2017 - 2018 Calendar Proof
Students should note that in the Science Faculty the minimum acceptable grade in a course which is required by a particular program or is used to meet a prerequisite, is a "C". Any student who fails to attain a "C" or better in such a course must repeat the course (at the next regular session) until a grade of "C" or better is attained. Students will not be eligible for graduation until such deficiencies are removed. The only exception will be granted for a single course with a “D” grade that is a normal part of the final year of that program, and is being taken for the first time in the final year.
Note: See Courses -> Saint John or Fredericton -> Standard Course Abbreviations in the online undergraduate calendar for an explanation of abbreviations, course numbers and coding.
Not all courses are offered every year. Consult with the Department concerning availability of courses from year to year.
PHYS 1061, PHYS 1062, PHYS 1091, PHYS 1092 are prerequisites for second year physics courses. PHYS 1071 may count in place of PHYS 1061 and PHYS 1072 in place of PHYS 1062. Note that credit can only be obtained for one of PHYS 1061 and PHYS 1091, PHYS 1071 and PHYS 1091 or PHYS 1081. However, for students wishing to transfer from engineering PHYS 1081 and EE 1813 may replace First Year Physics i.e. PHYS 1061, 1062 , 1091 , 1092 (or equivalently PHYS 1071, 1072, 1091, 1092).
Courses with a 5 for the first digit are advanced courses, which may be taken only with the permission of the instructor.
PHYS 1061 / Introductory Physics - I (Physical Science Interest) / 3 ch (3C 1T)This course is an introduction to the branch of physics called mechanics. Mechanics is the study both of how objects move and why they move the way they do. Describing the motion of objects requires understanding the basic kinematics quantities position, displacement, velocity and acceleration, as well as the connection between them. Understanding the causes of motion can be achieved by considering the forces acting on the object and/or by focussing on the conserved properties of the system (momentum, energy, angular momentum). Mechanics applies to a wide range of phenomena, essentially to anything that moves, but this course will highlight ties to and applications in the physical sciences. Co-requisites: MATH 1003 or 1053. NOTES: Credit can be obtained in only one of PHYS 1061, 1071 or 1081.
PHYS 1062 / Introductory Physics - II (Physical Science Interest) / 3 ch (3C 1T)
This course introduces the students to wave phenomena and to electricity and magnetism. Throughout, the concepts related to motion learned in the previous course are used to describe and explain new phenomena. The study of waves introduces the student to propagating, periodic disturbances. In addition to their importance in mechanical phenomena (e.g. seismic waves), waves form the basis of both optics and acoustics. The study of electricity and magnetism introduces the student to the concept of charge and to the effects of charges on their surroundings (fields and forces). This course will highlight ties to and applications in the physical sciences. Prerequisites: PHYS 1061, 1071 or 1081, MATH 1003 or 1053. It is recommended that students intending to take Physics courses beyond Introductory Physics should take MATH 1013 or 1063 as a co-requisite to this course. NOTES: Credit can be obtained in only one of PHYS 1062 or 1072.
PHYS 1071 / Introductory Physics - I (Health & Life Science Interest) / 3 ch (3C 1T)
This course is an introduction to the branch of physics called mechanics. Mechanics is the study both of how objects move and why they move the way they do. Describing the motion of objects requires understanding the basic kinematics quantities position, displacement, velocity and acceleration, as well as the connection between them. Understanding the causes of motion can be achieved by considering the forces acting on the object and/or by focussing on the conserved properties of the system (momentum, energy, angular momentum). Mechanics applies to a wide range of phenomena, essentially to anything that moves, but this course will highlight ties to and applications in the health and life sciences. Co-requisite: MATH 1003 or 1053. NOTES: Credit can be obtained in only one of PHYS 1061, 1071 or 1081.
PHYS 1072 / Introductory Physics - II (Health & Life Science Interest) / 3 ch (3C 1T)
This course introduces the students to wave phenomena and to electricity and magnetism. Throughout, the concepts related to motion learned in the previous course are used to describe and explain new phenomena. The study of waves introduces the student to propagating, periodic disturbances. In addition to their importance in mechanical phenomena (e.g. seismic waves), waves form the basis of both optics and acoustics. The study of electricity and magnetism introduces the student to the concept of charge and to the effects of charges on their surroundings (fields and forces). This course will highlight ties to and applications in the health and life sciences. Prerequisites: PHYS 1061 or PHYS 1071, MATH 1003 or 1503. It is recommended that students intending to take Physics courses beyond Introductory Physics should take MATH 1013 or 1063 as a co-requisite to this course. NOTES: Credit can be obtained in only one of PHYS 1062 or 1072.
PHYS 1081 / Foundations of Physics for Engineers / 5 ch (3C 3L)
An introduction to the fundamentals of mechanics. Vector analysis and its application to the analysis of the motion of particles and rigid bodies. Newton's three laws of motion. The kinematics and dynamics of particle motion along straight and curved paths. Work, energy, impulse and momentum of particles and rigid bodies. An introduction to the rotation of a rigid body about a fixed axis, moments of inertia, angular momentum. Simple Harmonic Motion. Co-requisites: (MATH 1003 or MATH 1053), (MATH 1503, or MATH 2213, or equivalent). NOTES: Credit can be obtained in only one of PHYS 1061 and PHYS 1091, 1071 and PHYS 1091 or 1081.
PHYS 1091 / Experiments in Introductory Physics – I / 2 ch (3L) [W]
This course provides the student hands-on experience with concepts covered in PHYS 1061 or 1071. Co-requisite: PHYS 1061 or 1071.
PHYS 1092 / Experiments in Introductory Physics - II / 2 ch (3L) [W]
This course provides the student hands-on experience with concepts covered in PHYS 1062 or 1072. Prerequisite: PHYS 1091. Co-requisite: PHYS 1062 or 1072.
PHYS 2311 / Mechanics I / 4 ch (3C 1T)
Role within programme and connections to other courses. This course is an important — and big! — first step away from the tremendously simplified problems that we have dealt with both in introductory university physics and in high school. We introduce the integration of greater mathematical sophistication in the treatment of physical situations, showing that comfort with a variety of mathematical techniques will allow us to study a greater range of — and more interesting — problems. Furthermore, this course serves to show that familiarity with the powerful Newtonian toolchest, which we have been using since high school, allows us to approach complicated, realistic situations with confidence. The inclusion of special relativity challenges us to think beyond the familiar.
Content. Special relativity (including elements related to the development of the theory), advanced Newtonian kinematics and dynamics (translational and rotational), conservation principles, oscillatory motion, mechanics in non-inertial reference frames. Prerequisites: MATH 1003 or 1053 and 1013 or 1063 plus PHYS 1061, 1062, 1091, 1092 or equivalent. Co-requisite: MATH 2003 or equivalent.
PHYS 2312 / Mechanics II / 3 ch (3C)
Role within programme and connections to other courses. This course introduces an entirely new approach to mechanics, one that is more elegant and more powerful but less intuitive than the Newtonian approach to which we have been exposed thus far. This is the last compulsory mechanics course and, therefore, includes the classical mechanics background for the quantum mechanics stream. Some computational exercises are included (e.g. the use of numerical differential equation solvers).
Content. Calculus of variations, Lagrangian mechanics, two-body, central force problems (orbital motion), rotational motion of rigid bodies, coupled oscillators and normal modes, an introduction to Hamiltonian mechanics. Prerequisites: PHYS 2311, MATH 2003 or equivalent. Co-requisite: MATH 2013 or equivalent.
PHYS 2327 / Circuits & Elementary Electronics / 5 ch (2C 3L)
Role within programme and connections to other courses. Understanding circuits and basic electronics is essential for any physicist who will develop or simply use measuring devices. This course moves beyond the simple DC circuits involving resistors and capacitors seen in introductory physics. It introduces the basic elements of the many electronic devices which we use every day, then shows how to combine these elements when designing simple circuits. This topic is particularly well-suited to hands-on learning. The course is experiential in design with more time devoted to manipulations than to lecture. Through the experimental work involved in learning about basic electronics, we are introduced to and become comfortable with essential measurement apparati (multimeters, oscilloscopes, etc). The understanding of basic electronics and measuring devices gained from this course will serve to enhance all future laboratory work: the equipment will not distract us from the physical phenomena which we are studying and we will understand how to best use the equipment and appreciate its limitations. This course also introduces some computational techniques for circuit analysis e.g. in the solution of simultaneous linear equations.
Content. AC circuits, operational amplifiers, diodes and other pertinent topics. Prerequisites: PHYS 1061, 1062, 1091, 1092 or equivalent, PHYS 2331. Co-requisite: MATH 2013 or equivalent.
PHYS 2331 / Research Skills / 3 ch (3C) [W]
Role within programme and connections to other courses. This course helps us to acquire skills needed to do research. These include two different aspects: (1) how to deal with experimental limitations (2) how to read and write scientific documents. The skills acquired in this course are subsequently applied in other courses. In all future experimental work, we will treat experimental limitations properly and fully. In all future courses involving reports, written work will meet or exceed the standards established in the Research Skills course. The title of this
course emphasises the fact that the programme does more than fill us with physics facts. This is also an opportunity to review other skills, which are developed by the programme (problem solving strategies, approximation, presentation skills, index/abstract searching, etc.). All of these skills are generally applicable in physics & beyond.
Content. Uncertainty analysis, Data processing and analysis, Reading and understanding technical literature, Technical writing. Prerequisites: PHYS 1061, 1062, 1091, 1092 or equivalent, MATH 1003, 1013 or equivalent. Co-requisite: MATH 2003 or equivalent.
PHYS 2341 / Thermal Physics / 3 ch (3C)
This course includes some experimental work that supports the lecture material.
Role within programme and connections to other courses. This course furnishes us with classical thermodynamics and a little about properties of materials. We have heard that “energy is conserved” and even have an appreciation of how important this principle is, but in first year mechanics energy is often apparently “lost” when friction does work. Here, at last , we introduce a complete formulation for energy conservation, comparing the work defined in first year with heat as a means of energy transfer. We discuss transformations of energy in a variety of processes, then go on to explain that not all of the energy is available for doing mechanical work. The theoretical framework of classical thermodynamics is beautifully self-contained, but this course also emphasises the link between the microscopic world of the kinetic theory (drawing on Newtonian mechanics as it does so) and the macroscopic world of the everyday, in preparation for the statistical thermodynamics to follow.
Content. Gases (ideal and real) and pressure, phases and phase diagrams, the state of a system, what is energy?, heat and work, first, second and third laws of thermodynamics, entropy, enthalpy and free energies, heat engines, refrigerators, heat pumps and efficiency, phase transitions, introductory kinetic theory. Prerequisites: PHYS 1061, 1062, 1091, 1092 or equivalent, MATH 1003, 1013 or equivalent. Co-requisite: MATH 2003 or equivalent.
PHYS 2351 / Quantum Physics / 3 ch (3C)
This course includes some experimental work that supports the lecture material.
Role within programme and connections to other courses. This course lays the necessary foundations for thinking about phenomena on very small spatial scales. This course calls on many concepts learned in introductory physics: position, momentum, energy, angular momentum, vibrations, waves. It casts many of them in a new light, at times requiring modification of the classical definition of these quantities. Quantum Physics serves as the foundation for the more in–depth learning of the tools of quantum mechanics presented in the Quantum Mechanics trio of courses and the courses which follow from these. In addition, Quantum Physics is essential background for the study of astrophysics and atmospheric physics.
Content. Particle properties of waves: blackbody radiation, photoelectric effect, Compton effect; wave properties of particles: de Broglie waves, Davisson-Germer experiment, the uncertainty principle; old atomic theory: atomic spectra, Rutherford’s model, Bohr’s model, spontaneous and stimulated transitions, lasers; quantum mechanics: the Schrodinger equation, mathematical tools; quantum mechanical examples: square wells and barriers, quantum tunnelling and its applications; quantum theory of atoms. Prerequisites: PHYS 1061, 1062, 1091, 1092 or equivalent, MATH 1003, 1013 or equivalent. Co-requisite: MATH 2003 or equivalent.