May 18, 2015 6:30 P.M.

Board Members – Stuart S , Peter G (treasurer) , Dianne B (Region 8 Rep), Joyce K (Secretary)

Committee Chairs – Danny B (PI/PO), Nancy C (Group Outreach)

Meeting Reps – Joyce K (MTI 9 am), Lee T (MTI Thurs. 6:30)

At Large – Phyllis J, Melissa H, Jim H

Welcome by Chair – Stuart S (Interim Chair)
Serenity prayer – All
Preamble read by Chair

We are Intergroup---dedicated to serving the needs of Overeaters Anonymous, Electing to attend, we strive to put aside our illness. Our purpose is to conduct business. We understand the necessity of doing so in an orderly fashion. We leave our feelings at the door when we gather to serve OA as a whole. To maintain OA unity, we place principles before personalities. The quality of our service depends upon our willingness to commit to OA goals.

Concept of the month – Stuart S
Tradition of the month – Stuart S
Approval of last meeting’s minutes – (motion was made, seconded, and approved)

Treasurer’s Report

Last month’s income $1,561.21

Last month expense $1,536.00
Prudent - $4470.25
Out of ordinary -none

Spirit of Scholarship Fund – $9.50
MTI should be receiving income from the Region 8 Assembly soon and that will hopefully restore the prudent reserve. Saturday 9 am contribution was $426.95 which is a notable contribution.

Dianne B asked that we have an educational opportunity to explain the treasurer’s report when the new officers are appointed. Melissa H states she appreciates the format of the treasurer’s report.

Approval & or questions

Lee T asked if the Tuesday night meeting double paid for the month of April. Peter is checking to be sure that two months (March and April) didn’t show up for just April.

Old Business:
Google Phone – The question was posed if a committee was formed to investigate the use of Google Phone to replace the current phone system. The committee has not been formed. Peter and Joyce agreed to form the committee. Motion was made, seconded, and approved.
Cabinet for MTI Group Room to store things bought for hosting Region 8 Assembly – There seems to be storage in the kitchenette instead of buying another cabinet. Dianne B is looking into whether this storage area can be utilized for this purpose.

New Business:

IRS 990N – A form to be filed with the IRS for small tax exempt organizations was filed on time.

Chairperson nomination and election: Robin E was nominated and elected as MTI’s new Chair.

Region 8 Representative nomination and election: Melissa H was nominated and elected as Region 8 Rep. She will begin in July.

MTI decided to pay for Sarah G (Hosting Committee Chair) to attend the Region 8 Assembly in New Orleans from July 10th to the 12th to report on the Region 8 Assembly in Nashville. Melissa H will also be attending the Assembly with Sarah as the new Region 8 Rep.

Conference in Albuquerque: Dianne just came from the conference in Albuquerque NM. She states there were 6 workshops. She is putting together a brief summary to send out on the Google Group. The theme was “The Miracle of Abstinence.” She reports the topic of the forum was “There’s no place like OA: Follow the yellow brick road to recovery!” (Sound familiar to anyone??). Dianne reports that there were 22 Countries, 37 States, and 7 Provinces represented. There were 192 Voting Representatives (16 Trustees and 176 Delegates). The following Pamphlets were revised: A Program of Recovery; A Guide for Sponsors; and OA Handbook for Members, Groups, and Service Bodies. Dianne reports that Region 8 can send 5 additional delegates next year.
Committee Reports:

·  Representative Forum (group reps) – no issues reported

·  Group Outreach – Nancy C – Nancy is going to call two groups, Tuesday at 5 and Wednesday at 5:30, and see if they are willing to meet later. Both groups are asking for support but the traffic is busy which may be preventing people from attending. Starting the group a little later may increase attendance.

·  Public Information/Professional Outreach – Danny B reported on the Health Fair at the women’s prison. 600 inmates came through the Fair. He reports there was a lot of interest in getting an OA meeting started in the prison. Sarah G said she would work on getting the meeting started. Danny also reported that he sent in money for a booth at the Recovery Fest in September. The booth is $75. Will

·  Tech/Web – no report

Sub-committee- Virtual – no report

·  Unity with Diversity – Sarah G is chairing and working on committee

·  Literature – no report – Jim H states he would like to meet with the committee to discuss his Step Study proposal.

·  Notes of Hope newsletter – no report

·  Lifeline – chair needed – Dianne B reports that Lifeline is in trouble financially.

·  12 Step Within – Angie B reports the following: The Workshop on May 9th was a success. The Committee is working on a Super Saturday and hopes that Atiya, the Region 8 treasurer will attend. The Committee will keep everyone updated on her attendance. The next workshop is June 6th at MTI from 1:30-3:00 and it will be: "Sing for Recovery"
In this group singing workshop, we will explore using your singing voice as a fun way to check in with yourself/develop mindfulness. To sing, you must breathe deeply. Deep breathing is great for relaxation, stress-reduction, and increasing your spiritual practice. We will explore Singing 101 lessons of Posture, Breathing, and Healthy Phonation as well as Artistry 101 (taking the technique, notes and rhythms and turning it into music). We'll work on group singing so please familiarize yourself with it before attending by going here: ( The lyrics will be printed for you to have in the workshop. All are welcome regardless of your singing ability.

·  Intergroup Office – no report

SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES: Group reps, Unity with Diversity committee, Lifeline Chair, help with Tech/Web (in particular, getting virtual IG meetings up and running)

Serenity Prayer - all
The meeting was closed

Next meeting: ALL INTERGROUP MEETING REPS AND CHAIRS PLEASE ATTEND - Monday, June 15, 2015 6:30p