PAD 655: Research Practicum
Credit Hours: 4Fall 2009
Thursday 6:00 – 9:30 PAC 4A
/ Mark Edgar, PhD, MPHOffice:
/ PAC 328Office Hours:
/ Mondays 1-4other times by appointmentPhone:
/ 206- 7835Email:
Course Description
Students will work under faculty direction on the design of a research project using the material from the first four core courses. Students will select a research question that is productive for both management and policy fields that can be pursued by a research team using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Course Information: Prerequisite: PAD 654.
Course Objectives/Learning Outcomes
To develop the skills necessary to complete a research project students will:
- Review basic statistical concepts and tests
- Build data analysis and management skills using local, state, national and international data sets and SPSS
- Complete a community assessment for a county in Illinois including accessing, analyzing and presenting the resulting data
Teaching Philosophy
Active engagement by students and instructor to facilitate an investigation of the key concepts of research design.
Required Text
Optional texts
- Basic Statistics for the Health Sciences, Jan Kuzma, Steve Bohnenblust, Fifth Edition
- Discovering Statistics Using SPSS for Windows, Andy Field, Second Edition
- Discovering Statistics Using SPSS for Windows, Andy Field, Third Edition
- SPSS 17. 0 Guide to Data Analysis, Marija Norusis
Other readings/materials
Access to SPSS either remotely or by license purchase/lease
- IRB materials (UIS IRB site)
- Atomic learning tutorials
Course Requirements
Class participation: Active participation in class discussion and exercises is expected. More than 2 absences may result in lost class participation points.
Methods of Evaluation
SPSS Homework assignments5 X 20 points= 100
Accessing/analyzing data1 X 50 points= 50
County profile1 x 50 points= 50
Class participation= 25
Total= 225
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A / 93-100%
A- / 90-92%
B+ / 87-89%
B / 83-86%
B- / 80-82%
C+ / 77-79%
C / 73-76%
C- / 70-72%
D+ / 67-69%
D / 63-66%
D- / 60-62%
U / <60%
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Delivery Method
Course Calendar or Schedule
/ Topic / Readings/AssignmentsBasics of SPSS /
- Set up SPSS
- Complete SPSS Atomic Learning Tutorials
- Complete SPSS tutorial
IRB Human Subjects /
- Review IRB materials
- Complete NIH online training
Introductory Statistics /
- Statistics and How They Are Used
- Populations and Samples
Introductory Statistics /
- Organizing and Displaying Data
- Summarizing Data
Introductory Statistics /
- The Normal Distribution
- Sampling Distribution of Means
Introductory Statistics /
- One-Sample Significance Testing, Point Estimates, and Confidence Intervals
Introductory Statistics /
- Two-Sample Significance Testing, Point Estimates, and Confidence Intervals
Introductory Statistics /
Introductory Statistics /
- Correlation and Linear Regression
Secondary Data sources /
- Review data source sites
Graphical display of data /
- Using Excel and SPSS to graph data
Profiling a county /
- Census data
Profiling a county /
- Heath data
Profiling a county /
- Other data sources
Profiling a county /
- Other data sources
Final report
Date Syllabus Prepared:Fall 2009; Revised 12/09
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