PPC members:

Doug McLachlan (Chair) / Sheila McDonald / Gina Bennett (EDCO)
Nick Rubidge / Doris Silva / Lil McPhail (EDCO)
Darrell Bethune / Julie Schoenberger / Jason Colombo (CUPE)
Marilyn Petersen / John McDonaugh / (Student)
Leslie Molnar (CORFA)


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

2:30 pm – 3:30 pm



Present:Doug McLachlan (Chair), Julie Schoenberger, John McDonaugh,Leslie Molnar, Darrell Bethune, Marilyn Petersen,Pat Bowron, Doris Silva, Gina Bennett, Sheila McDonald, Nick Rubidge, Patty Tanner (recorder).

Regrets:Lil McPhail, Jason Colombo

  1. Order of Business

The agenda was accepted as presented. The meeting will be cut short today because the majority of those attending are scheduled to attend the Awards Ceremony just after 3pm.

  1. Confirmation of Minutes of March 12, 2013.

The minutes from March 12, 2013 were accepted as presented.

Moved by Leslie Molnar, seconded by John McDonaughto accept the minutes as presented. CARRIED unanimously

3. Outstanding Business

3.1Update from IR

No updates from IR. They have been busy working on Time Tables so not much advancement with the Program Reviews.

3.2Policy 6.1.2 Program Approval, Review & Implementation

Gina researched what program review and comprehensive quality assurance processes are already in place at BC public postsecondary institutions.

A breakdown of her findings can be found in the attached report.

Nick complemented Gina on the in-depth research done.

Due to time constraints, Doug provided a brief outline of the information received from Lakeland College. Lakeland basically has two different review processes,

The annual review examines key performance and quality data as part of the short term planning process.

The Comprehensive Evaluation is a peer review process undertaken as part of a program evaluation rotational schedule or when circumstances indicate that a significant change is required as part of a long term strategic plan.

Doug will provide greater detail on these processes at the next meeting, including templates used in each process.

4. New Business

4.1 Evaluation of Educational Services

To provide a means of consultation between the College Planning Committee, Education Council and representatives of faculty, support staff, and the Student Union regarding the evaluation of programs and educational services.

We will look at a process that provides an open communication between the above groups regarding the evaluation of all Educational Services including Learning Resource, IT Services and other Student Services.

5. Information


6.Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for May 7, 2013 at 2:30pm in the Boardroom.