Pre-IB Chemistry
Instructor: Laura Hein
Room: 215
Phone: 720-423-8836
This is an introductory college level class in chemistry. You will become familiar with experimental techniques as well as chemical concepts. Math is an important tool in chemistry and you will be expected to use it routinely to solve problems. A scientific calculator is strongly recommended as it can be used on tests, quizzes and homework.
Each student will check out a text. Chemistry. Wilbraham, Staley, Matta, and Waterman. Copyright 2008 Pearson Education. This text will be read, used, and cared for by the student. Students are expected to bring the text to class every day. Students shall not write or mark in, or deface books in any way.
2nd Semester: Chapter 16, 10 and 12, 11, 17- 26, 28
Lab Fees: $20. Please write a check to GWHS, IB Chemistry and bring it before the end of the 5th week (September 19, 2008). Lab scores will not appear in the grade book until the lab fee is paid.
Materials: Lab notebook 100 sheet composition notebook
Small notebook 20-40 pages
Black or blue pens, pencils
Grading will be based on: Tests 60%
Quizzes, class participation and homework: 10%
Lab safety and technique, lab reports: 30%
Grades will be cumulative.
Semester grade will be 75% 3rd 6 week grade, 25% Final Exam.
Grading Scale:
A 100%-93%
A- 92.9%-90%
B+ 89.9%-87%
B 86.9%-83%
B- 82.9%-81%
C+ 79.9%-77%
C 76.9%-73%
C- 72.9-70%
D 69.9%-60%
F 59.9% or below
Absences: Attendance is essential in the learning process. You cannot expect to succeed if you do not participate in the daily activities of the classroom. This is a fast moving course. Labs generally cannot be made up. Some of the lab material will be on the exams. If you know that you will be absent on exam day, give me advance notice and you may be able to make up your exam prior to your absence. ALL MAKE UP EXAMS WILL BE SCHEDULED AT MY CONVENIENCE.
Assignments: Assignments will be graded on accuracy, completeness, and neatness. LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. There will be adequate notification of due dates for work so there is no need to consider late assignments. If you don’t know how to do the assignment, see me as soon as possible. Additionally, assignments will have the following requirements:
· Student name, date and period must be clearly written on the upper right hand corner of the paper.
· Assignment number, chapter, and problems must be written in upper left hand corner.
· All graphs must be done on graph paper in pencil unless otherwise stated. NO INK. (Illegible work will not be graded.)
Lab notebooks will also be kept by all students. Further information regarding notebooks will be given in class.
Cheating will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Cheating will result in a failing grade for that test/assignment and a parent teacher conference during my conference period. Please do not cheat and always do your best work.
Extra help is always available. You are invited to take advantage of the NHS school tutoring program. You may also attend the chemistry club meetings held in room 204 (Dr. Moore’s class).
Classroom Policies:
Students are expected to follow the school’s attendance and tardy policies. Students must be in their seats and prepared to work when the bell rings. Students should have their text books, calculators, notebooks, and pencil or pen at the beginning of the class period. Be prepared. The standard IB honesty policy is followed in this class. The dress code and behavioral expectations outlined in the student handbook will be strictly enforced.
Thank you for your support.
PIB Chemistry
Print Student’s Name: ______
Student’s Signature: ______
Class Period: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ______
Phone Number: ______