Community Education For Livelihood Enhancement and Poverty Alleviation
Bhoja Raj ojha
Associate Professor, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Key Words
Community Education, Formal and Nonformal education, Empowerment, Target Group, Livelihood Enhancement, Poverty Alleviation, Local Resources, Group Formation, Accessibility, Vicious Circle, Main Stream Development.
Community education could be equipped through formal and nonformal system of education. It leads to engender awareness, knowledge and skill formation and empowers the target group. Community education has an imperative role to promote family welfare, child care, late marriage, sanitation, modern out look, health and environmental protection, and technical know how; mobilize savings and credit and gainful productive and entrepreneurial functions. At the same time an essentiality to educate people could be agreed upon to raise employment, self-employment, and income generation, alleviate poverty and raise living standard, specifically in the milieu of vicious circle of rural poverty and socio-economic debasement.
The purpose of the study is to work over, portray and examine how the NGOS are getting success to raise livelihood and alleviate poverty through teaching the people. As a methodological approach the criterion of written works to and for theoretical exposure and observed pragmatic evidences have been adopted in this paper. Performances of NGO at urban and rural base represent the relative contemplation in connection to achieve the designed purpose. The study reveals that the livelihoods of the participants have been raised substantially and the community education planted a fairy progression in this direction.
Because of the accessibility of NGOS at grass root level, they can deliberately contribute to the benevolence of target group and the area. The NGOS may bring improvement in the existing educational institutions, teaching material, help teachers and students, and facilitate to the target group to raise the enrolment and attendance of their children and participate themselves in adult education. They may boost up local initiatives to aggrandize adult education, literacy, skill formation, gain new know ledges and generate innovative ideas.
Most invigorative demean our is to mobilize local resources in terms of land, farm practices, savings and credits, micro- enterprise and productive activities, group formation and cooperative exercises. An agile NGO endeavored to teach and empower the target group can mitigate them from vicious circle of rural poverty and socio-economic debasement and raise their access to mainstream development.