Local Development Framework
Development Sites
Development Plan Document (DPD)
Publication Stage Representation Form
Please return your completed form to the London Borough of Ealing by:
5pm Friday 24th August 2012
/ Planning PolicyRegeneration and Property
4th Floor Perceval House
14-16 Uxbridge Road
/For further information or to request extra representation forms please phone
020 8825 5845 or e-mail us.
You can also download copies of this form from the Council’s web pages at:
The form posted on the Council’s web pages can be condensed or expanded as necessary.
This form has two parts:
Part A – Personal Details
Part B – Your representation(s).
Please fill in a separate sheet (Part B) for each representation you wish to make.
Part A
1. Personal Details**If an agent is appointed, please complete only the Title, Name and Organisation boxes below but complete the full contact details of the agent in 2. / 2. Agent’s Details (if applicable)
First Name
Last Name
Job Title
Address Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Post Code
Telephone Number
Email Address
Please note: The information you provide when you complete the Development Sites DPD Representation Form will be used by Ealing Council for consultative purposes only in relation to the Local Development Framework. Your name and the name of your organisation / company will appear on the public register/log of representations received, which will be in the public domain. Other information provided such as your email address, street address, telephone number will not be published, and will be used by the Council as contact information, specifically in relation to the information you have provided on the representation form. The information provided will be held for the period of consultation and to the completion of any action taken by the Council as a result of this consultation. Please refer to the Council's Data Protection Officer at if you have any concerns about your personal information in relation to the above.
Part B – Please use a separate sheet for each representation
2. Name of organisation:3. To which part of the Development Sites DPD does this representation relate? / Site Reference Number / Page
4. Do you consider the Development Sites DPD is: (please click in box)(a) Legally Compliant / Yes / No
(b) Sound / Yes / No
5. Please give details of why you consider the DPD is not legally compliant or is unsound. Please be as precise as possible. If you wish to support the legal compliance or soundness of the DPD, please also use this box to set out your comments. (Continue on a separate sheet /expand box if necessary)
6. If you consider the Development Sites DPD to be unsound is it because it is not:
(please click in box)
(a) Positively prepared
(b) Justified
(c) Effective
(d) Consistent with national policy
7. Please set out what change(s) you consider necessary to make the DPD legally compliant or sound, having regard to the test you have identified at question 6 above where this relates to soundness. You will need to say why this change will make the DPD legally compliant or sound. It will be helpful if you are able to put forward your suggested revised wording of any policy or text. Please be as precise as possible.
(Continue on a separate sheet /expand box if necessary)
Please noteyour representation should cover succinctly all the information, evidence and supporting information necessary to support/justify the representation and the suggested change, as there will not normally be a subsequent opportunity to make further representations based on the original representation at this stage. After this stage, further submissions will be only at the request of the Inspector, based on the matters and issues he/she identifies for examination.
8. If your representation is seeking a change, do you consider it necessary to participate at the oral part of the examination?(please click in box)
No, I do not wish to participate at the oral examination.
Yes, I wish to participate at the oral examination.
9. If you wish to participate at the oral part of the examination, please outline why you consider this to be necessary:
Please notethe Inspector will determine the most appropriate procedure to adopt to hear those who have indicated that they wish to participate at the oral part of the examination.
Signature / DateNotes to Accompany Representation Forms for
DevelopmentPlan Documents
1. Introduction
The DPD is being published in order for representations to be made prior to submission to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. The representations will be considered alongside the published DPD when submitted, which will be examined by a Planning Inspector.
The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended) states that the purpose of the examination is to consider whether the DPD complies with the legal requirements and is ‘sound’.
- If you are seeking to make a representation on the way in which Ealing has prepared the published DPD, it is likely that your comments or objections will relate to a matter of legal compliance.
- If it is the actual content on which you wish to comment or object it is likely that it will relate to whether the published DPD is justified, effective, or consistent with national policy.
2. The Examination
During examination the Planning Inspector will only consider comments that refer to these criteria:
a) Has the plan met the following legal requirements?
- Does it have regard to national policy?
- Does it conform generally with regional policy as set out in the London Plan?
- Is it line with the objectives set out in Ealing’s Sustainable Community Strategy?
- Has it been prepared in accordance with the Local Development Scheme, which sets out a public project plan for LDF preparation?
- Is it in compliance with the Statement of Community Involvement that sets out how the council will involve the community in the preparation of planning documents and in considering planning applications?
- Has it been subject to a sustainability appraisal to examine the social, economic and environmental impacts of the policies in the plan?
b) Is the plan sound?
- Has the plan been positively prepared i.e. based on a strategy which seeks to meet objectively assessed requirements?
- Is the plan justified?
- Is it based on robust and credible evidence?
- Is it the most appropriate strategy when considered against the alternatives?
- Is the document effective?
- Is it deliverable?
- Is it flexible?
- Will it be able to be monitored?
- Is it consistent with national policy?
3. Some general advice on making a representation
If you want to change the DPD in any way your comments should state clearly what you want changed, why you want to make the change and provide evidence to support your proposals. Where appropriate, you should provide alternative wording for any changes you wish to make.
The DPD should be consistent with national and regional planning policy. For example:
- If you think this is not the case you should state clearly the reasons why.
- If you believe that a policy or policies should be included in the DPD that goes against national or regional policy in order to meet a clearly identified and justified local need, you should state what the local circumstances are and provide supporting evidence.
- If you think another policy should be included please ensure the issues are not already addressed in national or regional policy or in the adopted Development Strategy DPD or in another policy in the published DPD or in another LDF document.
- If the issues are not addressed elsewhere, please state why your suggested policy should be included in the DPD and what it should say.
Where there are groups who share a common view on how they wish to see the published DPD changed, it would be very helpful for that group to send a single representation which represents the view, rather than for a large number of individuals to send in separate representations which repeat the same points. In such cases the group should indicate how many people it is representing and how the representation has been authorised.
Representations should cover succinctly all the information, evidence and supporting information necessary to support/justify the representation and the suggested change, as there will not normally be a subsequent opportunity to make further submissions based on the original representation made at publication. After this stage, further submissions will be only at the request of the Inspector, based on the matters and issues he/she identifies for examination.
Some further guidance can be found in the National Planning Policy Framework, March 2012 which sets out the tests of soundness at Para.182 which is available at:
and the Plan Making Manual which is available at: