AlgerCounty Extension
413 Elm Avenue
Munising, MI 49862 / P: 906-387-2530

F: 906-387-2710

/ E-mail:


August 2006

AlgerCounty 4-H’ers visit MSU Campus

Twelve AlgerCounty 4-H’ers attended the 2006 4-H Exploration Days program on the campus of MichiganStateUniversity from June 21-23. 4-H Exploration Days is a state-wide educational event for kids aged 12-18. Adult chaperones and 4-H staff attend with county delegations, creating a safe and organized program. Participants sign up for one or two classes from a wide selection. Alger County 4-H’ers chose classes including kayaking, skating, roller-blading, llamas, “cat-i-tude”, animal diseases, hiking, skin care and make-up, judo and tae kwan do, basketball, working with children in day-care, Pisanki egg decorating, digital and creative photography, stained glass, creative shirt and purse design, archery, Inkle weaving (making a belt), and basketry.
The group traveled to E. Lansing on Tuesday, June 20 on a (very full) charter bus along with the group from MarquetteCounty. The bus visited the Potter Park Zoo in Lansing and the Meridian Mall in Okemos before heading to the MSU dorms. One of the highlights for the kids was staying in the dormitories at MSU and eating in the cafeteria. It gives them a taste of college life. Food selections are great, with unlimited ice cream!
The kids participate in special events after the day’s class activities are done. On Wednesday night, they attended an amazing performance by professional juggler and motivational speaker, Dan Thurmon, at the beautiful (and huge) WhartonCenter / for the Performing Arts at MSU. On Thursday night, the main event was a dance under a gigantic tent, followed by a great fireworks display.
4-H’er Lorena Mahoski of Munising says she made a lot of friends. “It was really fun. I like staying in the dorm and eating at the cafeteria.” Sheena Sowa, also of Munising, says, “It was awesome. It was a blast. I can’t wait to go next year.”
4-H Exploration Days is a particularly valuable opportunity for kids from very rural and isolated communities. With strong support, both personal and financial, these AlgerCounty youths have an opportunity for a close-up look at a major university within a structured youth program.
The AlgerCounty 4-H Council helps families pay for the kid’s trip. This year, the kids also sold Sayklly’s 4-H chocolate bars to help fund the trip. There are more kids interested in attending next June and an additional bus may be needed. 4-H Exploration Days is open to all kids under 19, who will turn 12 years old by the end of the year. Boys and girls stay in separate dorms, with an adult chaperone for each 10 kids.

/ Michigan State University Extension helps people improve their lives through an educational process that applies knowledge to critical issues, needs and opportunities. Offices in counties across the state link the research of the land-grant university, MSU, to challenges facingcommunities. Citizens serving on countyExtension councils regularly help select focus areas for programming. MSU Extension is funded jointly by county boards of commissioners,the state through MichiganStateUniversity and federally through the US Department of Agriculture. /

AlgerCounty voters approve MSU Extension funding

A renewal of the 5-year, .25 mil proposal to provide the local funding component for the Alger County MSU Extension program was approved by a wide margin during the August 8 primary election. AlgerCounty votes cast 1,210 “yes” votes and 457 “no” votes, indicating strong support for the county program. Jim Isleib, County Extension Director, states that negative votes indicate reluctance to renew additional, self-imposed taxes, not disapproval of the MSU Extension program. “I received very few negative comments and input about our county extension team’s educational efforts”, Isleib said. “I am aware of only one public statement in opposition to the renewal.”

The proposal passed decisively in each of AlgerCounty’s 12 voting precincts. Isleib stated, “We routinely include evaluation efforts as part of our major educational programs. I consider this millage renewal to be a highly important form of evaluation. The voters have given us a very positive response based on our programs and services over the past 5 years.”

In all but two Michigan counties, local funding for extension is provided by an appropriation from county boards of commissioners. Due to a financial crisis in 2002, AlgerCounty was forced to seek funding for extension through a voter-approved millage proposal. The millage renewal will fund the local portion of expenses for the county program from 2007 through 2011.

AlgerCounty Dairy Farmer Presents at National Sustainable Agriculture Conference

Mike Iho, owner and operator of M-T Acres dairy farm in Trenary along with his wife Treasa, was selected to speak at the biennial (every 2 years) national Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) conference. Mike’s farm was featured based on his multi-year on-farm research and demonstration efforts funded by SARE. Mike received grants in 2002, 2003 to explore new pasture management techniques and plant species. In 2004, Mike received a grant to / compare the performance and economics of red clover vs. alfalfa as the legume component in his pastures. All of Mike’s SARE projects were supported by MSU Extension county and regional staff and included field days and articles in local newsletters. The 3-day conference was held August 15-17 in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin.

AlgerCounty Extension Educator Takes on Child Care Provider Training

Joan Vinette, Alger County Extension Educator, accepted a new role as Better Kid Care training provider for Alger, Luce and MarquetteCounties in May, 2006. Joan is delivering training programs for people currently in, or considering entry into, the child care business. Working with the MSU Extension offices in all three counties, Joan develops a training schedule and meets with providers at convenient locations to enhance their knowledge and skills in the area of child development, learning, health and care. This new effort is part of a state-wide extension program. Our efforts are closely coordinated with those of the local 4-C’s organization, which also offers resources and training to child care providers.
Upcoming Events
September 6 – December 6 – Master Gardener
Volunteer Training Program
September 7 – Better Kid Care Training, “Child
September 11 – AlgerCounty 4-H Council Meeting
September 14 – Forest and Farm School Field Day
September 15 – Nutrition Program, Lakeshore Manor
Senior Housing
September 16 – Calculating Hardwood Units Class
October 1-7 – National 4-H Week
October 7-8 – 4-H Leader Training, KettunenCenter
MSU is an affirmative-action, equal opportunity institution, Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, or family status. Issued in furtherance of MSU Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Thomas G. Coon, Extension Director, MichiganStateUniversity, E. Lansing, MI48824