Whittier Elementary School Weekly Family Newsletter

Wisconsin PBIS School of Merit

February 16-20, 2015

“Excellence: Success is a direct reflection of the effort, pride,

and passion with which a person lives”

For the 2014-2015 school year, excellence is our motto.

Our staff and students are committed to setting and exceeding challenging goals.

Adventure Family: Don’t Forget To Order Your Marco’s Pizza on Monday!

As a reminder, the class that has the most orders will earn a Class Pizza Party. The current leading class is Mr. Mattner and Mrs. Goratowski’s Early Education Class. Good Luck to everyone!

ATTENTION: Amended School Calendar

There have been changes to the school calendar because of the snow days we had in January. The following early release Fridays will convert to full instructional days: March 6, 13, and 20. So, students in Kindergarten- Fifth Grade will go to school full days on these days. Lunch will be served. The menu will remain the same.

Our Early Education and 4K Programs designated the following Fridays as instructional days:

March 6 – Both A.M. and P.M. sessions, March 13 - A.M. session only, and March 20 - Both A.M. and P.M. sessions.


During Parent Teacher Conferences, we will be introducing a new concept in fundraising. We will be located in the library, and we hope every family stops in!

It is fundraising made easy. We’d like you to come, but you can leave your checkbook at home. And we’re not going to ask you to sell anything. Now when you reach into your pocket, it will be for your phone – not your wallet!

Whittier is partnering with the Kenosha News on a whole new concept in fundraising. When you download and use their new vigeoXchange app on your smartphone, you’ll earn dollars for our school and cash back for your family each time you make a purchase from participating local businesses.

The concept is easy to remember – Spend. Save. Give.

·  Spend - Make a purchase from a participating local business.

·  Save - Earn cash back for you and your family.

·  Give - Earn dollars for our school.

Registration only takes a few minutes, and you’ll be able to start saving – and giving – right away. Don’t have a smartphone? That’s okay. You can register using any phone number – even a landline! Remember to come in the library and sign up during Parent Teacher Conferences. Our goal is to have 200 sign ups. And, we might even have more because you can share the information with your friends and family members to sign up, too.

PTA Family Essay Contest! Great Family Opportunity!

The city-wide PTA Organization is sponsoring a city-wide essay contest to all students. All of our families should have received information about the contest in their Thursday Folders. We are hoping that we have many families choose to participate in this “Family Essay Project”. All essays should be turned into our office by February 27th. If you are interested, and did not see the flyer, please call of the office at 359-2110.

KID’S CAN Students Host Kindness Campaign!

This is the last week that KID’S CAN is collecting old t-shirts and old socks. They will be making toys for our furry friends – dogs and cats – at Safe Harbor. Please bring all of your old t-shirts and old socks to help our friends.

Our Last Box Top Contest made over $700 for Whittier!

It’s Box Tops submission time! Our school will be sending in the Box Tops we’ve collected by February 20th. Our goal this school year is to earn $2,000. You can help us reach that goal and make our earnings check big by sending in your Box Tops this month. It’s fun and easy! If you have Box Tops, you still need to get to me; here are some optional tips that will make the submission process easier:

·  Bundle your Box Tops in groups of 10 or 50 using a sealable bag or envelope.

·  Tape or glue Box Tops on a collection sheet, available at BTFE.com.

·  Make sure to write your child’s teacher name on the bag or envelope you send in for class prizes.

Once we send in all our Box Tops, our school will receive a check from Box Tops for Education™ and we can use this cash to buy the things we need. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me, Jill Mattner at Thanks for your help!


Don't forget orders are due by Friday, February 20. You can order online until 11:00 P.M. or send your order to school. Everyone who orders will receive a $20 credit for Snapfish. Pick up is Wednesday, February 25, from 4:30 P.M.-5:30 P.M. Our PTA profits from every order. Questions can be sent to Donna at Thanks for your support!

Summary of Whittier’s Attendance for the First Semester

This year, Whittier’s attendance goal is 97%. Whittier’s goal is to increase time in class and increase student success. As we increase and improve our attendance, we also increase the number of days and minutes that our students get to learn.

Here is a summary of our year so far:

September 97.50%

October 96.64%

November 94.67%

December 94.53%

January 95.11%

First Semester 95.88%

Second Semester: What Do We Need To Do?

As we move into the second semester, let’s all take care by getting plenty of rest, dressing appropriately for the weather, and eating healthy. Our challenge for the second semester is to improve our attendance to reach our goal of 97%. We are asking for all of our families to help us with this challenge!

February Attendance Incentive

The grade level that has the highest attendance rate for the month of February will get a chance to create their own Candy Gram. These candy grams will be delivered to their MVP for getting them to school every day!

February 2-6

Kindergarten 98.35%

First Grade 94.95%

Second Grade 95.45%

Third Grade 96.42%

Fourth Grade 93.48%

Fifth Grade 96.86%

Total 95.77%

Thank you and Congratulations!

·  Thank you to all of the parents and friends who helped with the 100th Day Celebration. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Stavlo, Mrs. McMillan, Mrs. Pollard, Mrs. Bertling-Shea, Susan Myers, and Courtney Dorado.

·  Thank you to all of the families and friends who ordered Marco’s Pizza last Monday for the Explore Family. It was a very successful evening. We will report the numbers after the next two Marco’s nights: Adventure Family on Monday, February 16 and Trailblazer Family on February 23rd.

·  Thank you to everyone who is sending old t-shirts and old socks to school. This is the last week. Don’t forget!

·  Thank you to all of the family and friends who attended the PTA Meeting last week. You are so appreciated!

·  Thank you to Sherry May from Kid’s Castle for providing free childcare for each PTA Meeting. BRAVO!

·  Thank you to Ms. Sandberg for presenting to our fifth grade classes on Dental Hygiene.

Monday, February 16 PTA’S ADVENTURER’S MARCO PIZZA NIGHT FUNDRAISER! (Second and Third Families: Don’t forget to order your pizzas!)

Morning Message

Tuesday, February 17

Morning Message

·  2:30 P.M.-3:45 P.M. - After School Bible Club

·  2:35 P.M.-3:35 P.M. – Chess Club

·  Choir Concert: Grades 4 and 5 at Lance from 6:00 P.M.-7:00 P.M.

Wednesday, February 18

Morning Message

·  2:30P.M. – 3:30 P.M. – Battle of the Books Team meets in Mr. Dahl’s Room.

Thursday, February 19

Morning Message

·  12:10 P.M. - 12:50 P.M. - Battle of the Books Team meets in Mr. Dahl’s Room.

·  2:30- 3:30 P.M. – “KIDS CAN” Meeting in the library

·  2:30-3:30 P.M. – 4th Grade Intramurals

Friday, February 20 Box Top Contest Ends!

Morning Message

·  11:15 A.M.-12:10 P.M. – 5th Grade Intramurals

·  11:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. – Minecraft Club in the downstairs lab

·  6:30 P.M.-8:00 P.M. - PTA Movie and Book Night! Join us for an exciting night. Our Scholastic Book Fair will be open from 6:00 P.M.-7:00 P.M.

February Events

February 23-26 - Scholastic Book Fair

February 23 – PTA Founder’s Day Dinner

February 23: Trailblazer’s Marco Pizza Night Fundraiser

February 25: Parent/Teacher Conferences from 3:30 P.M. - 6:30P.M.

February 25: Market Day Pick Up from 4:30 P.M.-5:30 P.M. in the gym

February 26: Parent/Teacher Conferences from 12:30 P.M. - 3:00 P.M. and 4:30 P.M. -7:00 P.M.

February 26: Early Dismissal for students at 11:15 A.M.

February 27: Parent/Teacher Conference from 7:30 A.M. - 9:30 A.M.

February 27: No School for students

I wish everyone a successful learning week!
