NMRC/PAE Community Health Worker - Core Competency Training Application

Spring 2018 - Fridays, 9:00 – 3:30, April 27th – June 29th.

NMRC/PAE and Maine Center for Disease Control are partnering to offer this core competency training for Community Health Workers (CHW) in Maine.Trainers will deliver a curriculum developed by the Institute for Public Health Innovation, which meets State of Maine CHW training guidelines.

Class participants must be able to commit to attending all class sessions to receive a certificate of completion. The course will be offered on Fridays, 9:00 – 3:30, April 27th – June 29th.

Location: Portland Adult Education, 14 Locust St., Portland, ME 04101

Cost:There is no registration fee for the course but space is limited. Lunch or a stipend for lunch will be provided. Class participants must provide their own transportation.

Class participants must commit to attending all class sessions in order to get a certificate of completion.

Who should apply: Community Health Workers who have not completed a core competency training and others who are interested in working as a community health worker.

English proficiency requirement: A CASAS test score of 240 or higher is required fornon-native English speakers. If you are currently working as a CHW, instead of taking a CASAS test, you may submit a letter from your employer stating that your English is at a level appropriate for the course. If you do not have a current CASAS test please contact Sally Sutton at PAE to make arrangements for a test: 874-8155 or . If you need a CASAS test, please make arrangements as soon as possible.


A community health worker is a frontline public health worker who is a trusted member of and/or has an unusually close understanding of the community served. This trusting relationship enables the worker to serve as a liaison/link/intermediary between health/social services and the community to facilitate access to services and improve the quality and cultural competence of service delivery.

A community health worker also builds individual and community capacity by increasing health knowledge and self-sufficiency through a range of activities such as outreach, community education, informal counseling, social support and advocacy.

Application deadline is April 6th. Phone interviews will be held after an application is received to determine if a candidate is appropriate for the class.

Applications can be dropped off at Portland Adult Education or returned by fax, email or mail to:

Sally Sutton, Program Coordinator, New Mainers Resource Center, Portland Adult Education

14 Locust St., Portland, Maine 04101, , 207 874-8155, fax: 207 773-0151.

Questions should be directed to Sally Sutton at the above email or phone.

Community Health Worker Training Application Questions

Please type or print clearly

1. Name:______

2. Phone Number:______

3. Email address:______

4. Mailing Address:




5. Will you be able to commit to all 10 Fridays of training? ______yes ______no

6. Proof of English Proficiency:

Are you a native English speaker ______yes ______no.

If you answered no, a CASAS score of 240 or higher or other proof of English proficiency is required for non-native English speakers. If you are currently working as a CHW, instead of taking a CASAS test, you may submit a letter from your employer stating that your English is at a level appropriate for the course. If you do not have a CASAS test score or other proof of your English proficiency,please contact Sally Sutton at PAE to make arrangements for a test: , 874-8155

Other proof of English proficiency can include: Accuplacer, TOEFL or IELTS test scores, letter from an employer, or completion of a college level English course.

What is your proof of English proficiency? ______

Please attach verification.

7. Employment

a. Are you working? ______yes ______no

If you are currently working, please provide the name and city of your employer.


b. Have you completed a core competency training for Community Health Workers in the past?

______yes ______no

If yes, please indicate when and where.


c. Are you currently working as a Community Health Worker?

______yes ______no

If yes, please, please list the name and city of your employer.


8. Why Interested

a. For current Community Health Workers - How will training enhance your work? (2-3 sentences)





b. For those interested in becoming a Community Health Worker – Why are you interested in working as a Community Health Worker? (2-3 sentences)




9. All Applicants - Related Experience

a. Please explain any history you have had working with the general public providing assistance or advocacy. (2-3 sentences)





b. Please explain any experience you may have working with differences in culture, race, class, language, sexual orientation or faith. (2-3 sentences)





c. If you would be a new Community Health Worker, tell us why you are well-suited to be a Community Health Worker and provide a summary of your experience and interests. (2-3 sentences)





10. Additional Information

Please provide any additional information it is important for us to know in considering your application for the Community Health Worker training.





11. Where did you learn of this training?


Applications can be dropped off at Portland Adult Education or returned by fax, email or mail to:

Sally Sutton, Program Coordinator

New Mainers Resource Center

Portland Adult Education

14 Locust St.

Portland, Maine 04101

207 874-8155

fax: 207 773-0151

Questions should be directed to Sally Sutton at the above email or phone. Space is limited so please apply early. If you need a CASAS test, please make arrangements as soon as possible and prior to submitting your application.

Application deadline is April 6th. Phone interviews will be held after an application is received to determine if a candidate is appropriate for the class.