Welsh St Donats Community Hall Committee

Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 26thApril 2017

Meeting held immediately after the AGM


Simon Davies Chair

Graham Duffield

Claire Jones

Angela Earle

Les Hall

Bill Fawcett – member of public

Kevin Parsons – Vale of Glamorgan Representative

Debbie Mills- Abracadabra


Rhodri Traherne – Vale of Glamorgan Councillor
Sabine Kempson

Gareth Kempson


2.1.Minutes of the meeting held 18thJanuary 2017were agreed as a true and accurate record.

  1. Matters Arising

3.1.Sports Activities on the Hall Field

The poor drainage in the field was raised again and Kevin confirmed that the contact for obtaining a grant for the works was Dave Edwards 741706.

3.2.Hall Decoration
Graham confirmed that the painting company recommended by Kevin had visited and provided a quotation which was circulated by email. Following discussion Graham was asked to recirculate the email.

Debbie also volunteered to contact a decorator that she knows.

  1. Report by the Vale of Glamorgan

Kevin confirmed that Vale Council would install a noticeboard at the hall and we would have to contact Graham Jenkins Sign Shop 02920673257 to select a noticeboard.


Kevin advised the meeting that the Vale Council were keen to assist Community Centres in staging activities/events in the Community and could assist in advertising and support. Contact Kevin
Kevin raised the matter of the Vale Council wishing to install a key safe at Community Centres so that they could more easily obtain access for maintenance activities, this suggestion had been circulated via email. The meeting confirmed that Welsh St Donats Hall supported this proposal.


5.Community Communications

No issues were discussed

6.Hall Management Issues

Debbie reported to the meeting that there were problems with the Flush in the disabled toilet. Kevin agreed to report this to the appropriate department.


  1. Community Events
    The programme for 2017 was discussed

May 5th - Quiz Night

This would follow a similar format to the previous Quiz Nights. Simon would provide the projector and screen for the scores and Les would be setting the questions.

ACTION Simon and Les
There would be drinks and nibbles, crisps and nuts etc and Claire volunteered to source. Claire also volunteered to source the bottles of wine/prosecco for the prize.

July 15th – Summer Fete

Preliminary discussions were held regarding the format etc. Les volunteered to ask the Vicar if he would be willing to be a judge for the competitions.


Kevin agreed to arrange for the grass to be cut in the field prior to the Fete


November 4th– Bonfire and Fireworks

To be discussed in detail nearer the time

  1. Finance Update

Gareth was unable to attend so there was no Finance Update but a draft account was provided by Gareth for the AGM meeting.

  1. AOB
    Nothing to report or discuss
  1. Date for the next meeting
  • Events Meeting – Wednesday 7th June 2017
  • Full committee meeting - Wednesday 19th July 2017
  • Full committee meeting - Wednesday 25th October 2017
  • Full committee meeting - Wednesday 21st February 2018
  • AGM - Wednesday 23rd May 2018

All meetings to be held at the hall unless specified otherwise

Minutes agreed as true and accurate record of the meeting



Website Address: Email:

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