Appendix 7

This or your own variation must be sent to all applicants.

Sample Letter

Acknowledgement of Application




Dear :

This is to acknowledge receipt of your application for the position of ______. We appreciate your interest in our department. Our search committee will give careful consideration to your candidacy and will be in contact with you as the search process develops.

Listed below are the elements of a completed file. You will note that I have placed a check mark in front of the elements we have received from you. We are still waiting to receive the unchecked elements, and will consider your file complete when they are received by the committee by the published deadline of ______.

_____Letter of application

_____Vita or resume


_____Three to five letters of recommendation/names, address and telephone numbers of three to five references

You are invited to fill it our Group Identity Data Survey on the Affirmative Action website at The survey has been designed to help us in meeting our commitment to developing a more diverse community and to meet affirmative action/equal opportunity guidelines. The data survey will not be included with your application materials and will in no way affect your status as an applicant.

Under the terms of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, all applicants must be able to lawfully accept employment in the United States at the time of an offer of employment. If you are interviewing for this position and are unable to bring proof of U.S. citizenship or permanent residency to the interview, please advise us, in advance, of the need to meet with Human Resources Management Personnel who handle visa and immigration matters.

The search committee will begin reviewing materials on ______. We will notify you of your status in the selection process as soon thereafter as possible.

Thank you for your interest in the University at Albany.



Search Committee Chair
