Switched on Communities

Guidelines and application form

(including terms and conditions)

11 July 2016

Page 1 /July 2016 / Switched on Communities Guidelines and Application Form


The Queensland Council of Social Service (QCOSS) is the state-wide peak body representing the interests of individuals experiencing or at risk of experiencing poverty and disadvantage, and organisations working in the social and community service sector.

For more than 50 years, QCOSS has been a leading force for social change to build social and economic wellbeing for all. With members across the state, QCOSS supports a strong community service sector.

QCOSS, together with our members continues to play a crucial lobbying and advocacy role in a broad number of areas including:

  • sector capacity building and support
  • homelessness and housing issues
  • early intervention and prevention
  • cost of living pressures including low income energy concessions and improved consumer protections in the electricity, gas and water markets
  • energy efficiency support for culturally and linguistically diverse people
  • early childhood support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and culturally and linguistically diverse peoples.

QCOSS is part of the national network of Councils of Social Service lending support and gaining essential insight to national and other state issues.

QCOSS is supported by the vice-regal patronage of His Excellency the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC,Governor of Queensland.

Lend your voice and your organisation’s voice to this vision by joining QCOSS. To join visit the QCOSS website (

Table of contents


Program objectives

Program overview and details

Key information

Eligibility requirements

Assessment criteria and process

Applicant notification


Terms and Conditions


Organisation contact details

Applicant contact details (contact officer for grant application queries):

Sponsoring organisation contact details (if applicable):

Project details:

Previous project delivery information:

Project budget overview:

Supporting documentation and checklist:

Authorisation and declaration:

Appendix A - Terms and Conditions


To provide grant funding to not-for-profit community organisations operating in South-East Queensland (SEQ) to improve their ability to assist, educate and empower disadvantaged or vulnerable residential electricity customers following the deregulation of retail electricity prices in SEQ from 1 July 2016.

This initiative is necessary to ensure that those consumers who are most vulnerable to household energy costs are able to become active electricity market participants with access to the benefits that will result from SEQ price deregulation.

Program objectives

The objectives of the grants are to:

  • improve the accessibility of information available to consumers and community sector agencies on issues including:
  • electricity usage
  • electricity pricing and contract conditions
  • how to compare offers to find a better electricity deal
  • assistance and consumer protections available
  • enhance the skills, knowledge and confidence of vulnerable electricity consumers so they can effectively shop around for an electricity deal or access a better deal with their current retailer.
  • increase the number of electricity consumers actively shopping around for a better electricity deal
  • build capacity within not-for-profit community organisations to ensure community workers:
  • have the skills necessary to educate consumers on energy matters
  • are able to assist consumers in engaging with the electricity retail market.

Program overview and details

Not-for-profit community sector organisations operating in SEQ are invited to submit proposals to demonstrate how their organisations can contribute to the program objectives. For the purposes of this program, SEQ is defined as the geographic region serviced by Energex. Visit the Energex website to view the service area.

Funding will be prioritised to those organisations supporting the following targeted population groups:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • seniors
  • people facing financial hardship
  • people with a disability or their carers
  • people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds.

There are no set formats for the delivery of proposed activities, projects or programs. Organisations are encouraged to think broadly about how best to reach the targeted population groups. Examples of possible activities which could be funded under this grant program include:

  • One-on-one counselling or mentoring services – including in-home visits or telephone advice.
  • Group workshops, events or demonstrations to present information to people face-to-face.
  • Developing visual, audio or written materials to suit the needs the needs of particular audience.
  • Translating or adjusting existing information or materials to suit the needs of a particular audience.
  • Building energy advice into the provision of other services, such as tenancy services or case work.

Assistance will be available to all successful grant recipients in the form of:

  • access to a specialised resource kit including factsheets, online tools, presentation materials and participant worksheets
  • content training and project planning/evaluation support to be provided at a mandatory two-day event to be held on the Tuesday 30 and Wednesday 31 August 2016 in Brisbane (prior to project commencement)
  • access to ongoing advice and support throughout the delivery of the project.

Key information

Applications should be submitted via email to close of business Friday 5 August 2016.

Applicants will be advised on the outcomes of their grant application by the Wednesday 24 August 2016.

Funding is available in cash amounts up to $100,000 (ex GST).

Projects are to be delivered between 1 September 2016 and 31 May 2017 (Project Completion Date).

QCOSS will facilitate an information session via webinar at 10.30am – 12:00pm on Thursday 21 July 2016. This webinar will be for interested applicants to seek more information on the grant program.

To register for this information session, or to seek further information to assist in preparing your application, please contact QCOSS on 07 30046900 or email .

Eligibility requirements

In general, community organisations eligible to apply must be:

  • located and/or primarily providing services within the south-east Queensland region serviced by Energex. Visit the Energex website to view the service area.
  • a not-for-profit, constituted incorporated body (or sponsored by such a body) and able to accept legal and financial responsibility for the proposed project or activity subject to the grant
  • able to demonstrate that their proposed project, activity or program will achieve the grant program objectives
  • willing and available to participate in the specialised project planning and evaluation events
  • willing to participate in the training and agree to engaging with Queensland Council of Social Service (QCOSS) fortnightly throughout project delivery
  • able to certify that the Applicant organisation (or sponsoring organisation) is financially sound, and the organisation is able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable
  • free of debt to the Queensland Government associated with previous Queensland Government grant applications.

Examples of eligible and ineligible support:

Examples of eligible components / Examples of ineligible components
  • wages and salaries
  • venue-hire and set-up costs
  • workshop expenses
  • catering
  • professional fees (i.e. certified translators)
  • audio-visual equipment hire
  • marketing and promotional expenses
  • travel costs
  • purchase of capital items or capital works
  • fundraising events
  • retrospective costs
  • political or religious activities or events
  • Director’s fees

Assessment criteria and process

Once eligibility requirements have been met, applications will be scored based on the following Assessment Criteria:
Criteria # / Selection/assessment criteria / Percentage weighting
1. / Suitability – The extent to which the application is able to demonstrate the ability of the proposed project to achieve the Program Objectives. / 20%
2. / Community need - The extent to which the application is able to demonstrate the community need for the project. / 20%
3. / Community benefit and reach - The extent to which the application is able to demonstrate the project will deliver positive benefits for the community; and the expected reach of the application to vulnerable consumers.
Taking into account: whether the proposed projects benefit the targeted community groups outlined in the Program Overview. Projects targeting these groups will be given priority status of those projects that do not. / 20%
4. / Organisational capacity - The extent to which the application is able to demonstrate the organisation has the capacity to undertake and manage the project.
Taking into account: previous project delivery experience and/or evidence of effective project planning and financial stability. / 20%
5. / Viability - The extent to which the proposed project budget is comprehensive, realistic and provides value for money. / 20%
If multiple applications are received for one local area or demographic group, the applications for that location or demographic group will be assessed and prioritised to ensure that a diverse range of services are provided and community needs are met across SEQ and all demographic groups.
Multiple applications from the same organisation will be considered where organisations are proposing to deliver a diverse range of activities, service multiple target audiences or conduct activities in various locations. Each application will be assessed separately.
As resources are limited, not every application that meets the assessment criteria will necessarily receive a grant.
Although not compulsory, applications which include ‘in-kind’ contributions from the applicant (or their sponsor) are encouraged and will be looked upon favourably. Projects where other funding agencies are contributing to the overall cost will also be considered.
In some instances successful applicants may not receive the full amount of funding, but rather a percentage of the total sought. If your project cannot proceed without full funding, this should be indicated in your application.
AnAssessment Panel has been established comprising a senior representative from QCOSS, a senior representative from the Department of Energy and Water Supply, and a senior representative from an independent consumer or community group. This panel will make the final decision about grant allocation based on assessment of the above criteria.

Applicant notification

Applicants will receive notification of the outcome of their application by Wednesday 24 August 2016.
Applications that are incomplete, do not address the eligibility criteria, do not include the requested documentation, have not been signed by the appropriate delegate or are submitted late (without prior approval) may be deemed ineligible.
Successful applicants will receive an approval letter and a funding agreement from QCOSS, which will include the terms and conditions of the grant, and any special conditions that have been attached to the grant. Applicants will need to complete and sign the Funding Agreement before they can invoice for the first payment.
Unless otherwise agreed, payment of the grant will be made in two instalments, with 80 per cent payable upfront and 20 per cent to be paid on finalisation of an acquittal report and presentation of the project learnings and outcomes at a wrap-up event on Tuesday 20 June 2017.


If you or your sponsoring body are GST registered, 10% GST will be added to your grant and itemised as GST. If you or your sponsoring body are not GST registered the 10% GST will be added to your grant, but not itemised as GST. For advice on GST, please contact your tax advisor or the Australian Taxation Office on 13 24 78 or via its website on

Terms and Conditions

Applicants must read carefully the accompanying Terms and Conditions and declare that they agree to with the Terms and Conditions as outlined in Appendix A.


Organisation contact details

Organisation name:
Organisation Postal Address:
Organisation Phone:
Mobile Phone:
Fax Number:
Email Address:
Organisation Type: / Is your organisation operating as not-for-profit?
Yes No
Enter your Organisation’s Incorporation Details / ABN:
Please attach a copy of the certificate of incorporation
Is your Organisation Registered for GST? / Yes No
Detail the Insurance your organisation holds that is relevant to your application. / Does your organisation hold adequate insurance for the activities proposed?
Yes No
If yes,provide details of your insurance and relevant copies of the Certificates of Currency:
Public Liability Insurance:
Name of the insurance company:
Sum insured:
Expiry date of policy:
Name of the insurance company:
Sum insured:
Expiry date of policy:
Name of the insurance company:
Sum insured:
Expiry date of policy:
If no, please note your organisation will need to obtain insurance prior to any grant can be awarded.
Role of Organisation / Please provide a brief summary of your organisation. (This could include aims, objectives, mission or purpose).

Applicant contact details (contact officer for grant application queries):

Applicant Name:
Applicant Position/Title:
Phone Number:
Mobile Phone:
Email Address:
Non-incorporated organisations considering applying for funding under this initiative should seek incorporation or approach an incorporated community organisation to sponsor the project. The incorporated organisation takes full responsibility for the legal and financial accountability of the proposed project.
Sponsoring organisation contact details (if applicable):
Organisation Name:
Organisation Postal Address:
Organisation Phone:
Mobile Phone:
Email Address:
Organisation Type: / Is your organisation operating as not-for-profit?
Yes No
Is your Organisation Incorporated?* / Yes No
Please attach a copy of the certificate of incorporation
Is your Organisation registered for GST? / Yes No
Project details:
Name of proposed project
Who are the target audience/recipients/participants for your project? / Seniors (60+ years)
People from culturally diverse backgrounds
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people
People with a disability
People facing financial hardship
No specific target group (general community)
Other (please specify):
Provide a brief overview of the proposed project
Proposed project dates / Start Date: Completion Date:
Location of activity/project / Suburb/s:
How will you identify and recruit participants into the project?
How many people are expected to participate in or benefit from your project?
Why is the project needed?
(Detail the issues your Community is facing and why the project is needed/ What your project intends to achieve)
Outline how your project will achieve the Program Objectives
Objective 1
Improve the accessibility of information available to vulnerable consumers and community sector agencies on issues including:
-electricity usage
-electricity pricing and contract conditions
-shopping around for a better electricity deal
-assistance and consumer protections available.
(200 words or less)
Objective 2
Enhance the skills, knowledge and confidence of vulnerable electricity consumers so they can effectively shop around for an electricity deal. (200 words or less)
Objective 3
Increase the number of vulnerable electricity consumers actively shopping around for a better electricity deal. (200 words or less)
Objective 4
Build capacity within not-for-profit community organisations to ensure community workers:
  • have the skills necessary to educate vulnerable consumers on energy matters
  • are able to assist vulnerable consumers in engaging with the electricity retail market (200 words or less)

Previous project delivery information:

Has your organisation delivered similar projects in the past? / Yes No
If yes, provide a brief overview (200 words or less)
How many people in total participated?
How successful was the project? Briefly outline the key achievements.
(no more than 100 words)

Project budget overview:

What is the total cost of the project? / $
What level of funding is being requested? / $
Is your organisation contributing financial and/or in-kind support for the project? / Yes No
If yes, please detail the $ amount and type of contribution in the budget overview template below.
Is the project scalable?
In some instances successful applicants may not receive the full amount of funding. If your project cannot proceed without the full funding requested, please select ‘No’. / Yes No

Please complete the project budget template below. If the template is not suitable, attach a separate budget outlining projected income and expenditure.

Income Item / Amount (ex GST) / Expenditure Item / Amount (ex GST)
Grant amount requested / $ / $
$ / $
$ / $
Sub Total / $ / $
In-kind Support / Amount (ex GST) / $
$ / $
Sub Total / $ / $
(i.e. contribution from Sponsor) / Amount (ex GST) / $
$ / $
Sub Total / $ / $
Total / $ / Total / $

Supporting documentation and checklist:

Each question of the application has been completed.

An Executive Officer, or senior delegate with appropriate authority and financial delegation has signed the declaration

All requested documents have been attached including:

Copy of Certificate of Incorporation or Letter of Agreement and Certificate of Incorporation from a sponsoring organisation.

Copy of relevant insurance Certificate of Currency statements for insurance policies.

Proposed budget outlining anticipated income and expenditure of proposed project (either in the template provided or as an additional attachment).

Letters of support for your project from the community (this may be from other organisations, previous participants or other funding bodies). (not mandatory)

Authorisation and declaration:

By signing this declaration, you acknowledge and agree to the following on behalf of the applicant organisation:

  • I am authorised by the organisation to submit this application.
  • All questions have been answered and all requested supporting documentation has been attached.
  • The information provided in the application is true and accurate.
  • I have read and agree to the Switched on Communities Terms and Conditions.
  • I certify that the organisation (or sponsoring organisation if relevant) is financially sound, solvent and the organisation is able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable.
  • I acknowledge that to be eligible for a grant at least one member of my organisation must participate in the 2-day event for project planning, training and evaluation framework development to be held in Brisbane on 30-31 August 2016.
  • I acknowledge that submission and acceptance of this application is not a guarantee of any funding and that provision of funding is subject to an offer from QCOSS.
  • I acknowledge that funding for this grant program has been provided by the Queensland Government and AGL and therefore should this application be successful QCOSS will be required to share information with these parties about the project and its activities, cost and outcomes.
  • The applicant has no conflicts of interest which may have a bearing, or be perceived to have a bearing, on the ability of the applicant to properly and impartially discharge the grant obligations.

Signature of Declarant*
Name of Declarant
Position of Declarant

Appendix A - Switched on Communities Grants Terms and Conditions

QCOSS has been engaged to administer the Switched on Communities Grants (Grant Program) on behalf of the Queensland Department of Energy and Water Supply. The grants have been made available with the generous support of AGL.