The Scoresheet September 2009 Edition


Official Newsletter of the North Central Zone Referees Committee

The Nichols Report

Zone Chairman

Welcome back to another hockey season. Hopefully you had a great summer and are getting ready to hit the ice.

Officials last year in the North Central Zone did a great job. Our registration numbers were up a bit and as in past years everyone stepped up to make sure the games were covered. This year I hope we can improve on travelling officials to different areas over the course of the year. It is important for both the officials and the teams that we do not see each other too often. Come playoff time if you have been over exposed to a team, they don’t want to see you and you don’t want to see them. Hopefully we can have officials travel once in awhile to neighbouring communities so that burn out doesn’t happen. At the zone level we are also looking at travelling officials to different zones and will welcome officials from different zones to our zone.

We are sticking to the 1-day clinic for all Level 2’s and up. Level 1’s will still have the 2-day clinic or in areas where it is a combined Level 1 & 2 clinic, it will be 2 days. We need to make good use of all our Development Programs such as the Mentorship Program, Supervision Program and the Mini Clinics. We also need to spend some time on our own reading and learning the rules. We are using the same rulebook as last year. We had different interpretations on face off locations and that will be addressed at our clinics this fall. We need to make sure that the high level of officiating we have been providing in the past does not slip.

There are a couple of changes on the executive. Rob Gordon has taken a job in Calgary but is going to still officiate a few games in our zone. Cory Lundquist was elected as our new Vice-Chair. Adam Mowat has stepped down as Supervision coordinator. Chad Huseby has taken over that role and will implement a few new initiatives. With Cory moving out of the director’s role, Cody Huseby was elected as a director. Shauna Wing has also taken on a new position as Female Coordinator. Shauna’s focus will be around recruitment and development of female officials.

Congratulations to Matt Cassidy and Kyle Baltimore who were selected to go to the Alberta Cup and the Development Camp this summer. They both did a great job representing our zone. Also congratulations to Brad Dewing and Trevor Yachimec who won our zone award. Todd Swerda won the inaugural Dave Ganley Award. This award is given to one or two people from across the Province who do a lot of work over a long period of time at the zone level. This is a very prestigious award and I think that they picked a great candidate as the first winner of the award.

Please remember to periodically check the zone website as we will update it as the year goes along.

Have a great season!

Curtis Nichols

North Central Zone Chairman

Vice Chairman’s Report
By Cory Lundquist

The hockey season is fast approaching and before you know it, we will all be back on the ice. Welcome back to all returning officials!

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as your Vice Chairman for the upcoming year. I have been in the North Central Zone for the past 7 years, split between Olds and Red Deer, and have served on the executive as the Scoresheet editor and as a Director. Thank you to Rob Gordon for his hard work and dedication in serving as the Vice Chairman last year.

As the Vice Chairman of the North Central Zone, my main duties are to deal with complaints regarding officials and handle disciplinary concerns. In your clinic handout, there are two very important sections that all officials should review – the “Officials’ Code of Ethics” and the “NCZ Dress/Discipline Code”. Please ensure that the expectations of all officials, both on and off the ice, are being upheld throughout the year. Hockey Canada’s mission statement reads: Lead, Develop and Promote Positive Hockey Experiences and as officials, it is our duty to maintain the integrity of our game.

The North Central Zone is very fortunate to have experienced officials that dedicate their time to mentor, assign, and supervise officials across our zone. It is the responsibility of each official to perform to the best of their abilities every time they step onto the ice.

We are planning another Referee-in-Chief meeting for September. I would encourage as many RIC’s, Area Reps, and Assignors as possible to attend. This meeting is very beneficial to begin the year with a positive start and provide important information to each center.

I hope you enjoyed your summer and are ready to get back on the ice!

Let’s have a great season.

Cory Lundquist - Vice Chairman

(403) 507-1821


The Greenberg Greenback's Report

Welcome back to another season!

As we get ready to start a new season those officials in the Red Deer area and the Zone's Senior Program will find a completely different way of being assigned and getting paid for the games that you do.

We have been working hard to make this transition as seamless as possible. It is extremely important that you sign up (most will do this at a clinic) and follow the directions in order to be assigned games.

As far as the treasurer's desk goes, you will be able to see all of your games and how much you are to be paid. This should nullify any discrepancies and you are able to track day to day.

We will be using this website to do all of the work for us.

It is also extremely important to have an email address that you check regularly for emails coming from the assigning software. It is also extremely important that you log into the site daily or every other day to see what is happening with your upcoming games and game fees.

There will be a training component to the Red Deer Clinic on how to use this website. Please make an effort to get to this clinic. If you are a Red Deer official and can't make it to the clinic, contact Matt Cassidy so you can be entered into the website and be eligible to be assigned games.

Pay cheques will continue to work the same as the 08/09 season. Cheques will be processed on the 15th of each month (November will be the first month). Requests for cheques are to be made by the 10th of the month. Both of these dates are firm.

Cheque requests are to be made to the following email address; and only this address. They are not to be made by text message, voice mail, facebook etc. I can not keep requests straight coming from multiple locations. Inevitably someone will be missed.

It is your responsibility as an official to ask questions when they arise. Please do not wait until its too late. Whether its an administration issue or an on ice issue. There are many people on the executive and throughout the zone that are very knowledgeable and they will either get you the correct answer to pass you along to someone else who does

Have a great season and try to bring someone new to a clinic or try to pry someone out of retirement.

Jared Greenberg

NCZRC Treasurer

The Colin Stefanyk Match Penalty Report

Hello all, hope you all had a good summer, with the summer coming to a end means another hockey season is just around the corner. This will be my second year as the Match Penalty Coordinator.

If you have any questions or concerns at any point of the season don’t hesitate to call me or just come and chat if you see me around the rink. Hope everyone has a strong and enjoyable season.

Yours in Hockey
Colin Stefanyk

NCZRC Match Penalty Coordinator

(403) 704-3131

Senior Assignor Shayne Davis

Well, the hockey season is fast approaching and it’s time to get geared up again. If you are interested in joining the Senior Program or a local assignor who would like to put someone’s name forward, please contact me at the email address or phone numbers below.

The Senior Program will be using an online assigning program. This will help keep all of the information in one location and help with last minute cancellations. There will be some new expectations, but for the most part we will be using the same process as last season. The program will track Dark Days and as such the individuals will be required to log into the system and enter their own dark days. More information on the system and expectations are to follow. If you have any questions regarding the system, please let me know.

I understand that situations arise and cancellations are necessary from time to time; however cancellations need to be submitted within a minimum of 48 hours prior to game time. Linesmen are expected to contact referees 48 hours prior to game time. If the referee has not heard from his linesmen, he is expected to either contact the linesmen and/or assignor. This is mandatory and is in place to help prevent missed assignments.

Below are my contact numbers and email address. Best of luck this season and I look forward to working with you.

Shayne Davis

NCZ Senior Assignor: Email:

Home: (403) 342 8894Work: (403) 885 7102Cell: (780) 720 5269

Minor A Assignor Report:

As summer draws to a close, it comes time to think about strapping on the blades for another season. I will once again be assigning the Minor A division of hockey in Red Deer. This hockey includes: Peewee AA, Peewee A, Atom AA, Atom A, and Bandits Female. As some of you know, assigning this year will be conducted through an online assigning program. I hope to make this transition as simple and easy as possible for all the officials involved. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: or call me at 403.872.4970(cell). See you soon at the rink!

-Matt Cassidy

Development Camp

This past July, Kyle Baltimore and I had the opportunity to attend the annual Hockey Alberta Officiating Development Camp in Camrose, Alberta. This six day camp has maintained the reputation of being a gruelling mental and physical test for every official who attends, and the 2009 camp lived up to every expectation. With each day beginning with a run, followed by classroom sessions, power skating, group exercises, and officiating hockey games, we were deeply immersed into the world of high level officiating. The classroom sessions contained many great presenters including coaches, nutritionists, Western Hockey League supervisors and more. Both Kyle and I agreed that these presentations drastically improved our thinking regarding the world of officiating. Secondly, the on ice sessions pushed every skater to the limits as we attempted to perform NHL and WHL power skating drills. Another highlight of the camp was the supervisions we received after games. With four Level 6 referees, a Level 4L linesman, and a Provincial Rep, the instruction we received was second to none. Despite all the hard work, Kyle and I both experienced a major highlight in our Officiating careers. Outside the rink it was great to connect with other young officials from around the province and build lasting friendships. We both would like to thank our local Chairmen, Directors, and NCZ executive for providing us with such an amazing opportunity, as well as everyone at Hockey Alberta that made the camp such a huge success.

-Matt Cassidy


Welcome to another year of controlled chaos on the ice. With the gears moving for a couple of weeks already to become prepared for the upcoming season of officiating there are always new faces from different places and those that are looking for a bit of help to make it to that next level. For those of you that are new to the zone I would like to welcome you and let you know that as a former import (Peace Zone, enter smart remark here!!) you are coming to a zone that really has the gears working in all directions to help improve hockey officials. The North Central Zone has had a pretty successful training program with there officials in helping to achieve higher goals for all that have taken advantage of the opportunity. Following are a brief list of the activities that as a zone we use to help and identify the officials that could one day possibly be working in the NHL.

Red Deer Bantam AAA Tournament

  • Normally held on the Thanksgiving weekend in Red Deer with teams from across western Canada participating. New officials to the zone and officials wishing to get upgraded, this is the start of the year and a good time to start the development process.

North Central Zone Mini-Camp

  • Ten (10) participants from throughout the zone are invited to participate in the Alberta Cup Zone tournament as officials. Through the weekend they are put through a lot with such a short period of time. From classroom discussion to on ice radio communicated supervisions. Two (2) individuals are selected from this camp to represent the Zone at the Hockey Alberta Referee Development Camp in Camrose. Here they are supervised by the elite in Alberta and have the opportunity to gain some pretty valuable experience.

Now I am very well aware that there are a number of other tournaments throughout central Alberta at the Bantam and Midget level that can be used for development. The only thing is I do not know when or where these tournaments are being held. So I would ask that all referee coordinators that may be running into some problems getting officials or would like to use there local tournament as a development opportunity, to give me a call so that we can work together in helping develop our officials to the best that Alberta has to offer.

To get a hold of me I can be reached via e-mail at or by phone at 403-358-3170 and I hope that everyone has a great year.

Female Development Coordinator:

Well, here we are at the beginning of another hockey season. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the Female Development Coordinator for the North Central Zone. I look forward to getting out to the rink this season and working with some of our young female officials to encourage their development and play a mentorship role. Over the past few seasons I have worked hard to have to opportunity to work a handful of prestigious events. Good luck to all this season!

Shauna Wing

Female Development Coordinator

Clinic Report 2009-10 Season - August 2009

Brett Kelly
North Central Zone Clinic Guidelines

There continues to be a one day clinic with no ice session for Level 2’s and 3’s. The Level 1’s are required to attend a two day session with a 1 hour ice session. Please note that if you are running a clinic with just one classroom, however, the clinic must be a Two day + Ice session clinic - Level 2’s or 3’s can’t attend just one day of a two day clinic.

You must be born in 1997 or prior to be a Hockey Alberta Official for the 2009-10 Hockey Season.

Any missed class time may result in refusal to register as a carded official. You may attend Saturday in one town and Sunday in another on a different weekend if you wish. Please arrange this with your instructor or me. Please come prepared to learn and show respect for the instructors and other officials in your class, refusal to do so will be dealt with swiftly and appropriately.

Things to bring: Cash to purchase a rule ($10) and/or casebook ($15), pen or pencil, note pad and for the classroom session, helmet with visor, whistle and skates for the ice session (please bring both days) if you are going on the ice. We are strongly encouraging Level 2-3 officials who are attending the one day clinic to come out and participate in the Level 1 ice session, as it would be a great tie in to have the experienced officials, especially assignors and evaluators, to assist these younger officials and get to know them and their capabilities.

Fees: Each town usually charges approximately $25-$35 per official to attend the clinic. The registration costs for our Zone/Province combined are as follows:

Level 1 - $32Level 2 – $53Level 3 - $73 Insurance - $33

Insurance is mandatory for all officials who are not playing on, or coaching a registered team. These fees are payable on Saturday or Sunday afternoon after the exam. You will not be a registered as a carded official until you have paid your fees and insurance. Please do not forget to bring your cheque or cash, as those are the only payment methods accepted.

Red Deer Clinics

The Red Deer Major Clinic will be held the weekend of Sept 19-20, 2009 at Westerner Park in the Upstairs Meeting Rooms. Please use the Prairie & Stockmen’s Pavilion entrance, registration begins at 8:45am Saturday morning and classes start at 9am and run until approximately 4pm daily. The first Red Deer Clinic (Sept 19-20) will cost $25. The second Red Deer (Nov 21-22) clinic will cost $35. The reason for the difference in price is because we encourage all officials to take advantage of the first Red Deer Clinic in September.