Part I
Name / For Departmental Use Only
LRR Number:
Client I.D. Number:
Under Disposition Number:
Mailing Address
City, Town, Province, Postal Code
Email Address
I request to have the following lands which I/we hold under lease considered for sale:
Under the Farm Holdings Consolidation Program, a maximum of 4 quarters or 640 acres may be approved for sale.
(If area requested is fractional, describe and complete sketch on reverse side.)
I/we have held this land under GRL/FDL for years (length of time must be at least three years).
I am/We are / (a) Canadian Citizen(s) or Permanent Resident(s) of Canada
Yes No / (b) 18 years of age or older
Yes No / (c) Provincial Government Employee(s) (If yes, attach approval pursuant to Public Service Act.)
Yes No
I understand that it is my obligation to utilize the lease and maintain it in good standing at all times. All rental and any fees owing must be paid during the application process.
Signatures of all leaseholder(s) or authorized representative(s)
Date / Signatures of all leaseholder(s) or authorized representative(s)
Part IISale
(To be completed after land evaluation for land to be withdrawn from the lease)
  1. I, of in the Province of Alberta do solemnly declare:
That I wish to have the following land withdrawn from and the land offered for sale by public tender. I understand that I will have the opportunity to match the highest bid immediately after the tender opening.
Land Description:
I understand that my lease will remain in effect until a sale agreement has been approved by the department. Signing this declaration relinquishes my ownership to the land being offered for sale outlined in this application.
I also understand that fences are considered to be a removable improvement, and I must negotiate their sale with the successful party or arrange for removal of same.
  1. I agree to pay half the cost of a land value appraisal, by an accredited appraiser contracted by Alberta Environment and Parks, for land made available for sale. I will be provided with a copy of the appraisal report.
Yes No
Declared before me at
in the Province of Alberta, this day
of , 20
Notary Public, Commissioner for Oaths or Justice of the Peace
in and for Alberta / Signatures of all leaseholder(s) or authorized representative(s)
Signatures of all leaseholder(s) or authorized representative(s)


The non-refundable fee for submitting a land review request is $1,050.00 plus GST

Sketch of Section

Township No. Range West of Meridian

Scale: 4 inches = 1 mile

Approximate Acreage:

Sep 2016 / Land Review Request FHCP
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