1 Which London Hospital admitted its first infant patient in 1852 ?

GREAT ORMOND STREET HOSPITAL (originally The Hospital for Sick Children)

2 What are the vertical components of a staircase called? RISERS

3. What indigenous peoples prefer to be called Kooris? AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINES

4. Where would you find Houris (‘hoories’) ? IN ISLAMIC PARADISE

5. Which ex-MP wrote ‘A Parliamentary Affair’ ? EDWINA CURRY

6. In which European city is Greenpeace’s HQ? AMSTERDAM

7. What is the name of the hedgehog in Sega’s computer game? SONIC

8. What was Eva Peron’s maiden name? DUARTE

9. On an OS map, what does a blue symbol like a sun with radiating rays indicate?


10 In old measurements, how many acres made a square mile? 640

11 Where among the British Isles is Tresco airport? THE SCILLY ISLANDS

12 How many cards do you need for a game of canasta? 108 (2 packs + their Jokers)

13 Who was the last British Governor of Hong Kong? CHRIS PATTEN

14 What is the study of fluids moving in channels or pipes called? HYDRAULICS

15 What name did a fairytale queen have to guess or lose her child?


16 Who was Ireland’s first female President? MARY ROBINSON

17 In which country is the site of the WW2 Battle of Alamein? EGYPT

18 What common British creature is often called a brock ? A BADGER

19 Which of the tribes of American Indians is the biggest? They’re mostly in Oklahoma


20 What seeds are the main flavouring of the Dutch liqueur kummel? CARAWAY

21 What is writer Frank L Baum’s most famous work, written in 1900?


22 Which Spanish city is the centre of the sherry-making industry? JEREZ

23 Why can’t you see if you’re in a haboob in Sudan? IT’S A SANDSTORM

24 Which very soft wood is much used by model-makers? BALSA

25 Which sporting items are separated by a chain? CRICKET STUMPS –22 YARDS

26 Who said that they would stay ‘until the wind changed’ MARY POPPINS

27 Bibendum is the advertising logo of which French company? MICHELIN – he’s

the Michelin Man

28 What happens to something when it is, literally, petrified? IT TURNS TO STONE

29 In which country did Che Guevara die? BOLIVIA

30 What city is capital of Latvia? RIGA

31 Vitamin B2 – Riboflavin – is the only vitamin you can see is in your body. How?


32 Which group was fronted by Paul Jones, then Mike D’Abo? MANFRED MANN

33 Who was first nominated for Oscar in ‘Taxi Driver’, then won for ‘The Accused’?


34 Which make of car was originally designed in collaboration with the Swatch watch

company? SMART CAR (now part of the Daimler group)

35 What bubbles of what gas cause the bends for a diver? NITROGEN

36 What food setting agent is obtained from calves’ stomachs? RENNET

37 Which European cheese is properly made from the milk of water buffalos?


38 Which fictional county has a murder rate of about 32 per million (twice London’s)


39 Which Russian revolutionary took his name from a river? LENIN (from Lena)

40 Which English football team were involved in a plane crash at Stansted in 1998?