Week 5 Problem/Assessment Bank Rubrics

1. PS01--D

2. NS02--B

3. PS02--C

4. AS02--D

5. NS01--C

6. NS02--C

7. MC01--B

8. PS03--A

9. SR04--D

10. NS03--D

11. PS02--A

12. NS02--C

13. GS01--C

14. NS02--B

15. NS02--C

16. GS01--D

17. PS03--A

18. NS02--D

19. PS01--B

20. GS02--C

21. PS03--B

22. ME03--A

23. ME03--B

24. AS03--D

25. ME03--C

26. PS01--D

27. AS02--D

28. NS04--D

29. NS01--A

30. (ME01) A 2-point response: The student shows an understanding of how to compare the impact on perimeter and area caused by a given change in one or two dimensions by doing the following:

  • writes 10 feet by 10 feet
  • supports the answer bylabeled diagrams of rectangles or table of rectangle dimensions or equivalent

Note: Allow for one calculation error with an answer that is consistent with the one error

A 1-point response: The student does one of the following:

  • writes 10 feet by 10 feet
  • supports the answer by labeled diagrams of rectangles or table of rectangle dimensions or equivalent
  • shows work that could have lead to a correct answer, but had more than one computational error.

A 0-point response: The student shows very little or no understanding of how to compare the impact on perimeter and area caused by a given change in one or two dimensions.

31. (ME03) A 2-point response: The student shows an understanding of how to use formulas to determine measurements of a triangleby doing the following:

  • writes 588or equivalent (1845-1850)
  • supports the answer by calculating the area of a circle and then calculates ¾ of that area.

A 1-point response: The student does one of the following:

  • writes 588or equivalent (1845-1850)
  • supports the answer by calculating the area of a circle and then calculates ¾ of that area.
  • shows work that could have lead to a correct answer, but had more than one computational error.

A 0-point response: The student shows very little or no understanding of how to use formulas to determine measurements of a triangle.

32. (SR01)A 2-point response: The student shows understanding of how to recognize, extend, or create a patternby doing the following:

  • circles C
  • supports the answer by stating that by knowing the number of pages per book, she could multiply 11 times the number of pages and then divide by 7 to get an average number of pages read per day.

A 1-point response: The student does two of the following:

  • circles C
  • supports the answer by stating that by knowing the number of pages per book, she could multiply 11 times the number of pages and then divide by 7 to get an average number of pages read per day.

A 0-point response: The student shows very little or no understanding of how to recognize, extend, or create a pattern.

33. (SR04) A 2-point response: The student shows an understanding of how to use information from a given situation to support a given conclusion by doing the following:

  • writes $24,625
  • supports the answer by showing the total costs at a 4-year private and a 2-year public college or finds the difference in each category

A 1-point response: The student does one of the following:

  • writes $24,625
  • supports the answer by showing the total costs at a 4-year private and a 2-year public college or finds the difference in each category

A 0-point response: The student shows very little or no understanding of how to use information from a given situation to support a given conclusion.

34. (SR02) A 2-point response: The student shows understanding of selecting and organizing relevant information, using a strategy and answer the question by doing the following:


  • shows an understanding of the problem by using the relevant information of receiving $6.25 per hour and $0.25 per ball at a rate of 6 balls per hour


  • uses a strategy appropriately to find the number of hours Alice worked last Saturday


  • writes an answer of 7 hours

Note: Allow for one calculation error with an answer that is consistent with the one error

A 1-point response: The student does one of the following:


  • shows an understanding of the problem by using the relevant information of receiving $6.25 per hour and $0.25 per ball at a rate of 6 balls per hour


  • uses a strategy appropriately to find the number of hours Alice worked last Saturday


  • writes an answer of 7 hours

A 0-point response: The student shows very little or no understanding of selecting and organizing relevant information, using a strategy and answer the question.

35. (ME01) A 2-point response: The student shows understanding of how a change in two linear dimensions effects the change in volumeby doing the following:

  • writes the picture does not represent half of the volume—it appears to be ¼ the volume
  • writes that the picture should be ½ as tall or ½ as wide, but not both because changing the height and diameter would result in the volume being 1/8 as much as the original volume

A 1-point response: The student does one of the following:

  • writes the picture does not represent half of the volume—it appears to be ¼ the volume
  • writes that the picture should be ½ as tall or ½ as wide, but not both because changing the height and diameter would result in the volume being 1/8 as much as the original volume

A 0-point response: The student shows very little or no understanding of how a change in two linear dimensions effects the change in volume.

36. (SR02)A 4-point response: The student shows understanding of selecting and organizing relevant information, using a strategy and answer the question by doing the following:


  • shows an understanding of the problem by using the relevant information—the data points, the table describes the number of passengers on cruise ships in millions


  • uses a strategy appropriately to graph the data points including a title, using a consistent and appropriate scale, labeling the axes, writing an informative title for the graph
  • uses a strategy appropriately todraw a line that fits the data and/or writes an equation that describes the line
  • uses a strategy of using the fitted line and/or the equation to answer the question


  • writes an answer of 7.7-7.9

Note: Allow for one calculation error with an answer that is consistent with the one error

A 3-point response: The student does three of the following:


  • shows an understanding of the problem by using the relevant information—the data points, that the table describes the number of passengers on cruise ships in millions


  • uses a strategy appropriately to graph the data points including a title, using a consistent and appropriate scale, labeling the axes, writing an informative title for the graph
  • uses a strategy appropriately to draw a line that fits the data and/or writes an equation that describes the line
  • uses a strategy of using the fitted line and/or the equation to answer the question


  • writes an answer of 7.7-7.9

Note: Allow for one calculation error with an answer that is consistent with the one error

A 2-point response: The student does two of the following:


  • shows an understanding of the problem by using the relevant information—the data points, that the table describes the number of passengers on cruise ships in millions


  • uses a strategy appropriately to graph the data points including a title, using a consistent and appropriate scale, labeling the axes, writing an informative title for the graph
  • uses a strategy appropriately to draw a line that fits the data and/or writes an equation that describes the line
  • uses a strategy of using the fitted line and/or the equation to answer the question


  • writes an answer of 7.7-7.9

A 1-point response: The student does two of the following:


  • shows an understanding of the problem by using the relevant information—the data points, that the table describes the number of passengers on cruise ships in millions


  • uses a strategy appropriately to graph the data points including a title, using a consistent and appropriate scale, labeling the axes, writing an informative title for the graph
  • uses a strategy appropriately to draw a line that fits the data and/or writes an equation that describes the line
  • uses a strategy of using the fitted line and/or the equation to answer the question


  • writes an answer of 7.7-7.9

A 0-point response: The student shows very little or no understanding of how to select and organize relevant information, use a strategy and answers the question asked.

37. (NS03) A 2-point response: The student shows understandingof the meaning of operations with rational numbersby doing the following:

  • writes250
  • supports the answer by explaining or showing work to calculate the answer

A 1-point response: The student does one of the following:

  • writes 250
  • supports the answer by explaining or showing work to calculate the answer

A 0-point response: The student shows very little or no understanding of meaning of operations with rational numbers.

38. (PS01) A 2-point response: The student shows an understanding of how to determine the probability of dependent or independent eventsby doing the following:

  • writes 8.4% or appropriate rounded/truncated representation
  • supports the answer by calculating the area of the dartboard and the total area of all the cards and making the comparison after converting to the same unit of measure

Note: Allow for one calculation error with an answer that is consistent with the error

A 1-point response: The student does one of the following:

  • writes 8.4% or appropriate rounded/truncated representation
  • supports the answer by calculating the area of the dartboard and the total area of all the cards and making the comparison
  • calculates the area of the dartboard and the total area of the cards and compares the two without converting to the same unit of measure.

A 0-point response: The student shows very little or no understanding of how to determine the probability of dependent or independent events.

39. (ME03) A 2-point response: The student shows an understanding of how to use a formula to determine the linear dimension of a cylinder based on a given volume by doing the following:

  • writes 14.4-14.6 cm.
  • supports the answer by using the known volume and diameter to then use the formula for volume of a cylinder to find the missing dimension.

Note: Allow for one calculation error with an answer that is consistent with the error

A 1-point response: The student does one of the following:

  • writes 14.4-14.6 cm.
  • supports the answer by using the known volume and diameter to then use the formula for volume of a cylinder to find the missing dimension.

A 0-point response: The student shows very little or no understanding of how to use a formula to determine the linear dimension of a cylinder based on a given volume.