Colleen Keeney

2807 Springwood Drive

Greensboro, NC

November 20, 2008


Yasmin’s Adoption

To whom it may concern:

Just seeing a clumber had been a wonderful dream of mine for about five years. I saw the Westminster dog show the year a clumber won and fell in love. A dog that has the appearance of a big dog but is not too big with the beautiful coat and sweet freckles, so adorable! So I started my research (before my computer) to learn more about their temperament etc.

Last spring I was looking at dog rescue groups on pet finders and happened across Clumbers In Need and thought I was seeing things. I looked almost every day and thought I would contact them when the time was right. At the time my lab, CoCo was very sick and at the end of April, I lost her. Sometime in July, I contacted Kim Smith McLendon and the journey began. Kim helped to educate me on the breed itself and the rescue work she does. I realized I had a lot to learn about clumbers. It was very important to Kim for me to understand the breed and their particular needs, which can be somewhat different than other dogs.

In August my sister Margaret and I were going to be up in the area and Kim and Edward invited us to come by. I was so excited and couldn't wait for the day we could see the beautiful dogs. When we drove up, we could see the Clumbers from the window.

One by one Kim introduced us to each of her angels, one as sweet as the other. All full of love as the lady who gives them love and with each clumber, came their story. Kim goes above and beyond in her love and care for all these dogs. I remember seeing Yasmin through the window, with her bone in her month and she stuck in my head.

Later when we were outside, everyone was running around and we were petting them, I called to Yasmin and she came right to me. You just get a feeling when you meet the Clumber that is the right one. I remember Kim saying that she likes to pick the right one for each person or family. She had already picked Yasmin for me before I’d even met Yasmin based on my interview with Kim and all that I had shared about my other dogs! This little girl is so perfect for us and loves her other dog sisters. When you think of the places these dogs came from and how Kim works with them, some longer then others, until they can trust and love again, it is quite amazing.

After that I started the application process and it was quite extensive but at least now I understand why it was so long and somewhat involved. Well, I was approved and then we had the gas shortage and high prices. Next thing I knew, Kim and her husband Edward calls to tell me that they will bring Yasmin to me which took about three hours. Kim likes to help in every way she can. I was waiting in the street waving at them and again it was so exciting and worth the wait.

I couldn't imagine when Kim told me that we would need a couple of hours to go over paper work but again to my surprise, it was fantastic. She presented me with a whole binder about my girl with pictures of her family, as much history about her parent’s pedigree and health information as Kim could find and all her vet records from Kim’s vet. The binder also included breed info, the “clumber non-edible list”, the Dear Vet letter from Dr Roe Froman, and Kim’s contact information in case I had questions or needed help with anything. Kim also set me up with another mentor just in case and I also joined an online clumber group.

These Clumbers are a true labor of love for Kim and I have grown to love her for teaching me so much about the true meaning of giving during this process. It’s refreshing to meet someone who is so committed for all the right reasons. Thank you Kim and Edward!



Colleen Keeney