6th Grade English Jennifer Weiman

Temple Christian School

Course Description: Sixth grade English is designed to build skills in reading, writing, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, speaking, and listening. In addition to enhancing comprehension and communication skills, students will develop reading strategies that they will apply during independent and classroom reading. Students will use the writing process to communicate in an organized, effective manner. The course will foster students' ability to read critically, write effectively, and communicate productively.


God's Gift of Language C - 3rd Edition (A Beka Book)

Spelling, Vocabulary and Poetry 6 (A Beka Book)

As Full as the World: Reading 6 (BJU Press)

Materials Needed


Composition Notebook


Red Pens


Loose-leaf paper

Planner (optional, but highly recommended)

Pencil Only - all grammar work will be done in pencil.


- direct link to my teacher webpage on the school website

- useful for spelling list practice; students’ spelling lists will be online; also available in an app for your phone or tablet.

– literacy resources and interactives

General Information

Grading Scale: A: 90-100 B: 80-89 C: 70-79 F: 0-69

Grade Assessment: Your grade will be determined based on the following:

Daily Practice10%

Assignments & Quizzes40%


Absence: If you miss class for any reason, be sure to check RenWeb for any missed assignments or daily work. You will have one day for every day missed to make up your work. If you plan to be gone for any extended amount of time, please give me at least a week's notice to get work together. Assignments missed because of an absence will be marked with an 'A' in RenWeb.

Late Policy: Assignments are expected to be completed and turned in on time. Late or incomplete assignments must be completed in Homework Remediation (HR) after school. Late work will be marked 'INC' in RenWeb and will be calculated as a zero until the assignment is turned in. If work is late, your final grade will be reduced in the following way:

1 day late - 20% off2 or more days late: - 40% off

Failure Policy: Assignments/Quizzes - Any failed assignment or quiz may be corrected for no more than a 70%. Corrections should be completed on another sheet of paper and stapled to the failed assignment or quiz. Incomplete Daily Practice assignments cannot be made up (ie: spelling homework, in-class grammar work, reader's notebook - these grades are for completion only)

Tests - If you make a grade below 70 on a major test, you may choose to re-take the test.

You may only retake one test each 9 weeks.

1. Be prepared to re-take your test within 1 week of having your first test returned.

2. See me after class to schedule a time to take the new test.

3. Tests will receive a grade no higher than a 70%.

4. This policy does not apply to Cumulative Semester Tests


Class/per. (Math Per. 1)

PaperHeading: Upper right hand corner Date


Technology in the classroom: Cell phones and tablets are to be turned off and put away during class unless given specific instruction or permission to use them.

Tutoring: If you are having trouble in math, it is important you ask for help immediately. If help during class time doesn't seem to be enough, talk with me about extra help after school.

Students may have a water bottle during class, with water only. No other food or drink allowed.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email me.

Students and Parents - please sign and return the attached sheet

English 6 Syllabus

Miss Weiman

Please read through this syllabus carefully. Keep this as a reference to use throughout the school year.

When you have read through this syllabus, please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to an excellent year!

Miss Weiman


Sign and return this page by tomorrow, August 18, 2015

English 6 Syllabus

Miss Weiman

Student Name:______Period:______

I have read through this syllabus and understand that I may contact the teacher at any time with questions.


Student SignatureDate


Parent SignatureDate