ESM Appendix 1

Data obtained from the routine dataset of the Finnish Intensive Care Consortium (FICC, Tieto Ltd, Helsinki, Finland)



-Reason for admission: operative/non-operative, emergency/non-emergency

-Activities of daily life (ADL), coded as

1. Able to work

2. Unable to work, but needs no help

3. Needs some help

4. Needs help to activities of daily life

-Diagnosis by International Classification of Diseases 10th edn.

-Severity scorings, including values and points of component:

Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS) II score

Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score

Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System (TISS) points

-Length of stay (LOS) in ICU

-Hospital LOS

-ICU discharge status

-Hospital discharge status

-Treatment restriction

ESM Appendix 1

Study data was mainly collected by using the clinical report form (CRF) and clarifications in short form. Original CRF was in Finnish. Study protocol was presented in several meetings of the FICC and detailed instructions were available in the secured Internet site of the study.

Prehospital data collected from emergency medical systems (EMS) reports

Admission ID

Time labels:

Date and time of cardiac arrest

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) started by EMS

Return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC)

First defibrillation

Estimated time of cardiac arrest in minutes

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, baseline.

Bystander CPR (yes/no)

Cardiac arrest witnessed (yes/no)

EMS activated to the scene (yes/no)

Initial Rhythm



Treatment during CPR



-Sodium bicarbonate



-Ringer solution/0,9%-NaCl-solution

-Colloid-solution (HES, Gelatine)


Treatment after ROSC


-Medical support on circulation

-Medical treatment for arrhythmias

-Need for sedation or analgesia

Place of cardiac arrest:

-Public place

-Home, not public place

-First Aid or Emergency room

-Long term nursing home

-Hospital ward

-Intensive Care Unit

Estimated aetiology for cardiac arrest:








Daily data concerning previous 24 hours, recorded daily during ICU stay

Date, treatment day, admission ID

Breathing and circulation



-Treatment for arrhythmias

-Prevalent rhythm

-sinus, atrial fibrillation, other

-Treatment for bradycardia

-pacing, medical treatment

-Treatment for tachycardia

-pacing, medical treatment, defibrillation

Medical treatment and fluid balance:

-Vasopressor (yes/no)

-if yes, name of the vasopressor and highest dose (μg/kg/min)

-Inotrope (yes/no)

-if yes, name of the inotrope and highest dose (μg/kg/min)

-Insulin (yes/no)

-if yes, name of the insulin and highest dose (IU/hrs)

-Intravenous solutions in ml

-Diuresis in ml


-GCS estimated during sedation

-Pupils reaction to light

-Uncontrollable movement



-Treatment of fever

Highest Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)

Best motoric response

-No-response, extension to pain, abnormal flexion to pain, withdrawal to pain, localizes pain, obeys commands

Data at ICU discharge

Baseline data obtained from patient medical history, before cardiac arrest

-Coronary artery disease


-Chronic heart failure

-Diabetes mellitus

-Chronic renal failure

-Coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG)

-Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)

-Ejection fraction (EF%), if measured


-Cerebral Performance Category (CPC) (1-4)

-Overall Performance Category (OPC) (1-4)

-Height, cm, measured/estimated

-Weight, kg, measured/estimated

Data during ICU stay





-Clinical heart failure


-Severe sepsis

-Septic shock


Interventions and treatments during ICU stay, if yes, date and time were collected


-Coronary angiography



-Intra-aortic Balloon Pump (IABP)

-Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)

-Renal Replacement Therapy (RRT)

-Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT)

-Enteral nutrition

-Parenteral nutrition

-Thrombosis prophylaxis

-Peptic ulcer prophylaxis

-Anticonvulsant medication

-Computed Tomography (CT) of brain

-Electroencephalography (EEG)

-Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (SEP)

-Therapeutic Hypothermia (TH)


-Date and time of sedation stop

-Time of sedation in days and hours

-Need for restart sedation

-First extubation, date and time

-Patient obeys commands, date and time

Therapeutic hypothermia (TH)

-Main technique of hypothermia induction and maintenance

-intravenous cooling device

-surface cooling device

-other surface cooling method

-ice-cold intravenous fluids

-Additional technique of hypothermia induction and maintenance

-intravenous cooling device

-surface cooling device

-other surface cooling method

-ice-cold intravenous fluids

-Date and time of TH induction

-Target temperature, °C

-Time to target temperature

-Time in target temperature

-Rewarming time

-Use of neuromuscular blocking agents

-Fever treatment using hypothermia treatment methods

Time of invasive mechanical ventilation in days and hours

Best and worst measured EF%

Treatment restriction

-if yes, reason for restriction collected

Estimated aetiology of cardiac arrest after ICU treatment







-Blood loss


-Pulmonary embolism


Data at discharge



-Need for oxygen support


-Time of death
