Rural Municipality of Armstrong

Regular Council Meeting Agenda

February 10, 2015


1)  Call meeting to order

2)  Agenda / Additions to the Agenda

3)  Reading and Confirmation of Minutes

a)  January 13, 2014 Regular Meeting of Council

b)  January 23, 2015 Special Meeting of Council

4)  Business from Previous Minutes

a)  Treena Ross Delegation – report on findings

5)  Monthly Financial Statements NONE

6)  Accounts Approved for Payment

a)  January Cheque Listing

7)  By-Laws

a)  01-2015 Organizational By-law

b)  02-2015 Procedures By-law

c)  03-2015 Council Indemnities By-law

8)  Ward Reports


9)  Public Hearings

a)  10:30 am - Conditional Use 1/2015 – Darren Lubinski, Automotive & Recreational Vehicle Sales

b)  10:30 am – Conditional Use 2/2015 – Cory Chartrand & Suzi Beckett, General Contracting Service

10) Delegations

a)  1:00 pm – Michele Hazelton, representing Inwood Sports Club

b)  1:15 pm – Donna Martin

c)  1:30 pm – Leonard Dziedzic

d)  1:45 pm – Lois Korish, representing Community Halls

e)  2:00 pm – Ed Waluk, representing Inwood Community Planning

11) Reception of Petitions NONE

12) New Business / General Business

a)  CAO monthly activity report

b)  ACAO monthly activity report

c)  Building Permit Report none

d)  Municipal Finance and Advisory Services – Small Communities Transportation Fund 2015 Application Intake

e)  Barb Rieder – request for support for Scouts group formation

f)  Municipality of Bifrost-Riverton – Interlake Municipal Bonspiel February 27, 2015

g)  Interlake Tourism Association – 2015 membership renewal

h)  Canadian Union of Postal Workers – request for support

i)  Assessment Services – Board of Revision September 16, 2015, 10:00 am

j)  AMM – Mayors, Reeves and CAOs Meeting, March 16, 2015

k)  Manitoba Good Roads Association – Banquet and Awards Presentation, March 16, 2015

l)  Teulon & District Seniors Resource Council Inc. – funding request

m)  Lakeshore School Division – budget meeting invitation

n)  USTI – Cash Receipts License Fee and Support Agreements

o)  Interlake Pioneer Trail – funding request

p)  West Interlake Watershed Conservation District – AGM February 20, 2015

q)  Facilities Tour

r)  Firefighter licence plates

s)  Toomey Construction – Road 110 North

t)  Animal Control – consideration to expand areas of dog control

13) Notice of Motion NONE

14) Committee Reports

a)  Roads Committee

b)  Drainage Committee

c)  Waste Management Committee

d)  Protective Services Committee

e)  By-law Committee

i)  January 8, 2015 minutes

f)  External Committees/Organizations

i)  Interlake Tourism – Colouring Book

15) Unfinished Business

a)  Direction on Delegations

16) In Camera

a)  Draft agreements

b)  Land purchase offers

c)  Personnel

17) Adjournment