A Ghost

Named Fred




George has nobody to play with so he makes up games to play by himself. While playing astronaut one day George finds himself away from when it starts to rain. He takes shelter in an old house where he meets a very
unusual ghost.

--- Conversation Questions---

(1) / Share your favorite part of the story.
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Name some of the kids you play with.
(2) / Explain why George had nobody to play with.
(Answer) / Because the boys that lived near him were either too young or too old.
(Follow Up) / Tell the age of some of your friends.
(3) / Imagine you were George how would you feel about not having any one to play with?
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Recall a time when you felt lonely.
(4) / List some of the things that George pretended to be.
(Answer) / A pirate, a pilot, a submarine, a bear in a cave, and an astronaut.
(Follow Up) / Name some things that you have pretended to be.
(5) / If you were George what would you do when you saw the ghost?
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Tell about a time when you sere lost, or thought you were lost.
(6) / Explain how George ended up in the old house.
(Answer) / He was playing an astronaut in orbit and got lost. When it started to rain he went into the house to keep dry until the rain stopped.
(Follow Up) / Recall a time when you got caught in the rain.
(7) / Compare the games George played with the games you play.
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Name your favorite game.
(8) / Tell what the ghost’s name was.
(Answer) / Fred
(Follow Up) / Recall what Fred asked George when they first met.
(9) / Define the word ‘guard’.
(Answer) / To protect by careful watching.
(Follow Up) / Share abut a time when you had to guard something.
(10) / Recall what Fred was guarding.
(Answer) / Treasure.
(Follow Up) / Tell where they found the treasue.
1. / Draw a picture of George dressed up as an astronaut be sure to include his pretend rocket.
2. / Draw a picture of what you think a ghost might look like.
3. / Draw a picture of a haunted house. Make sure you include the ghosts that do the haunting.
4. / Pretend you are George and write a thank you note to Fred for playing and giving you part of the treasure.
1. / Have a toy ghost on the table. Ask the child what they think are some ghost names. Today we are going to read abut a ghost that is named Fred.
2. / Have a picture of a young kid and one of an older kid. Ask the child what might happen if the two played football together. Today we are going to read abut what happens when a little boy can’t find anyone his own age to play with.
3. / Have a picture of a treasure. Ask the child to name some good places to hide treasure in a house. Let’s read our story and see where the treasure is hidden.

Book Title: A Ghost Named Fred

Author: Nathaniel Benchley / Illustrator: Ben Shecter
ISBN: / # of Text Pages: 41 AR: 2.4 LEX: 320
Building Oral Vocabulary
10 / submarine / 13 / orbit / 13 / astronaut
Prediction Questions
9 / What do you think he will pretend to be next?
14 / Can you guess what he will do now?
19 / What do you think is inside the house?

This resource is provided by THE LEARNING CORPS—Barren County Board of Education, an AmeriCorps project funded in part by the Kentucky Commission on Community Volunteerism and Service and the Corporation for National and Community Service.