Final Dance Project Assessment Rubric (40 Points Total)

Name (s): ______

Period: ______

Grading Component / 0 / 1-2 / 3-4 / 5
Mapping of Song/Choreography Notes / Not turned in / Turned in late and/or missing song mapping and/or choreography notes / Turned in on time with required info but music mapping is brief (not full song or incorrect) and/or few choreography notes / Turned in on time with required info and detailed notes on routine
Outline/Mini Program / Not turned in / Turned in partially completed, turned in late, and/or no apparent effort of creativity (not typed) / Turned in typed, design/font/info/look is visually appealing, but standard format and/or missing info / Turned in with needed info, typed and design/font/info/look of program is visually appealing/apparent effort for creativity
Preparation of Music/Selection of Music / No Music turned in and/or changes music last minute / Music not turned in at deadline / Music turned in at deadline on CD, but not only song on CD and/or changes music selection after deadline / Music turned in at deadline and is the only song on the CD
Variety in Choreography / Dance is not performed / Little variety in movement (1-2 formations, level changes, direction changes, patterns, etc.) / 2-3 formations, level changes, direction changes, etc.), some variety in movement patterns / More than 3 formations, level changes, direction changes, floor work, movement patterns, etc.), a lot of variety in choreography
Costumes / No costumes are worn by any group members / Little creativity in costumes and/or more than half of group members don’t have on any costume (Hair/make-up not done) / Costumes and hair and make-up are worn by all group members, but little creativity is made / Costumes are worn by all group members and apparent effort is made for creativity (Hair is all the same or hair accessories, make-up etc.)
Length of Dance/Amount of Choreography / Dance is not performed / Dance is less than 1 minute and/or is less than 8 eight counts of actual choreography / Dance is over a minute but less than 1 and a half minutes and/or is not at least 8 eight counts of actual choreo / Dance is more than 1 and a half minutes
and contains more than 8 eight counts of actual choreography
Use of Class Time / Project is not worked on in class at all / Class time is not used effectively to work on project / Class time is used effectivelyfor most of the days given in class / Class time is used effectively to collaborate and practice on all days given in class
Overall Performance of Dance / Dance not performed by group member (s) / Attempt is made to execute movements, but arms, accents, footwork may not be correct and/or group members make little effort during performance / Execution of steps and movements are evident for the majority of the dance, but with 2 or more errors; effort is evident through most of dance / Execution of steps and movements are distinct, smooth, clear, accurate, and look clean and all group members make 100% effort to perform dance fully from beginning to end