Additional Fulfillment Configurations (New UI)
1. Additional Fulfillment Configurations
1.1 Welcome
Hello and welcome to the session, Additional Fulfillment Configurations, part of the Alma Administration Fundamentals training.
1.2 Agenda
In this session we will introduce you to several additional configuration possibilities in Alma Fulfillment, which should help when you want to make decisions about your fulfillment workflows.
· Auto Loan Renewals: As the name suggests, Alma allows you to automatically renew patron loans.
· Lost Loan Profiles to automatically update the status of overdue loans to Lost
· Loan limits for limiting the number and type of patron loans
· Digital fulfillment possibilities that are supported in Alma
· Display logic rules to suppress services from displaying in Primo
· General Electronic Services to configure additional services for display in Primo
· Notifications Configurations, and we’ll conclude this session with a brief review.
1.3 Auto Loan Renewals
You can configure Alma to automatically renew eligible patron loans using Auto Loan Renewal Rules. Renewal Rules can be configured conditionally according to patron user group and owning library, or unconditionally.
You can configure multiple rules for different combinations of user group and library. Any loans not included in a rule will not be automatically renewed.
Access the Auto Loan Renewal Rules from the configuration icon on the Alma Homepage. Find the Fulfillment Configuration menu on the left, and then the Auto Loan Renewal Rules link in the Physical Fulfillment section.
1.4 Auto Loan Renewals
Alma checks the Auto Loan Rules every day. Any loans covered by the rules and that are eligible for automatic renewal will be renewed.
If the loan is not eligible for renewal - for example if the maximum renewal period has been reached, if there are other patron requests for the item on loan, or if the loan is not yet due within the specified number of days - the loan will not be renewed, even though it is included in the rule.
Auto Loan Renewals can be very useful in many different scenarios: to consolidate loan period policies, to extend summer time loans, as a service to faculty who may be away for a semester, etc. Click the Add Rule link to add a new Loan Renewal rule or use the row action list in an existing rule to edit, duplicate or delete it.
1.5 Overdue and Lost Loan Profiles
Access the Overdue and Lost Loan Profile from the Alma Fulfillment Menu, under Physical Fulfillment.
1.6 Overdue and Lost Loan Profiles
By defining Lost Loan Profiles, you can configure Alma to automatically update the status of overdue loans to lost.
Click the Edit button using the row actions list on the right.
1.7 Overdue and Lost Loan Profiles
Lost Loan Profiles can be configured according to the number of days the loan is overdue, the user group of the patron who borrowed the item, the owning library and location of the item, as well as several other parameters.
In addition, you can configure the Lost Loan Profile to send a warning notification before actually updating the loan status to lost.
1.8 Loan Limits
Access the Loan Limit Rules using the Fulfillment Configuration menu and then scrolling down to the Patron Configurations.
1.9 Loan Limits
The Configuration Form allows you to limit the number of concurrent loans for a given user group.
You can also configure loan limits not only by user group, but also by owning location or library and by Material Type.
Using the row action menu for each rule, you can limit loans of laptops or reference books to 1 per patron, loans of material in the course reserves location to 5 items, and concurrent loans of other books to 20 items.
Add new Loan Limit Rules by clicking the Add Rule link on the right side of the page.
1.10 Digital Fulfillment
Configure Alma to allow patron requests for digitization of physical material by using the Terms of Use and Policies Configuration menu.
Once the digitization request has been processed, you can deliver the digitized file directly to the patron, make it available for download, or deposit it in your institution zone.
1.11 Digital Fulfillment
You can configure Alma using the Digital Fulfillment configuration menu, Digitization Profile Rules.
This lets you allow requests for full or only partial digitization of an item, to require staff approval, and/or to require copyright clearance for the digitization request.
Use the row actions list to configure your digitization rules or add a new rule.
1.12 Digital Fulfillment
Digitization requests (workflows) can be processed at the circulation desk, at a remote storage facility, or at a separate digitization department.
1.13 Display Logic Rules
Alma allows you to suppress display of certain services in Primo, either conditionally or unconditionally using Display Logic Rules.
These rules can be configured using the Display Logic Rules menu within the Discovery Interface Display Logic section of the Fulfillment configuration menu.
1.14 Display Logic Rules
For example, you can choose to hide the Resource Sharing Request link in the Primo Get It tab if your institution owns inventory for the requested title.
You can hide the Digitization Request link if you have access to an electronic format of the requested item, or for electronic resources from a particular supplier if the same resource is available from a different supplier.
1.15 General Electronic Services
Using Alma’s General Electronic Services functionality, you can create your own services in Alma and display their links in the Primo Get It and View It tabs.
1.16 General Electronic Services
For example, a link to an ‘Ask the Librarian’ page, or to execute a search in Amazon on the Get It and View it tabs in Primo.
1.17 Notifications
Alma also automatically generates notices for many different activities, including notifications of fulfillment activity that can be sent directly to patrons via email and SMS.
1.18 Notifications
Alma allows you to fully customize these notifications using the Customize Letters configuration menu, part of the General Configuration page.
1.19 Notifications
You can change the branding, the content and the formatting. You can also decide whether to disable notifications so that they will not be sent at all.
1.20 Notifications
You can access patron notifications that are generated automatically by Alma by the General Configuration menu and clicking the Letter Emails link. Some of the letters available by default include:
· Hold Shelf Notification - sent when a requested item has been placed on the hold shelf
· Due Date Courtesy Notice - sent as a reminder of an upcoming due date
· Recall Notification - sent when the loan has been recalled
· Renewal Notification - sent when the loan has been renewed
· Request Cancellation - sent when a patron hold request has been canceled
1.21 Session Review
We’ll now conclude this session with a brief review of what was covered.
1.22 Session Review
In this session, we discussed:
· Alma’s capability to automatically renew loans based on user group and/or owning library
· Automatically updating the status of overdue loans to Lost
· Patron loan limits by user group, material type and location
· Digital fulfillment possibilities including full or partial digitization for deposit or document delivery
· Suppressing services from displaying in Primo using Display Logic Rules
· Configuring additional services for display in Primo using General Electronic Services
· Customizing notifications in Alma
1.23 Thank you
Thank you for watching this session. For additional resources please navigate to the Ex Libris Knowledge Center.
2. About this training
2.1 About this Training
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