 / a.m. 2991st / 10h 00Second report of Albania (CCPR/C/ALB/2)(public)
a.m. 2992th / 15h00Third report ofthe Czech Republic (CCPR/C/CZE/3) (public)
Wednesday, 17th July 2013 / a.m. 2993trd / 10h00Third report of the Czech Republic(CCPR/C/CZE/3) (public)
p.m. 2994th / 14h00Bureau (closed)
15h00Communications (closed)
Thursday, 18th July 2013 / a.m. 2995th / 10h00Draft General Comment on Article 9 (public)
p.m. 2996th / 15h00Methods of Work (public)
16h00Communications (closed)
Friday, 19th July 2013 / a.m. 2997th / 10h00Communications (closed)
p.m. 2998th / 15h00Communications (closed)
Monday, 22nd July 2013 / a.m. 2999th / 10h00Progress report of Special Rapporteur on Follow-up to Views (public)
11h00Methods of Work (Public)
p.m. 3000th / 15h00Meeting with States parties - Palais de Nations (room XII)
Tuesday, 23rd July 2013 / a.m. 3001st / 9h00Bureau meeting (closed)
10h00Draft General Comment on article 9 (public)
p.m. 3002nd / 15h00Concluding Observations on the seventh report ofUkraine (closed)
Concluding Observations on the secondreport of Tajikistan closed)
Concluding Observations on the initial report of Indonesia (closed)
Wednesday,24th July 2013 / a.m. 3003rd / 10h00Concluding Observations on the sixth report of Finland(closed)
Concluding Observations on the secondreport of the Albania (closed)
Concluding Observations on the third report of the Czech Republic (closed)
p.m. 3004th / 15h00Communications (closed)
Thursday, 25th July 2013 / a.m. 3005th / 10h00Draft general Comment on article 9 (public)
13h00or 13h 30 Press Conference (closed) tbc
p.m. 3006th / 15h00Communications (closed)
Friday, 26th July 2013 / a.m. 3007th / 10h00Country report task force on the 6th report of Chile (with interpretation) and the initial report of Malawi (without interpretation) (closed)
11h00Country report task force on the second report of Chad (with interpretation) and the second report of Nepal (without interpretation) (closed)
12h00Country report task force on the Initial report of Sierra Leone (without interpretation)and thesecond report of Kyrgyzstan(with interpretation)(closed)
p.m. 3008th / 15h00Methods of Work and announcement of bureau decisions (public)

NB: Any remaining time will be allocated to consideration of communications.