8th Grade Math
Classroom Procedures and Expectations
Mrs. Mingey
Phone: 610-497-6300 ext. 3108
Students will be assigned homework approximately 3-4 days a week. Homework will be checked for completion and students will check their answers, ask questions, and make necessary corrections in class. Assignments will usually come from their text or worksheet. Homework will not be accepted late, unless absent. Students will have the opportunity to record homework assignments into their assignment book at the end of each class. Homework assignments will be posted daily on the chalkboard in the classroom, my website, and/or on My Big Campus. If homework is not completely finished, partial credit will be given.
Classroom Procedures:
Please arrive on time. When entering the classroom, please get seated and read the screen that will contain directions and/or a problem to solve. While everyone is working, I will take role and check homework.
Please use a pencil when completing work for this class. If you forget a pencil, you may borrow one from a classmate.
Passes will not be given to travel to your locker, so please come with the following materials each day: textbook, graph paper notebook, pencil, homework.
When returning from an absence, ask members of your study team what you have missed. If you need teacher clarification about missing assignments, I can speak to you before or after class. It is the student’s responsibility to present make-up work to me in order to receive full credit. My Big Campus has resources for students who have been absent.
Each category below will carry a different weight depending on the percent of your total grade.
50% Summative Assessment- End of unit or chapter tests
40% Formative Assessment- Quizzes, team challenge, exit ticket, graded class work
10% Homework, preparation, participation
Please bring me a filled out assignment book at the beginning or end of the period if you need to use the bathroom or visit the nurse’s office. Please go to lockers and water fountain during locker times or between classes.
Calculators will be available in class, but I recommend having a scientific calculator at home to complete homework assignments. The calculator we use in school is the Texas Instruments TI-30X IIS (they are around $15). If you bring your own calculator, please make sure it is clearly labeled with your name. Graphing calculators will be used only during class and will be provided.
Extra Help:
If you need extra help, please make an appointment with me for before or after school.
I have read and reviewed the Math Classroom Procedures and Expectations handout for the 2013-2014 school year.
Student Name: ______
Parent Signature: ______
Group Work Guidelines
- No talking outside your team
- Keep conversations on math only
- Use study team voices
- Help anyone in your study team who asks
- Give your teammates hints and ask good questions instead of giving answers
- Discuss questions with your team before calling the teacher over
What Does Group Work Sound Like?
- When Making Observations, You Might Say:
I notice…
I wonder…
- Examples of Questions to Ask Each Other:
Where did you start?
How did you get that?
Why did you do that?
How do you know?
Can you explain?