Town of Wales


Selectman's Meeting

April 5, 2016

Attendance; Paul Burgess, Selectman Chair; Eric Gagnon, Selectman/Secretary; Sharon Siegel, Treasurer; Bill Austin, Road Commissioner; Scott Dimmick, Deputy Fire Chief; TherronKropp.

  • Called to order at 6:00 pm
  • Motion to approve minutes from 3/22, 2016. Moved Paul, Second Eric. Approved 2-0-0

Fire Department:

  • We were approved for the Radar Speed Trailer offered by Maine Local Roads. Tony is the contact person and the trailer will be in our town from 9/4 through 9/17
  • Filing paperwpork for the Forestry Grant.
  • Jamie reviewed the contract with Winthrop Dispatch. He recommended we put Winthrop on notice now and see how they react before signing a contract with Androscoggin Dispatch. Sharon will draft the letter tomorrow and the Selectman will come in to sign it.
  • Chief nominations- Tony Siderio and Scott Dimmick.
  • Squad 35 is back with a new fuel tank. Engine 32 is heading to Fleet tomorrow for a charging issue and exhaust work(potential warranty)
  • Easter Egg hunt was successful for family night.
  • A few Junior FF aren’t doing well in school, so there will be a Homework study night for them.
  • Dishwasher is hooked up in the kitchen now.
  • Discussed Intersection numbers. Nick may contact Bill for help with this.

First Responder/Rescue:

  • Radio issues, they will be looking at it tomorrow.

Road Department:

  • Discussed addressing issues. Reggie Bauer has a house in Monmouth but his driveway is in Wales, so Bill is struggling on how to address properly. He will probably contact Monmouth to see if we can come up a solution.
  • Motion to accept the new Winter Maintenance Contract with Goodall Landscaping for the following: 16/17-$112,000.00; 17/18-$115,360.00; 18/19-$118,820.00. Moved Eric, Second Paul. Approved 2-0-0
  • Discussed ice rink grades. More pitch there than Bill thought, he needs to look into it more.
  • Bill drained the water tank. There was a lot of crud in it.
  • Discussed DOT reports on our bridges.
  • Discussed the road review request that we filed with DOT. We have not received a response from them. Sharon contacted them through DOT website and Dave Allen (traffic engineer region 2) called her about this. He informed her that one of the reports was lost and needed to be redone but they were making no changes to the speed limits on either of the roads we asked to be reviewed.
  • Received culvert pricing from AVCOG. Bill doesn’t use this because we don’t need a whole truck load.


  • TherronKropp was here to discuss his address change.
  • Received notice from AVCOG for the General Assembly Meeting on April 13.
  • Discussed the proposed Ordinance Amendment for Manufactured (Mobile) Homes.
  • Sharon Completed 2017 Census of Governments, Government Units Survey.
  • Sharon completed the Salary Survey for MMA.
  • Received a copy of the letter Arthur sent to Brian and KoleenPainchaud regarding the apartment they have above their garage.
  • Discussed the Charter changes and that it all has to be written ballot. May have to set the room up differently so people can flow and make the process go smoothly.
  • Discussed the date for the public hearing for the Charter Changes. May 3rd. Sharon will make sure posting and newspaper notice is taken care of to meet requirements.
  • Reviewed our proposed budget for 17. Sharon did some quick numbers but even with the school increase we may actually see a reduction in our mil rate at worst stay flat.
  • Reviewed Budget, Bills, check run and Payments forApril 5, 2016. Motion to approve the warrant for April 5, 2016. Moved Eric, Second Paul. Approved 2-0-0.
  • With no objections Chair adjourned the meeting at8:30pm.