Welcome to Shirt Tail Creek, Seneca, Oregon 2013
This is a pre 1840 primitive rendezvous. Anything non-primitive needs to be under cover in your tent or lodge. Primitive footwear is required at all times when you are on the trails or on Traders Row. If your feet hurt and you need to wear non-primitive foot wear stay in your camp and relax. Loud and non-primitive print shirts should be left at homeas you will be asked to take them off. NO CELL PHONES out in public. If you must use one go to the parking lot or out of camp where you can't be seen.You are expected to arrive and leave in Primitive Attire and stay in period correct attire while in camp.
These simple rules will be enforced so help us make this a great primitive event.
Thank You for coming and have a great time.
Fee will include a medallion for everyone over the age of 13. Pre-Registration Deadline is: May 20, 2013. Failure to pre-register will result in a $20.00 late fee.
Gate Hours & Registration
On Friday, June 14th the gate will Open from 7:00 am to7:00 pm for all Blanket Traders and Campers. These same hours will be in effect Saturday, June 15th. Sunday, June 16th hours will be 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. All vehicles must be out of camp one half (1/2) hour after the gate closes.
The gate will close at 5:00 pm Sunday, June 16th, and remain closed (except for emergency vehicles) until Saturday, June 22nd at 6:00 am.
Registration will be open daily during the event from 8:00 to 9:00 am 3:00 to 4:00 pm.
Registration Chief: Denise Whitman ~e-mail
PPR 2013 will provide toilets, garbage dumpster, and water. There is limited firewood on site. Only use downed trees or wood. NOCutting of live trees.
RV’s must be fully contained. The RV’s will be set up in the parking area.
Ice will be available for purchase.
Full Traders
The gate will be open for Pre-RegisteredFull Tradersonly Wed. June 12th from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm For Non Pre-Registered Full Traders the gate will open Thur. June 13th from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. Trade Fee will be in addition to the camp fee. All trade items MUST conform to pre 1840 era and the spirit of the event. Food vendors need to have the proper permits from Grant County, OR to serve food.Trade Guidelines available on request. Beginning Thursday, June 13th NO Vehicles will remain in camp overnight. For more information contact the Trade Chief.
Trade Chief: Dale (Blond Bear) Colman ~ e-mail
Planned Events
Trade Gun, Rifle, Squirrel Gun, Novelty, Shotgun & Pistol.
Pee-Wee Rifle, Archery Trail and Hawk Knife Trail
Canon Shoot
Shooting Chief: Ralph “Stump”Torpin~ 541-536-6050
Horse Camp
Obstacle course/weapons,Trappers Run, Parade,Horse Race,
Seminar on Primitive Horse Gear.
Marvin “WaterMoccasin” Simonson 541 755 5476
Kids Events
Information coming soon
Seminars may include
Basket Making Card Weaving
Historic Beads 4 Strand Braiding
Beading on Brain Tan Drum Painting
Brush Making Hand Talker
Broom Making Gun Cleaning
Basic Embroidery Knife Sharpening
Skinning Critters Inkle Loom Weaving
Chinook JargonLucet
Colonial Life Drop Spindle
Drum Making Hide Painting
History Seminars Knitting dish cloth and pot holder
Flute Playing Period Clothing
Pine Needle Baskets Pottery- History
Primitive Lighting Dutch Oven Cooking
Scottish Trapper History Soap Making
Stick Game Scrimshaw
Stone BowlsPigments and Paint Brushes
Cape from a Blanket (bring your own blanket)
Embroidered dish cloth And many more
Seminar Chief: Denise Roberts ~ email
If you are planning on bring your dog to the Rendezvous, consider: Is it really a Rendezvous Dog? Does it get along well with others, human or canine? It Will be on a leash (10 feet max) attached to a human or tied to something solid in your camp. Remember any waste or droppings your dog produces you must clean up. Don’t let your dog ruin someone else’s Rendezvous experience.
The Rendezvous site is located outside of Seneca, Oregon off of Hwy 395 between John Day, Oregon, and Burns, Oregon. Signs will be posted from the town of Seneca to the Rendezvous near Shirt Tail Creek.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Co- Booshwy Glen “Frenchie” La Chapelle 541-385 7446
Co-Boshway Marvin “Water Moccasin” Simonson 541 755 5476