Lesson Plan:
Retelling Thumbelina
Part One / Date: November 23, 2009
Time: 11:00am
Duration: 1 hour / Cycle/Year: Cycle 1/Year 2
Cycle 2/Year 1
Unit: Pond Life
Topic: Thumbelina
Learning Intentions / By the end of this lesson, the students will have:
  • Effectively used language (talk) to communicate information.
  • Interacted with peers in a collaborative group activity.
  • Used language as a means of exploring, expressing, and developing thoughts.

Group Size & Materials / Whole class.
  • Worksheet, Recalling Thumbelina
  • Chart paper
  • Markers

Subject Competencies:
Competency 4: To use language to communicate and learn.
  • Students will brainstorm together and draw on their memory of the movie they have just seen. They will discuss the film and use language (talk) to communicate their thoughts and construct learning.

Cross Curricular Competencies:
Competency 5: To adopt effective work methods.
  • In order to complete the task successfully, students will need to understand what is being asked of them. They will need to work collaboratively and show respect for their peers’ ideas in order to complete the task most effectively and efficiently.

Professional Development Goal:
This is Jared and Cassandra’s first year at Dorset. They have been schooled in French since kindergarten and have a lot of difficulty communicating in English. I would like to try and set aside time to sit with their respective groups and make sure they are actively participating in the task. In addition, I will encourage them to take risks because they often are shy to speak up for fear of being wrong.
Time / Lesson
15 minutes
45 minutes / Introduction:
  • The class will already have seen the animated film Thumbelina.
  • Have students sit on the carpet.
  • Show them the recalling worksheet and explain each part to them.
  • Explain that the class will work in groups in order to complete the sheet.
  • Split the class into 5 groups and hand out worksheet.
  • Once they have worked together to remember as many characters from the movie as possible, and some of the key events as well, have them come back to the carpet with the papers.
  • As a class, do the activity together using chart paper.
  • Give students time to add any missing information onto their worksheets.
In-Class Work:
  • Brainstorming sheet to be completed with peers.

Teacher, I’m Done! /
  • Animal project.

Differentiation /
  • None.

Notes on Individual Students